mayanrm wrote:
Those are cheap numbers...a friend and I spent like 50ex on chromes each...never got RRRGGB with vorici, trying everything except 1G1R....then in like 12 tries with 1G1R bamb...got it :X

Did you keep rolling until you got it ignoring any non-usable 5-off? It feels weird rolling over a 5 off color, because there is probably some build that will pay a premium for it. But on the other hand, I just want to use my damn shavs.
20 degrees outside but toasty in the tunnel
Hey Funsy I'm so happy right now, that bitch is down :D!

Tbh this is the second attempt , first was a total fail (no practice on normal at all), after almost 20 normal runs with immortal call practice, I tried a second run and went all fine till atziri, some close calls at vaal (tanked 2 smash but only did 3.5k/4k with manual IC up and legacy saffel--->87 fire res), trio ez, dead 4, FOUR times in atziri room because of my mistakes. I want to say that this build is awesome, if an unskilled player like me can do a deathless tun till Atziri
ishville wrote:
700 chroms? Are you guys serious? I have spent 15 ex on chroms so far and I have gotten 3G2R 3 seperate times using the vorici method.

I probably should have sold the first 5 off color I got and tried with a new one but my impatience is killing me. I'm assuming the normal method is to sell any 5 off color for a profit instead of literally throwing away tons of currency?

EDIT: Make it FOUR times

Is this real life? I think I cursed myself by rolling over it so many times.

Nah for realz, ive spent 700 AFTER wasting 3k ;) So i think its only fair to include that 13,5 ex in the whole process (so call it a nice 15ex in total).

And that shavs of yours..... just grind some fusings and 6 link the darned thing to get it over with (shavs is worth it i think)!! Even with vorici on a top-left linked armor theres always a 3/4 chance of one of the colors you need landing on the loosy goosy socket... on yours the chance is 100% since vorici colors the first socket first so youll be stuck with the expensive variety of coloring.
muir wrote:
So Vorici 1R1G did work on this yesterday... so multistrike is alive.

I've been testing Inc AOE in PVP with a friend and it *appears* that more AOE causes more hits from MS even for a single target. Something to do with overlapping meatball explosions? Conc effect was clearly less damage. We repeated the test several dozen times (using only arc... yes it has a high variance of damage...)

Anyone know anything about this?

I had prior thought RRRGGG would be theoretically the best sockets, for Additional Accuracy, but it seems that Inc AOE might have a use. Incidentally there is exactly ONE RRRGGG Shavs on HC and it will never be sold by its owner :(

Funsy here is the current tree I am using.

I reworked it a bit since I last messaged you, still picks up the EC nodes but routes through some damage/spell crit nodes in Witch. I'm 1 level short of picking up Annihilation. I can't drop any strength on tree unfortunately. I'd need a better pair of boots to do that.

Running around 6600 ES, 20 sec IC, 100% all res w/ flasks up. Am concerned about two things:

the spear ==> and cannot do CWDT-IC-ID w/ current colours on helm. RRRR would be difficult to roll on a vertex. Am thinking a second set of boots w/ stats and ES might be necessary.

double flameblast ==> not sure if it's possible to reliably leap slam (w/ faster attacks mind you) out of multistriking...

APS is 6.1 so fast enough.

I really don't know about Inc AOE gem. I must test it.
RRRGGG shav with accuracy gem is a nice idea if you can find a slot for curse.

About the double flameblast, i avoid it with leap slam more often now because i want to get levels with this map. It's doable, but needs a fast reaction!

MatrixFactor wrote:
Zoddel1988 wrote:
Do i loose much in Crit Version when i dont use Maligaro's ?
I would like to aim for more ES, so 200+ ES Gloves.
But not sure if crit gloves are a must have.

You loose around 10% of your DPS by going from malis to voidbringers.

The best gloves (in terms of DPS) for the crit build are actually facebreakers of any roll. This is because they have 60% global crit multi, and crit chance actually hurts this build due to romira's. Extra gore is fun too.

These gloves are for sale btw. I decided to not play this build any more because I simply don't have the skill to do uber with self cast EC IC. No doubt it is a good build, but you can't be a noob if you want to do uber with it.

As MatrixFactor said, crit multi is the best stat for crit variant. I felt this while testing different combinations of crit chance/multi.

My apologies if you felt i've been rude with you. The main problem i have with you maths actually is that i can't compare it with my feelings because i don't understand it.
Anyway, i'm learning how to code with C++ at the moment and i'll come back with maths after that. I have to improve my maths :)

About manual cast of IC, i was in the same case as you when i first farmed uber: a noob. I only tried manual IC because i had to prove to people that uber was doable with a cheap gear. After the 2 runs with cheap gear, i decided to keep this method with expensive gear.
So, a bit of training = win. If you're used to cast IC manually against Trio, you'll be able to do it safely to clear the map.

mad4thrash wrote:
Hey Funsy I'm so happy right now, that bitch is down :D!

Tbh this is the second attempt , first was a total fail (no practice on normal at all), after almost 20 normal runs with immortal call practice, I tried a second run and went all fine till atziri, some close calls at vaal (tanked 2 smash but only did 3.5k/4k with manual IC up and legacy saffel--->87 fire res), trio ez, dead 4, FOUR times in atziri room because of my mistakes. I want to say that this build is awesome, if an unskilled player like me can do a deathless tun till Atziri


Yeah map is "easy with some practise" until we reach Atziri's door.
Vaal smash hurts a bit because of fire dmg only (while IC is on). If you use a ruby flask, you won't feel anything!
Atziri is for sure the most difficult fight for this build in this map.

Anyway, with some practise, you'll be able to run it deathless and get a nice surprise: LVL up!
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Mian_Scaratan wrote:
ishville wrote:
700 chroms? Are you guys serious? I have spent 15 ex on chroms so far and I have gotten 3G2R 3 seperate times using the vorici method.

I probably should have sold the first 5 off color I got and tried with a new one but my impatience is killing me. I'm assuming the normal method is to sell any 5 off color for a profit instead of literally throwing away tons of currency?

EDIT: Make it FOUR times

Is this real life? I think I cursed myself by rolling over it so many times.

Nah for realz, ive spent 700 AFTER wasting 3k ;) So i think its only fair to include that 13,5 ex in the whole process (so call it a nice 15ex in total).

And that shavs of yours..... just grind some fusings and 6 link the darned thing to get it over with (shavs is worth it i think)!! Even with vorici on a top-left linked armor theres always a 3/4 chance of one of the colors you need landing on the loosy goosy socket... on yours the chance is 100% since vorici colors the first socket first so youll be stuck with the expensive variety of coloring.

I totally feel your pain. I will never say "first world problems" again after someone complains about shav chroming. The struggle is real.

Anyway, after wasting far too much currency on chromatics I gave up. Fun fact: I got GGGRRB on 5 separate attempts, I don't know if that's lucky or horrible. I decided to sell some prized possessions, sell the cursed shavs, and I bought this beauty.

Saves me the trouble of chroming and linking the other one, and now life is good again. The only thing I have to worry about is what shield to use. Saffells, rathpith, or a super high ES shield.
20 degrees outside but toasty in the tunnel
Last edited by ishville#5198 on Nov 24, 2014, 2:33:03 PM
reimbowl wrote:
I have 106% fire res using flasks to farm Uber, is it useful or resis are capped at 100%?
If resis are capped I could remove +max resis passives

Is this using ROTP and and empowered level 21 purities w/ 75+ aura/buff effect?

If not, how?

Having that much may allow you to reliably ignore the double flameblast. In Al. Abyss, this has -10% fire pen and can do as much as 62k damage (per flameblast.) I believe it is possible to be hit by both when they overlap, based on some testing I've done.

Two max damage FBs like this will erase 12,400 life/es @ 100% fire res. At 106% that becomes 4960, which is actually survivable.

Having said that, how much light res do you have? Keep in mind her empowered stormcall (the yellow one) will do up to 34k dmg... so even 95% light res will still hit for 1700 on a max dmg roll. Get too many of these stacked up and... hmm.
Funsy wrote:

I really don't know about Inc AOE gem. I must test it.
RRRGGG shav with accuracy gem is a nice idea if you can find a slot for curse.

About the double flameblast, i avoid it with leap slam more often now because i want to get levels with this map. It's doable, but needs a fast reaction!

Inc AOE is definitely nice in trash clearing. Hits way more often and provides more range. I think the jury is out on whether it is better single target or not. We tested more in PVP and it's hard to tell using a wildly inconsistent skill like Arc to measure damage output. Would probably need hundreds of precisely measured trials to be sure.

Re: Double FB, I've found the most reliable way to avoid this in HC is
, however it is still a little sketchy because it is so hard to "sight" the dbl flameblast earlier when there's so much discharge mess going on.

Another thing we tried to test was EE.

The damage seemed to be identical vs Oak in a Dark Forest when socketed in regular Discharge then Arc order.

However, it seems logical that if you have socketing order of Arc then Discharge it can cause fire res debuff (light res debuff is almost otherwise constant because of molten strike.) Problem with that is if Arc crits it erases power charges for subsequent discharge, hence the usual preferred ordering of Discharge then Arc.

Having said that, even if arc crits, you'll end up with a heap of endurance charges, and in my build that can be up to 6 so plenty for a subsequent discharge. If arc doesn't crit (most of the time it won't with only 24% chance even having power charges maxed) it adds a power charge and then the next Discharge gets a huge boost from -50% fire debuff. Theoretically. Assuming moltenstrike doesn't hit in between the two. Also assuming socket order counts.

By way of anecdote, EE "feels" stronger in regular mapping.
Thanks for the great build.

For your MF variant you could try to corrupt your boots with haste for an extra free slot (for example a curse)

minion stats: http://goo.gl/gQxs0w
Modifiers: http://goo.gl/jGIr8b
Zombie dps calculator: http://goo.gl/XIStJV
Last edited by Galax201#1110 on Nov 25, 2014, 1:32:51 PM
Since so many of color its so expensive so what aboute using cyclone ? like cyclone-faster atack-lgoh-inc aoe-conc efect in 5 link for example in 6 link can drop 1 of them and made curse on hit + curse what aboute this ?? maby its not optimal but for start when you dont have so many currency to off coloure shavo ?? i ask couse this build look rly fine i got 5 l shav and with 74 lvl and i consider to made this build sinse my ranger are not good enought to slay uber
Shecutor wrote:
Since so many of color its so expensive so what aboute using cyclone ? like cyclone-faster atack-lgoh-inc aoe-conc efect in 5 link for example in 6 link can drop 1 of them and made curse on hit + curse what aboute this ?? maby its not optimal but for start when you dont have so many currency to off coloure shavo ?? i ask couse this build look rly fine i got 5 l shav and with 74 lvl and i consider to made this build sinse my ranger are not good enought to slay uber

Why do you want to put conc effect in the 5L? to increase dmg for cyclone ?

But anyway, it can be a good idea, worth to try.
Last edited by SaoDiSeng#0149 on Nov 25, 2014, 3:55:46 AM

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