The Small Pink Ranger LVL 92- New League Hype (lvl 90)!!

min/maxing cause i found some legacy gear; resists finally all over 75 :)

Exalted int on the two stone ring :) gave me a passive back on skill tree and gave myself more evasion and movespeed!
POE is life. POE is ♥.
Last edited by KonaLuvsPOE#3058 on Nov 24, 2014, 8:06:44 PM
POE is life. POE is ♥.
Changed skilltree for Atziri farming- more evasion, more block and spell block; I could honestly use more life at this point. Trash mobs are a cakewalk. Double Vaal, a cakewalk. Trio, a cakewalk (I ended killing titty last, cycloner second and whoever the other guy is first with no deaths) Then got to Atziri and basically got flameblasted to death 5 times but managed to kill Atziri on last portal :)

Whole thing was 10 minutes. I've never watched gameplay on how to actually do the fight- like Dom, it's trial and error. I know I need flasks but I am sooo terrible at using them but I am sure once I learn the mechanics, I'll get by just fine.

My wonderful prize for doing such a feat:

A perfect flask!
POE is life. POE is ♥.
Last edited by KonaLuvsPOE#3058 on Nov 27, 2014, 4:00:10 PM
Atziri has moments of triumph and utter failure! lol. I just figured out there is a mirror atziri and not to shoot her- died like 3 times in a row with that mistake :( Last set I ran, only died 3 times :)
POE is life. POE is ♥.
Going to start streaming my atziri attempts tonight; I've failed 2 out of 7 sets so far :p and last set I only died 3 times.. eventually, I will learn and go for Uber!!! Probably want to be lvl 93ish as Uber is lvl 80 Zone and I want more evasion and life.

If you have a set you need run, I could use the practice (no charge at all from my end). I wouldn't keep anything that dropped (even a mirror) as I just need the practice and you can watch on the stream.
POE is life. POE is ♥.
Last edited by KonaLuvsPOE#3058 on Dec 1, 2014, 9:52:37 AM
Woot! died twice and got:

All from same map, first one I stream :p RNG is real!!
POE is life. POE is ♥.

found then linked them then BAM- 1+ gems. Lucky ass night!
POE is life. POE is ♥.

from first run of the day! have been invited to try out an Uber run with a fellow :)
POE is life. POE is ♥.
POE is life. POE is ♥.
trying out a chest i had; figured having endurance charges up all the time will be good and add lots of immortal calls

resists are under a bit but endurance charges bring resists up so not a big loss.

DPS is down to 37K, however with this gear..
POE is life. POE is ♥.
Last edited by KonaLuvsPOE#3058 on Nov 29, 2014, 10:37:40 AM

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