The Cold Cannon [HC] Projectile CoCS Wand ~ Avoidance / Flask / Coil / Resistance Tank

Your planned tree is definitely what I'd use for a dagger version. Going from there I'd recommend getting Deep Thoughts to help with your mana issue (and run a higher level Clarity) and Heartseeker (seeing as how your stacking mainly global critical strike chance your spells should be crit'ing most of the time).

I think the decision to rebuild your character was a very good one. CoCS innately has high damage so investing a lot into defenses makes for a very well-balanced character.

As for flasks, I'd recommend what you said but instead of a second resistance flask, either Atziri's Promise or Taste of Hate. Last league I actually had all my Surgeon's [...] Warding resistance flasks in my inventory and swapped them for different map/Beyond bosses and it worked quite well, so there's that to consider.

If you can somehow get your hands on a good Elreon's Diamond Ring, I'd say definitely go for it. It might even negate the need for Clarity. I don't think it's a good idea to reserve your entire mana pool, though.

Good luck with your character man!
same name in-game
Hey there. I'm currently trying to follow your recommended build. I'm rather new, just reached level 30 today. I was wondering What nodes you would get to first? The lv 83 tree is rather far away. I got the entire tree untill the druidic ritual. Could you maybe post a 40/50 Level tree by removing a few of the nodes on the 80? that'd greatly help so I can see where to go first.

As for the bandits. Do you kill oak, too? I see a lot of HC league players go for oak for the HP. is there any specific reason you take the skill point instead?
would this work with a random rare 5L chest? then later on if i get a lightning coil, switch to that. maybe just self cast assassin's mark or something. i'm thinking of doing this in the 1 month torment/bloodlines HC league.
Last edited by risko#5017 on Mar 26, 2015, 6:12:51 PM
It would work but you'd lose out on a spell, and thus halving potential damage. I'd say get either a cheap evasion + energy shield body armor and spam Chaos Orbs on it until you get life and resistances or get a Tebula Rasa. Then with either of those options, get a Lightning Coil and try to 6L it yourself. You probably won't be able to get it but if you do, gg!
same name in-game
Last edited by iao#2860 on Mar 29, 2015, 6:45:46 PM
Oak, Kraityn or kill all, Alira.
same name in-game

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