Pohx's [Budget] Hybrid Summoner ( Life / Es ) 4-5 Auras | Can do Palace Dom With a 4L

Really like the build.

Combo of EE, aura & elemental damage on minions works really well. I've made a few changes to my summoner from this build and it has really increased my dps.

Hope you are going to post some more vids.
Just what I was looking for!
Can you post the MF gear/guide too some day?
So, can you post the MF gear?

Also, you don't need 7k effective hp for merc dom, you can probably do it even with 2k, minions kill each stage in like 10 seconds, domi might cast one touch of god if hes lucky.

my chest + disc gives me 5k es alone so that's pretty much where most of the EHP comes from lol
MF Gear Updated
ty for the update
what skill or gear would u recommend for lvlin? first time lvling with spells and its going reaaally slow compared to meele/ranged weapons dps
Thanks for the update.

I don't get it though! Why drop the Mon'tre'guls for MF? Whats the benefit?
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Last edited by Shajirr on Oct 30, 2014, 12:53:23 PM
I love it. Trying to adapt it for a CI build since I started with that, but right now I'm still wondering how to get the mana reserved down low enough to run 4-5 auras. @_@

Also - are all those additional mods below added by the Masters? What would you recommend I get as a CI Witch? Resistances or ES? I'm thinking at least getting 70-80% resists in my elementals before starting on adding something else so I can run more auras.

Thanks for the help!
Last edited by ranmafan on Oct 31, 2014, 2:10:51 AM
lev 75 Running a similar build to this, gear not as good but have Montreguls. Purity of Ele, discipline and generousity hatred. Zombies never die but my spectres (evangelists from cruel) die alot to Beyonds - even using life leech instead of added fire. Any thoughts on keeping them up?
Last edited by Pengefinchess on Oct 31, 2014, 12:20:18 PM
Ishamz wrote:
ty for the update
what skill or gear would u recommend for lvlin? first time lvling with spells and its going reaaally slow compared to meele/ranged weapons dps

Searing touch 4l Ele prolif, chance to ignite, flameblast, fire pen works fine

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