Race Season Nine Preliminary Information

Finally race targets sound sensible

I always wondered why the winner of the race wasnt the person that completed the most quests/bosses.

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nm mis-read
Last edited by Zelpo on Oct 6, 2014, 8:17:58 PM
1.3.0 in December? Nice.
Chris wrote:
A new type of race mechanic we're testing for Season Nine is an event where the ladder consists of the time it took for players to kill a specific boss (for example, Vaal Oversoul).

Those good suggestions from closed beta, still doing work. Better eight seasons late than never!

Morsexier wrote:
If masters can be removed, why can't shrines\boxes\corrupted zones be removed?

I dont see a problem with shrines and boxes outside signatures, and if this seasons signature ends up fixed seed as suggested in the op, then its a non-issue. Id be more concerned with drop-only gems in signature events, which have tended to result in unbreakable records when found early on- something that boxes or shrines, with their short-term localized effects, generally arent going to manage.

As for corrupted zones, theyd be fine if there was an exit at the end of them that lead back to the zone entrance (similar to the exit in the old fields and ship graveyard caves) and if the paths leading to them were clearly marked so they didnt often look so similar to the paths to zone exits. The risk:reward would be somewhat balanced once the massive amount of backtracking was removed.
IGN: KoTao
Last edited by KoTao on Oct 7, 2014, 6:12:53 AM
If the hybrid league has no softcore version, I'm gonna cry all over the forums for it like HC people did when the last short league was just softcore.
Still waiting for a Maze race
I've raced a little in season 8, it was cool in the beginning, but after 80 points got bored and quit.
Rewards were not that interesting.I like alt art too, as many do, but they are not important, just nice as a skin.
Have you given any thought after 8 racing seasons to change the rewards with racing specific unique items?

I can see a double dragon head crossbow witch spits ice spears and incinerate in the same time.
Many other cool stuff, steam punk style.
nice.looking forward to it.
OMG, not another 1 week race.

Can we for once, just go from one league to the next, without having junk filler events constantly? Please
Never found Famine or Fixed seed interesting. Perhaps they'll appear to the more hardcore racers? Most people I know skipped similar races.

Hope for more Descents and Exiles everywhere races. Those were really fun.

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