ZhugeLiang wrote:
"There will be bots."
"There will be 3rd party trade sites."
"There will be currency for rl cash sellers."
Hopefully the small profile of this game and intrinsic nature of the currency items will help to mitigate the above inevitabilities.
No, if PoE remains to be the good game that it is now. All of this will happen.
* Global chat will be useless because of SPAM
* Bots will farm the easy areas for gems and orbs to be sold via 3rd party sites.
* There users will get scammed, hacked and in the end come here to whine that they've been ripped off.
Everything will be as it was with Diablo 2 and 3 (just naming those two because they're the most famous examples), unless GGG has some secret under their sleeves that no one has ever thought of before. I doubt that however.
Posted byPhilRaXor#7950on Feb 6, 2013, 5:09:13 AM
wafflemaster wrote:
If you are here to buy your gear and not earn/farm it you are simply playing the wrong game. And hopefully will be banned for buying. They put these rules in so POE won't be P2W. Your analogies sucked by the way. Calling me a children when you buy gear in a grinding/farm game ha what a good laugh.
I notice you completely disregard my questions regarding your previous statements. Why?
Don't you care at all about your arguments being questioned?
"you are simply playing the wrong game"
I'm obviously playing "The Right Game" because I enjoy it immensely. The information I'm about to tell you, will probably shock you. I actually enjoy the game so much, that I paid GGG money during closed beta to support them. I have also bought a lot of points in the store, to further support GGG. Real Life Money, that is... I should be banned promptly! Think about it. RL money for something which can be played for free. Gosh!
I do not play with global chat active. I do not play with trade chat active. I do not care the slightest what every other person in this game do because that will not affect my playing.
If there were ingame items which would enchant, lets say, your weapon with a glowing effect. Would you still call it cheating, if someone bought said item in the Microtransaction store?...
--== Enjoying the game ==--
Posted byTwiiik#2500on Feb 6, 2013, 5:18:37 AM
PhilRaXor wrote:
* Global chat will be useless because of SPAM
* Bots will farm the easy areas for gems and orbs to be sold via 3rd party sites.
* There users will get scammed, hacked and in the end come here to whine that they've been ripped off.
* can be handled with good amount of timed bans.
* there is penalty in drop chance for currency based on monsterlvl/playerlvl
* that is actually good when buyer get scammed on 3rd party sites.
Yet still i agree that all these will be there if game will be succesful.
Posted byMadus#4524on Feb 6, 2013, 6:16:48 AM
Twiiik wrote:
What's the problem?
Working an hour extra at work, earning 100 USD, which I can buy an item which otherwise would take me 100, or maybe 500 hours of ingame play time to acquire? That item might be the one thing which makes my time spent playing the game even more swell.
Who are you to go all judgmental?
First off, where do you work? I make 13.50 an hour. Can you get me a job?
Who am I to go all judgemental? I am a player of a game who spends hours playing the game honest to get the gear I have. Why do you think it is ok to screw over everyone else just so you can be lazy?
Posted byTandimonium#3150on Feb 6, 2013, 9:55:57 AM
Magnicon2 wrote:
Tandimonium wrote:
To the guy that has already posted (And sold) items on ebay.
May your genitals be infested with the crabs of a thousand dirty whores for already screwing up the game and making it possible to pay-to-win.
To those who buy.
May you get incurable gonorhea...in your mouth.
Oh look, another completely ignorant person who cares what other people do when it doesn't remotely affect them or the game.
- You can't stop it.
- Its a complete waste of time and resources for GGG to do anything about it.
- It doesn't affect you.
- You can't stop it. Ever. Its literally impossible.
Thanks for the insult and you helpful comment, it has been noted.
Posted byTandimonium#3150on Feb 6, 2013, 9:57:38 AM
Aixius wrote:
I thought ebay did away with virtual item sales long ago, i.e. during the D2 item sales heyday.
They did, but they do not screen every auction created. They depend on people reporting violations so that they can take them off the site.
Posted byTandimonium#3150on Feb 6, 2013, 9:58:31 AM
Tandimonium wrote:
Twiiik wrote:
What's the problem?
Working an hour extra at work, earning 100 USD, which I can buy an item which otherwise would take me 100, or maybe 500 hours of ingame play time to acquire? That item might be the one thing which makes my time spent playing the game even more swell.
Who are you to go all judgmental?
First off, where do you work? I make 13.50 an hour. Can you get me a job?
Who am I to go all judgemental? I am a player of a game who spends hours playing the game honest to get the gear I have. Why do you think it is ok to screw over everyone else just so you can be lazy?
Some people have lots of time.
Some people have lots of money.
There are only few people that have both.........they wouldn't be playing PoE for sure.
Last edited by McHuberts#7978 on Feb 6, 2013, 9:59:28 AM
Posted byMcHuberts#7978on Feb 6, 2013, 9:59:09 AM
Twiiik wrote:
wafflemaster wrote:
If you are here to buy your gear and not earn/farm it you are simply playing the wrong game. And hopefully will be banned for buying. They put these rules in so POE won't be P2W. Your analogies sucked by the way. Calling me a children when you buy gear in a grinding/farm game ha what a good laugh.
I notice you completely disregard my questions regarding your previous statements. Why?
Don't you care at all about your arguments being questioned?
"you are simply playing the wrong game"
I'm obviously playing "The Right Game" because I enjoy it immensely. The information I'm about to tell you, will probably shock you. I actually enjoy the game so much, that I paid GGG money during closed beta to support them. I have also bought a lot of points in the store, to further support GGG. Real Life Money, that is... I should be banned promptly! Think about it. RL money for something which can be played for free. Gosh!
I do not play with global chat active. I do not play with trade chat active. I do not care the slightest what every other person in this game do because that will not affect my playing.
If there were ingame items which would enchant, lets say, your weapon with a glowing effect. Would you still call it cheating, if someone bought said item in the Microtransaction store?...
Your entire arguement is that because the CREATORS of the game sell items that do not affect the market in any way, it should be ok for you to sell the items for profit. Seriously? I hope you are just trolling.
In case you are not trolling, it is again the PoE rules, and as far as I am concerned, that in itself is reason enough. As for how it will affect the economy, that has already been explained earlier in the thread.
Posted byTandimonium#3150on Feb 6, 2013, 10:20:08 AM
McHuberts wrote:
Tandimonium wrote:
Twiiik wrote:
What's the problem?
Working an hour extra at work, earning 100 USD, which I can buy an item which otherwise would take me 100, or maybe 500 hours of ingame play time to acquire? That item might be the one thing which makes my time spent playing the game even more swell.
Who are you to go all judgmental?
First off, where do you work? I make 13.50 an hour. Can you get me a job?
Who am I to go all judgemental? I am a player of a game who spends hours playing the game honest to get the gear I have. Why do you think it is ok to screw over everyone else just so you can be lazy?
Some people have lots of time.
Some people have lots of money.
There are only few people that have both.........they wouldn't be playing PoE for sure.
Got anything to back up that claim?
Posted byTandimonium#3150on Feb 6, 2013, 10:22:20 AM
Honestly, all bickering aside, it comes down to what matter to each of us. If you don't think it is right, then help by reporting sites to PayPal and other funding sources. Most of them have a rule that does not allow the sale of copyrighted digital goods. Also, report any in game items you see for sale on ebay.
If you do not care, or do not feel it is a problem, then go enjoy PoE and don't worry about it. The arguing back and forth really isn't helping the community get any closer.
Posted byTandimonium#3150on Feb 6, 2013, 10:42:03 AM