(Tree updated for 1.3) [1.2] Beyond Lightning Strike Crit Dagger!

First off, PPAD doesn't reduce your attack speed at all with Lightning Strike. Second, WED is worse than added fire, faster attacks, and PPAD. Third, you'd be better off using a 4l Double Strike with Melee Physical Damage, Multistrike, Crit dmg for single target. They changed Lightning Strike a long time ago to make it so the melee and projectile portion can't hit the same target.

The 5l I'm going to use is LS/MS/PPAD/FA/LMP. Might add inc crit dmg instead of FA or just as the 6th link.
IGN = pibDeath
Last edited by Pibacc#4944 on Sep 17, 2014, 2:39:09 PM
Why do you not pick up the extra 40% pierce on the tree to reach 100% pierce chance>
Pibacc wrote:
First off, PPAD doesn't reduce your attack speed at all with Lightning Strike. Second, WED is worse than added fire, faster attacks, and PPAD. Third, you'd be better off using a 4l Double Strike with Melee Physical Damage, Multistrike, Crit dmg for single target. They changed Lightning Strike a long time ago to make it so the melee and projectile portion can't hit the same target.

The 5l I'm going to use is LS/MS/PPAD/FA/LMP. Might add inc crit dmg instead of FA or just as the 6th link.

I think that you will find that LMP is not needed because the 30% "less" damage multiplier on projectiles actually hurts you more than helps you. Also I dont understand why you think WED is bad. Look at the tooltip picture I have under current stats. All 3 elements have very good damage which is all boosted because of WED.
IGN: ScareKrow
Last edited by scarekrow8#1510 on Sep 17, 2014, 4:36:59 PM
BigsMcGee wrote:
Why do you not pick up the extra 40% pierce on the tree to reach 100% pierce chance>

Pretty simple to answer, I dont think 4 points is worth it. Getting more life nodes is more important to me.
IGN: ScareKrow
How exactly do we deal with Mana? Mainly through leech?
katjezz wrote:
How exactly do we deal with Mana? Mainly through leech?

All of mana is dealt with leech. You will need 4% if you want to run hatred + grace. You get 2% from the tree and 2% on gear somewhere. If you cant get 2% on gear I would recommend running Grace + Herald of Ash.
IGN: ScareKrow
What are the main stats we want to look for when looking for a dagger?

Where do these rank when buying a dagger.
Actual physical damage of the weapon, pDPS, attack speed, crit chance, crit multiplier?

I'm a little confused as to which mods i should look for first
coreyvuong wrote:
What are the main stats we want to look for when looking for a dagger?

Where do these rank when buying a dagger.
Actual physical damage of the weapon, pDPS, attack speed, crit chance, crit multiplier?

I'm a little confused as to which mods i should look for first

The lowest Crit i would get on a dagger is 7.5 and beyond that just high pdps. Honestly a slower dagger can work with this build for mana purposes.
IGN: ScareKrow

Gonna try sword crit LS :) idk if it'll be strong enough but it'll be interesting to try.
LS-LMP(maybe)-WED-[FA/PPAD/crit dmg/AF/MS] idk xD
Hatred-purity of lightning-HoA (125%*0.71=88%)
Lightning Coil+Lioneye's Remorse+maligaro's (uniques)
Maybe abyssus for dominus farming.

Can you upload more videos?
Last edited by noobdw#6464 on Sep 18, 2014, 5:26:33 AM
Would a cast on crit set up and/or a power charge on crit set up be good for this build? and if so, what should it be? Also really enjoying the build so far in Beyond League!

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