The Spectrel Gods ( A Summoners Guide ) [Updated 4/22][Now with video!]

ventiman wrote:
btw i dont think its incinerate its more like flame totem

If you are talking about voidbearers than I think you are correct. Act 3, along with the bearers, was implemented long before incinerate was. Now, the snakes from act 2 (dark forest) seem to use incinerate (they were modified to do so within the last few patches) while the voidbeares continue to use a flame totem attack.

I could be wrong, but the attack the voidbeaers use does not look like incinerate.
Ohh, yeah I think you guys are right it is flame totem. I always assumed it was incinerate for some reason. Faster attack may work on it.
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mattc3303 wrote:
Ohh, yeah I think you guys are right it is flame totem. I always assumed it was incinerate for some reason. Faster attack may work on it.

Flame totem has the same properties as incinerate (as in they are both spells), I believe, so faster attacks would still be a not-so-wise use of a gem slot.
I wonder if flame totems still has the same elemental/chaos damage penalty
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Damage effectiveness for flame totem is only 10%. Compare that to incinerate's 20% and the fact that it ramps up with each stage (or so I believe) and I think incinerate actually comes out pretty far ahead.

Now, if monster levels have anything to do with this as well, flame-totem voidbearers might have a bit of an edge considering they will always outlevel the incinerating night adder.
I don't know if this has been pointed out before but I'm fairly certain quality reduced mana does absolutely nothing for mana reservation purposes (read - auras)
IGN Asdfninja
synergyflow wrote:
I don't know if this has been pointed out before but I'm fairly certain quality reduced mana does absolutely nothing for mana reservation purposes (read - auras)

Thank you, you are absolutely right. I'll change that right now

Note that unlike the gem's mana cost multiplier, the quality bonus does not apply to mana reservation, such as found on Auras.

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Last edited by mattc3303#7526 on Mar 31, 2013, 7:35:11 PM
Hey Matt, great guide.

I have a little question, how if we take health node near the Body and Soul node in the templar area rather than the health node ring in the middle of the tree ? We sacrifice a bit of health for 44% more armor/ES and 10% resist

And are you still selling the Kraken Dome helmet ?

so 104% es/ar

over my

120% HP build

. That does sound interesting, I think the main problem is that I got EB which turns that 104% straight into mana, you will have a lot more armor however. hmm the difference is 66% hp. That additional armor could make up for it thou.

And yeah am willing to sell that helm for 1 gcp or equivalent (shoot me a pm or add friend and i'll get to you.
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Last edited by mattc3303#7526 on Apr 2, 2013, 11:32:19 AM
Do the reduced mana cost nodes near the templar starting area affect skills with mana reservation? And if so how?

For example, if its 40% reserved, will those two nodes give you 10% off the 40% making it 30%, or is it 10% of the 40% (you have 1k mana, reserving 400 less 10% equal 360)?

Lvl 58 atm building towards an AR/ES hybrid, with heavy mana focus to see what I can get to without EB. Wouldn't mind keeping ES for the inherit stun reduction. I'm also playing a much more defensive style than a lot of people, I almost exclusively use temporal chains and enfeeble to help my survivability until I can get the right nodes/gear to make this build (hopefully) work.
Killing is my business... and business is good.
Last edited by Calibix#2701 on Apr 2, 2013, 12:40:06 PM

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