[2.3] "Vulcan's Exemplar" Crit Dual Strike Slayer with Bino/Catalyst by fiqst

m_flower wrote:

Beautiful build !
(My first meele char)

On 72 lvl i have 102k dps with full frenzy/pc. Wow :D

The only problem i have is life pool (3,4k).

Really nice progress so far.

I think you'll need to collect some more life nodes in the next few levels, the first one being blood siphon at the shadow area.

To finish your dps scaling, the Twin Terror cluster will almost max your damage.

Your equipment is great except for the Tabula. If you're waiting for the 6L Daresso, i suggest going for a 5L for the time being. The endurance charge function and the constant flicker/whirling - IC will give you that survivability even with the lowish health. You do enough damage at lvl 72 that you dont need a 6L.

A doryani will improve your clear speed greatly, boosting HoA burn will give you that one-hit feeling when you attack the middle of a group.

Good luck and let us know of your progress!
So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death.

this build is amazing. the clear speed is so good and its clear that burn prolif is a bit to strong.

This is my gear

I still need to level vorici to 8 to change the colors for my armour or if someone wants to help my with that let my know. I got this armour for 20 ex and non corrupted where 35 ex.

This is my skill tree so far

i got 4.1k hp and 134k tool tip dps without charges and i can get around 4-5k hp regeneration with a crit.
That will get higher if i can equip the phys to lighting gem.
the faster attack gem is not that great because i need 52 mana for each attack and with phys to lightning 49.
With 554 mana and 2% leech i occasionally can't use dual strike.
Last edited by DutchWarbandit#0281 on Mar 17, 2015, 12:46:21 PM
fiqst wrote:
m_flower wrote:

Beautiful build !
(My first meele char)

On 72 lvl i have 102k dps with full frenzy/pc. Wow :D

The only problem i have is life pool (3,4k).

Really nice progress so far.

I think you'll need to collect some more life nodes in the next few levels, the first one being blood siphon at the shadow area.

To finish your dps scaling, the Twin Terror cluster will almost max your damage.

Your equipment is great except for the Tabula. If you're waiting for the 6L Daresso, i suggest going for a 5L for the time being. The endurance charge function and the constant flicker/whirling - IC will give you that survivability even with the lowish health. You do enough damage at lvl 72 that you dont need a 6L.

A doryani will improve your clear speed greatly, boosting HoA burn will give you that one-hit feeling when you attack the middle of a group.

Good luck and let us know of your progress!


76 lvl with doryani - full charges dps was 136k ... (with tabula) now on 79 lvl - 156k

but of course i had problems with phys damage
now i am collecting 1500 fus to vorici and using 4L daresso - gives me 96k dps ... LOL :) and i feel like immortal


IGN: Imoenpl, nieuczdziadajakcharchac
my first POEvid "Hybrid Wander and Atziri fight" http://youtu.be/0e-ffI2cOfY
Last edited by m_flower#1205 on Mar 20, 2015, 3:51:39 AM
what's the difference between the 3 skill trees?
flaskone wrote:
what's the difference between the 3 skill trees?

The Junaum versions have more life, but less dps and less life regen at 2%.

My version has 4.6% life regen, which offsets the blood rage degen. With zero chaos res, I suffer a manageable 20-50 life/sec.

It's personal preference.
So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death.
Hey man , loving your build. It completly destroys stuff. Atm im lvl 89. For clearing maps im using lighning strike instead of dual strike, just because dual strike feels a bit boring. Also i feel like clearspeed is even faster with lighning strike, those pojetctiles do make a difference. For atziri i switch to dual strike , colors are the same in my chest anywaay. I just change LS, crit dmg and faster attacks into melee phys/DS/P2L. I decided not to use flicker COC IC because i felt it was a little inconsistant. Sure i was immune to physical dmg 80 % of the time, but u dont need that immunity most of the time and someties IC didnt go off when i actually needed it. Iinstead i use high lvl CWDT IC and it works great with daresso chest. Only died once since i made that change and it was on atziri when i failed to escape double flameblast xD

I made some small changes in the tree, took the frenzy charge and charge duration nodes because thats only 1 point more and it gives me 7 % attack speed 6 % accuracy and extra charge duration. I also didnt take aura reserved nodes , instead taking mind drinker and mana flows. It gives me enough mana (no mana problems at all), saves me 1 point and also gives me 20 INT and 2 % mana leech which gives me more flexibility with my gear choices. Anyway here is my tree


I plan to hit lvl 93 with this char and take remaining 6 % life node near blood drinker and then go for strong arm or duality, whicever gives me more dps (more likely duality because 12 % melee dmg node on the way to stong arm doesnt affect projectiles from LS).

My gear
Last edited by poombaa#7973 on Mar 21, 2015, 6:14:31 PM
poombaa wrote:
Hey man , loving your build. It completly destroys stuff.

Glad to hear it!

i've added your build to the community list

lightning strike is a great skill, not as much single target dps as DS but great for creating a cone of death in front of you.

This build used to use Molten as the main skill because of the 60/40 ele/phys split, and LS worked the same way. I only switched to DS because of p2l.

So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death.
Last edited by fiqst#3681 on Mar 21, 2015, 7:46:11 PM
what should i take first - crit noods or phys/as noods ?
IGN: Imoenpl, nieuczdziadajakcharchac
my first POEvid "Hybrid Wander and Atziri fight" http://youtu.be/0e-ffI2cOfY
Up to you. I don't think one has an advantage over the other
So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death.
Finally i have 6L Daresso. Dps on 84 lvl char is about 200k with full charges/frenzys. I am very happy that i noticed this build some times ago. Thanks :D
IGN: Imoenpl, nieuczdziadajakcharchac
my first POEvid "Hybrid Wander and Atziri fight" http://youtu.be/0e-ffI2cOfY
Last edited by m_flower#1205 on Mar 24, 2015, 4:37:59 PM

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