Mors Incinerate Max Block Still Alive Build (updated for 1.3)
Incinerate + Max block has changed a lot from 1.2 patch to the 1.3 patch. I am updating this guide with current videos as well as a retrospective about playing this character in the first weeks of Bloodlines. I died to what appears to be an invisible storm-call on Atziri. This is still the strongest build I've ever played in terms of what it can accomplish in the game. Some builds have higher DPS, Some have more theoretical defenses, but nothing that I've played puts it all together in such a cheap package.
Video of Death
Max block is absolutely still possible! You will end up with 72% chance to block attacks and 75% chance to block spells, more than adequate to complete any and all content. However, with the tree changes a 6L is far more important that it was in the past, as you no longer have the luxury of many easy to access DPS nodes. Since Invasion when I played Mjolnir + max block and max spell block I've wanted to try Incinerate as a cheap alternative to that build. I played with Nugi in Nemesis when he was first experimenting with Incin and I saw first hand how powerful it can be. End game Build
Some of the fun things like Acro + Ondar's + Block no longer works, so this is a very Vanilla build. High level content videos: Abaxoth: Na'em Bending Stone: Atziri highlight coming. Full clear: Why choose this build?
Since I started playing Incinerate (to great success in Beyond) there are a lot of people copying the build and attempting to play it. I purchased 6 cybil's paws for 3c each to corrupt for my build, and they now go for far, far more (up to 1 ex which is ludicrous). To me this highlights the power of the build far more than anything else ever could. To spell it out, that people play it and love it so much driving the demand for even more incinerate builds.
The build is incredibly strong in every single situation that can occur in PoE. Even a fight like Atziri, with massive spike damage which is a direct counter to how this version of incinerate functions, is easily handled by the build. Leveling
Level as fire trap\flameblast to level 31. You need Cybil's Paw to play this build correctly at level 31+.
***ROLL STAUNCHING FLASKS, HAVE AT LEAST 2 FOR PANIC SPAM, CORRUPTED BLOOD*** At 31 get a 4L and run Incinerate, GMP, Added Chaos and Spell echo. My tree at 45 in Act 3 Cruel.
From this point you just want to start filling out the tree on the way to Duelist - > Marauder. You can pick up situational life and DPS nodes as you see fit, and plan on spending 5-15 regrets to ease your leveling Bandits
I did Save Oak, Kill, Kill. As a life based build this is a pretty standard order.
1.3 Gear
It is very important now to have 4% block amulet, minimum 56% spell block rathpith, gloves with a suffix open to craft 2% block on
1.3 Auras
I ran clarity, Herald of Ice and Thunder and Tempest shield for 4% block.
Main Link
This is what I choose to do with a 6L, faster casting instead of Faster proj is more DPS, but I prefer this as I MELT everything with this setup anyways. For a 5L drop faster proj, and drop fire pen for faster casting if that is your thing. *I still think faster proj is best in a lot of situations, but now that I have 20\20 gems, I've started using faster casting in my 6L in place of faster proj.* Next League
My plans for next league\short term league is to run a high life regen block version of this incinerate build, possibly using Iron Will to scale the DPS.
The potential build: (still a work in process)
While this build modified is still possible, your DPS is not substantial enough to warrant going RF Incinerate over a block build, coupled with the complete lack of defenses. A clip of me playing this build is coming. " The tooltip at 89 is 3942 DPS. I tend to melt everything I face, even 6 player beyond uniques. See the highlights above. My tooltip at 92 was 4817 1.2 patch Witch. It is now 4354 on Witch 1.3 Patch 6L Scion was 2670 with a 5L. 6L was 3597. To be clear, shotgunning with 5 streams (very easy to do with proj speed) = 4354 * 5 * 4 (4 stages on the spell) = 87,000 DPS. " The build still works, it just requires a 6L to achieve the 4k+ tooltip needed for super easy Atziri farming.(still easily doable with a 5L). "When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter." Last edited by Morsexier#3505 on Jan 23, 2015, 12:15:11 PM
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What are your bandit rewards?
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Doing a Similar build atm myself, working on getting to maps to test it out
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What is the reason for running purity of lightning over fire?
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" I assume Arctic Armour helps with fire |
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I been looking over this tree and I noticed it is a very end game build. There isn't a lot of HP until you travel around the tree as well. You can't get max block until you get all those shield nodes. Also 2% block is missing, so we need a corrupted amulet.
Mors, if you can - can you post a tree for level 85? |
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Last edited by Zaluron#2357 on Sep 27, 2014, 7:07:08 AM
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I'm curious about your DPS.
Doing similar build, but it doesn't seem like it gets a lot of damage to deal with high level content. Participated in the working of the Dyadus Avatar of Fire Templar: |
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Bumped and added new sections and video highlights.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
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This is a great build; my roommate tried it out and I tried out raizqt's righteous fire incinerate build.
Both seem to have different benefits. The damage with righteous fire was just too good; but I will try out the cybils/rathpith idea on something at some point. Maybe an arc build. Anyone who likes this build I would highly encourage them to go check out the build of the week incinerate build. keep up the good work Mors |
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