so 122 people killed dom in the race.......

Ravenstaver wrote:
I killed dominus in the race, i am a sort of hardcore racer, but my knowledge comes from practicing the game and then watching about 20mins of race footage, i learnt how to start but that's all; and i do have to say, that compared to the 90 min merveil kill it is REALLY different.

The number of people who even tried this event was REALLY low, and the number of people to kill dominus was crazy low, but i think that this event was still fun.

Instead of moaning about this event being stupid, i would simply make some suggestions to GGG.

For example, i would recommend KEEPING this race (shoot me if you want) but instead make it a party event, so that the pros can do it even faster, but the more casual racers, could also have a shot at it.

But i am still gonna stick to the idea of having a race period which has a set number of races, and players are allowed to attempt the races as much as they want, but at their own time, e.g a 1hr solo can come up, and people can enter it over the course of 1 week, and they can re-do it as many times as they like and at the end of the week, everyone's best result will go through and points will be allocated in the usual fashion.

Anyway, thanks for reading this post, this is just my thoughts.

I do not even race bu i know that as soon as you make it groupable ... all the people that solo will just not race... group racing and solo racing should never be allowed at the same time.. its just impossible for a single player to keep up with a well coordinated group that knows exactly what they are doing and are all together in the same room even.
I killed Dominus. Am really proud too considering it was only my 3rd ever hc dom kill since i started playing poe last year. to do it in 5 hrs was a great learning experience so I for one was glad for this race. I learned that you don't need max resists to defeat Dom...never knew that. Sure participation was low because it was 5 hrs, but so what. I don't participate in endless ledge 'cos i hate that race. But I won't complain that it's offered.

I don't begrudge players if they can participate in every race. They have different goals than I do. IMO if they want to spend time to get the prizes..more power to them. I'd love to get the alt art Nightmare Bascinet..but it's not in my future.
I want cut scenes damnit.

How can you not like steak?
This thread is a little painful to read.

5 hours to kill Dominus is supposed to be elite? You realize the elite players killed Dom in <2hrs right? 5 hours is plenty of time to allow medium, decent, mediocre, and casual players to kill Dominus.

10 points for any race is amazing for a casual racer. Take your points and run!

Practice, boys.

Love timed races.
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Would have done it but some genius thaught it would be a great idea to give the summoner exile zombies minion instability, while the skeletons don't have it, so one leap into 8 zombies and instantly killed.

The problem I have with this race mode is that it doesn't take character age into consideration but only counts time from start, so rips tell the players to fuck off.
Hilbert wrote:
Would have done it but some genius thaught it would be a great idea to give the summoner exile zombies minion instability, while the skeletons don't have it, so one leap into 8 zombies and instantly killed.

Didnt know that. Too bad the exiles have to be unintuitive player/monster hybrids and cant just be hostile players with balanced stats.

Hilbert wrote:
The problem I have with this race mode is that it doesn't take character age into consideration but only counts time from start, so rips tell the players to fuck off.

The penalty for perishing remains essentially identical to all other hc races, and its difficult to see this as a negative. Derpy yolo builds are already rewarded enough thanks to excessive rng, add attention spans requiring ever-shorter race lengths, the ability for a player to portal/log to save themselves from their constant fuckups and outright hacks to minimize risk. The last thing we need is for this to take that final step and not even punish players for actual deaths. Might as well have races be softcore.
IGN: KoTao
In fact I knew there were changes to exiles, so I tested it before on skeletons and I made sure they don't die one hit.

But it appears that the devs just allocated states to summons this creates situations such as Skeletons not having MI while Zombies having it.Most likely Vaal Skeletons also have them but they get used level 50+ I guess. Might also be that the table for MI on higher level Skeletons might be enabled.

How do you explain broken Rogue Exile Races then? Of those highlevel "One Shot exiles" only Ingna can be killed with an Act1 level gear.
Xandro, Magnus and maybe the new Vaal Spark one? are just those stupid gear checks put into a low level.

It has been suggested several times that Exiles actually drop stuff they use and the stats are balanced around that. This means difficult exile = good items.
Instead exiles are just like monsters with more drops.

The penalty for perishing remains essentially identical to all other hc races, and its difficult to see this as a negative.

No there is a difference there. If you die once and reroll you might not be able to finish the race. I have no problem dying because I tabbed out to check reward tiers and some offscreen mob killed me in those minute 2 times.

But having died once or twice in a race makes you quit the race and not even aim for certain level.
Sure I died like 1h20min in in 5h Dominus. But I have no nerve having a 3h something Dominus time because of rip.

Same shit happened with 4h Piety. 2 Rips and my time became utter shit.(horrible a2 drops also included)

The raceformat as it is now is barely any different from regular races but instead of extra points based on level you get extra points based on time.

Imo GGG should lock the chests for created character(no gem muling) and take the character age. 1 alive character/finished quest per account.
Then the devs can keep the race open for days.
Muling isn't an issue and only allowing 1 finished/surviving character forces racers to kill off their regular character if they aren't happy with their time.

The idea was to create different race types. The "Kill x races" aren't different racetypes. Those are different reward types.

Hilbert wrote:
But having died once or twice in a race makes you quit the race and not even aim for certain level.
Sure I died like 1h20min in in 5h Dominus. But I have no nerve having a 3h something Dominus time because of rip.

Thats your own decision, and not a flaw of the game rules. Its always a main aspect in racing to not die under any circumstances at best...

Hilbert wrote:
The raceformat as it is now is barely any different from regular races but instead of extra points based on level you get extra points based on time.

No - you still get point per level tresholds, but the RANKING (and its reward) is based on a timed mission instead of just plain xp-maxing. This IS different.

Hilbert wrote:
Imo GGG should lock the chests for created character(no gem muling)

Probably not possible, or at least not that easy - and without the prevention from muling its a too big exploit to prepare the "one final shot" with previous characters (not just gem muling)
I also think it would be a (too) harsh restriction - even without muling between multiple chars - to have no additional chest space to keep stuff for later; especially at the
longer distances. (example: rare you cant identify at time, valuable currency etc)
invited by timer @ 10.12.2011
deutsche Community: &
Last edited by Mr_Cee#0334 on Nov 4, 2014, 2:16:39 AM
personally i just love the fact there's a 2-3 hour race where the point isn't to farm docks.

don't see the issue having this race type even for the most casual of racers who don't have time for five hours either, given the fact it's not like it's common or anything. just sit it out if you can't be bothered. though, i encourage any newb with some spare time to challenge themselves to do it, you might learn something
Bring back 8h-12h races starting at 2am in the USA!
Mr_Cee wrote:

PoE forums: you're doing it wrong. Responding t
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Last edited by unsane#5479 on Nov 5, 2014, 1:35:00 AM

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