so 122 people killed dom in the race.......

unsane wrote:
PoE forums: you're doing it wrong. Responding t

something's gone wrong here?
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &
mallow wrote:
personally i just love the fact there's a 2-3 hour race where the point isn't to farm docks.

But now in these events its 'rush-to-boss-X-and-then-farm-docks'? That much better?
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &
Mr_Cee wrote:
mallow wrote:
personally i just love the fact there's a 2-3 hour race where the point isn't to farm docks.

But now in these events its 'rush-to-boss-X-and-then-farm-docks'? That much better?

No, to be honest. I didn't mind the Piety one at first but it's so annoying rushing through the last couple areas to her. Dom is the worst race on top of a 3 hour party. Brutus is just another burst race that gives FULL awards for some messed up reason. A demi for less than a 12minute event.. Ahhhh
Mr_Cee wrote:
unsane wrote:
PoE forums: you're doing it wrong. Responding t

something's gone wrong here?

Skill tes
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)
Mr_Cee wrote:
mallow wrote:
personally i just love the fact there's a 2-3 hour race where the point isn't to farm docks.

But now in these events its 'rush-to-boss-X-and-then-farm-docks'? That much better?


and it's more like "rush to boss x and spend just a couple of minutes farming"

i don't speak for anyone else but i enjoy the format a lot. a lot more than farming docks.
I actually did the Dominus race and killed him in about 4 hours.
I had decent gear RNG so it wasn't a horrible experience but I still took about a 30 minute break to eat in the middle...
Here are some of my opinions.

This is not a race for casuals... Someone said that casual players will be able to kill Dominus in 5 hours. That's not the case at all... I have numerous friends who have 1000+ hours in this game and they can't even make it through normal in a party without dying...

The point rewards for racing this season are stupid. I can get 9-10 points from a brutus kill in about 25 minutes. I can get 10-12 points from Dominus in about 4 hours. That's stupid.

The people who race a lot don't often realize how hard it is for the average player who can't make many races. One desync/lag spot and you get 0 points from a race. This caused me a ton of rage in previous seasons...

Hilbert suggested move characters from SXEYa to SXEYb and use the same timeslot. A 4h event becomes a 4x1h event.
But because Hilbert suggested it you will never get it because devs do the opposite of that what Hilbert suggests.

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