Please donate keys to Starcraft42
By now a lot of you have probably heard of Starcraft42 and his stream giveaways: Unfortunately He's come to the end of his key supply, after almost a month of streaming every night. This thread is to ask those beta members who have a friend invite and no one to give it to, to please donate it to Starcraft42. He will then give it away to people watching his stream. (He will advertise on the forums and on IRC first, so people know when a giveaway will be happening) PM Starcraft42 if you have a key and would like to donate =) SC, we love what you are doing =) It takes a lot of effort, loss of sleep and great dedication to stream as much as you have been, it's an awesome community and a good way to get great people into the beta. GGG, maybe you guys could have a nosey at his stream, (and donate a few keys too?) GpaS was here 2011/2012 <3 Last edited by M4RZ#6507 on Oct 11, 2011, 3:03:20 AM
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Yes , its good idea if someone have a free key can send it to starcraft42. We waiting on ur opinion, its not like u must to give. Only if u want its ur chooice.
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I think this is a really good idea.
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I know he is passing keys out to people, but I just don't see a point to this.
If you have a key and don't have a friend that wants it, then pass it on to someone who has been waiting for one. How hard is it to find an active older member or someone has contributed to the forums, and give them the key? Why should we pass keys to him so that he can pass out the keys? Why do people need to go to his stream & wait however long(Hours sometimes) while watching him play, till he passes out a key? "What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof."
-Christopher Hitchens |
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" If you dont want to then dont, you dont have to. Just some people enjoy the giveaways, its a great community on his stream (and you dont even have to watch, just pop out the chat =) ) I don't see why people have to disagree with these things instead of just ignoring them. Those who are interested, please =) We love a friendly community GpaS was here 2011/2012 <3
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I have to agree with both of you.
" Does seem like he is paying people to watch his channel. Kind of weird that. It is a long wait to to get a key. You basically have to watch the entire night of show. " It is a way to distribute keys. At least he isn't making money off of it. Unlike the people that want you to subscribe , like , and comment on there YouTube video. =================== His shows are alright to watch. So I don't really see why not give him keys. It is a lot easier then trying to find the right person to give keys to. At least he isn't a contest troll. |
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its only option , no one saying u must to give him key. U have right many ppl waiting a long time. But i think so they too checking starcraft thread. And they want to be on the giveaway keys.
Not everyone who got few months account here they have time to play and help ggg, many ppl just playing and nothing else. So sometime 1 monthly player can be better than 6 . |
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" Its a long wait to get a key... but isn't it a wait anyway? This way the keys he gives out are going to active forum users, and (hopefully) the people who aren't just waiting to play the game but people who want to help report bugs and stuff for GGG And he usually advertises for the giveaway and tells you when he will be doing it This thread isn't intended for people to criticise what he's doing, or disagree, but to ask people who are willing to donate (opional) to SC for what he's doing =) I think the givaways Starcraft42 does creates a great sense of community, rather than the ones on youtube where people just post comments, because of the chat, and you get to know great people. i just hope to give something back to SC through this thread for the hours of entertainment he's given me and the other regulars on his stream, and I dont have a key to give him myself =) (on that note i've promised my friend invite to him) GpaS was here 2011/2012 <3 Last edited by M4RZ#6507 on Oct 11, 2011, 4:22:25 AM
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Like I said, I don't have a problem with him handing out keys. I think it would be faster and more productive if people would pass the keys out to active older accounts or forum contributors, themselves.
Starcraft42's Method -Beta Member gets a FR invite Key. -Starcraft42 collects a Key. -Waits for many hours before he passes the key out. -Mainly passes the keys out to people who are in the chatbox at the time he chose to pass out the key. -I assume he uses a randomize program to select the winner. Meaning anyone who is in the box at the time can win. (New or Old accounts) Average Person's Method -Gets a FR invite Key -Chooses a worthy candidate & passes them a key. Most times this can be a matter of an hour or so. -With-in 24 hours, the new Beta Member receives a FR invite Key. -Repeat step two. I just think it would spread keys out a lot faster if people would do it themselves. It could take upwards of a day or more between when a FR key is created the key is sent out by Starcraft42. "What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof."
-Christopher Hitchens |
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" Ooops! Surprised I am ^^ Well, thank you I guess ^^ I had received my first seven keys (in the book of Keysus known as the "First Seven") from GGG when I asked for them in "celebration" of 200 hours of stream/vods in then less than 2 weeks ^^. Through recycling of the friend keys and a few more donations we were able to turn those 7 keys into 37 beta keys that we passed out tp active members so far. Since I dont like "begging" I refrained from asking GGG for more keys. I bet they get hundreds of requests a day and I rather have them work on 0.9.3 than me pestering them ^^ As soon as I have a key, I pass it out - as always. " If I may object. Unless I do a ninja key giveaway (unannounced to those people who are online and who watch me every night, since long before I started passing out keys) EVERY contest has been announced in my tread and on irc. (From about 1 hour before the giveaway to "Give-away now!"). Explanation of rules and the whole shebang up to me sending out the key takes usually around 5 minutes. I do it this way so you do NOT have to watch all night. For example, viewer counts may go from 25 to 120 back to 25 before, during and after the contests and thats perfectly fine with me. "Worst" chances to win were 1:120, best chances to win were 1:6. Again, all done in about 5 minutes. Participants have 30 seconds to guess a number between 1-1000 which is then immediately generated on Simple. Fast. Fair. " If you replace every of the letters in this quote with a number and take the square root of every second one multiplied by the current weekday you will find a beta key. Really. Trust me! This contest will run 3 days and you will be rewarded with a troll face :D Alternatively, degrade yourself and trow yourself in the dust before me by writing an essay 700 words or more about why - out of all people - you should be worthy of a key ^^ And while we are at it,... vote, comment, subscribe on my non-existent Youtube account! :D Other than that, we had quite a few people donating their extra keys and unwanted accounts to the stream. But honestly, this is as good as any other giveaway - as long as you dont sit on your spare keys ^^ By the love of Keysus! Share your keys (with whomever)! BTW: I stream because I like it. And because I want to find alike people to play with in game. It beats playing alone, quietly, with noone to talk to. We have fun with new friends every night and thats all I get from streaming - more than enough ^^ So thank you, M4RZ, I am kinda surprised at this thread but I really appreciate the gesture ^^ And I hope Keysus will give a key to each and every one of you soon - PoE is so much fun! ![]() Last edited by Starcraft42#1303 on Oct 11, 2011, 4:55:26 AM
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