The Small Pink Ranger LVL 92- New League Hype (lvl 90)!!

i have leg Malis for now so thatll give like 20 percent more and leg quiver and ammy- not a huge loss, imo either and the light res is welcomed cause getting all res on 4 pieces of gear is hard. very, very hard (this is in my case)
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iswirl wrote:
i have leg Malis for now so thatll give like 20 percent more and leg quiver and ammy- not a huge loss, imo either and the light res is welcomed cause getting all res on 4 pieces of gear is hard. very, very hard (this is in my case)

well i tailor crafted the rest of my gear so it suites perf at 110@res at merci
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yup, just did that. why cant i have this RNG in temp leagues :(
POE is life. POE is ♥.
Did some ubers wth help today and got:

chest was socketed in 30 jewelers then fused in 20- RNG is real.

switched out my 6L for this cuase i no longer need the mana leech passives in tree which gave me 3 passives back which i added into accuracy/resist nodes to cover missing res. Work like a charm. Evasion down 8 percent, however.
POE is life. POE is ♥.
Last edited by KonaLuvsPOE#3058 on Dec 6, 2014, 8:42:01 PM
Congratulations on doing ubers!

By the way, how goes the molten striker?
For try, for see, and for know.

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Etherfire wrote:
Congratulations on doing ubers!

By the way, how goes the molten striker?

Thanks man! Means mucho!

on hold, atm since in standard, my goal is to max out my ranger first and i need to save for a mirrored bow so i am selling all the gear I can.

Also switched out for original 6L chest again as having no mana leech means I cannot get mana back without killing- if i run out of mana killing then I cant finish without popping flask. so, i have added clarity on BM and added more DPS and have taken phase acro away.

need to update stats: TS 49K (8K increase)
evasion back to: 48%
POE is life. POE is ♥.
Last edited by KonaLuvsPOE#3058 on Dec 7, 2014, 1:17:35 PM
made a new quiver just for that mana leech issue :P
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ive tried a quiver like that with same stats and my quiver did more dps ;) BUT that mana leech would be a huge bonus
POE is life. POE is ♥.
another uber down :) the trash mobs are the worse; if i get hit just once from a titan smash, im down- almost think Iron Reflex is the way to go for Uber- no lies. Need to be able to take hits cause you cant evade them all.

POE is life. POE is ♥.
Gratz on the axe. I will say that the current price on it doesn't reflect its awesomeness and power. Of course that could just be me since I play only melee :P

A question. What are your thoughts on split/lightning arrow?

Also, I doubt that IR will save you from the trash mobs.
For try, for see, and for know.

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