1.3 LL BM Summoner - Atziri viable on a budget (142k - 282k Single dps - 4link only - MF viable)

what do u think about using Mon'tregul's Grasp instead of Midnight
javi0942 wrote:
what do u think about using Mon'tregul's Grasp instead of Midnight

not on this build. You are very damage and spectre oriented. The zombies will survive just fine without the montegruls. On a different kind of summoner it might be more viable.

Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ
leary93 wrote:
javi0942 wrote:
what do u think about using Mon'tregul's Grasp instead of Midnight

not on this build. You are very damage and spectre oriented. The zombies will survive just fine without the montegruls. On a different kind of summoner it might be more viable.

What kind of summoner would rather montegruls?
I was also contemplating using it. Kinda wanted to fool around with both Montergruls and Midnight. See how it works and if I can make it viable.
I play that boring, low damage build on Rampage and never recomend it my friends. Very hard take lvlup after 75, often random oneshot from chaos mobs if u dont have Shav. Now i respec to ll es flame totem mf and like it more than summoner build.
Last edited by Arp0#0676 on Jan 28, 2015, 3:20:20 AM
thanks for adding the video but my god i cant understand a fucking thing you said. You need to get closer to your mic and turn down the video game sound.

You should also add a section in the first post about chest piece swapping.
Do you run maps with Sol's on or they Chain mail?

Also you should add in there when to run Hate and when not to run hate.

Do you run the purity of elements at all time and only add in purity of fire/lighting/ice when needed?
Last edited by spawn10459#0220 on Jan 28, 2015, 7:42:33 AM
spawn10459 wrote:
thanks for adding the video but my god i cant understand a fucking thing you said. You need to get closer to your mic and turn down the video game sound.

You should also add a section in the first post about chest piece swapping.
Do you run maps with Sol's on or they Chain mail?

Also you should add in there when to run Hate and when not to run hate.

Do you run the purity of elements at all time and only add in purity of fire/lighting/ice when needed?

The chest swapping is purely for atziri, and same counts for the resistance auras, apart from some really hard bosses like crematorium, merveil and dominus on the 75+ maps. You should always run damage auras (what I view as obvious) and Im sorry about the video quality, but PoE is quite heavy on the requirements to run on my laptop, meaning I cant record on high quality.
Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ
darkomen5546 wrote:
leary93 wrote:
javi0942 wrote:
what do u think about using Mon'tregul's Grasp instead of Midnight

not on this build. You are very damage and spectre oriented. The zombies will survive just fine without the montegruls. On a different kind of summoner it might be more viable.

What kind of summoner would rather montegruls?
I was also contemplating using it. Kinda wanted to fool around with both Montergruls and Midnight. See how it works and if I can make it viable.

Think Montegruls is better if you are more tanky yourself, because you dont need to rush enemies down with loads of deeps.
Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ
very nice guide. im lvling a summoner in bloodlines and will respec into this when hitting high lvl. so far so good

Any hc advice? I was wondering if i can drop necromantic aegis and use a higher es shield cuz i'm worried about playing with only 4.5k ES in hardcore. Do you think my zombies will be able to survive if i just skip palace dom, academy boss and atziri or is NA a must? (i need the hardcore achievement, wont be farming atziri in hc)

Also, im lvling using animate weapon and doing fine (but its not the fastest lvling skill, ofc), i was thinking about mixing it in the zombie or spectre links.
marcosyy87 wrote:
very nice guide. im lvling a summoner in bloodlines and will respec into this when hitting high lvl. so far so good

Any hc advice? I was wondering if i can drop necromantic aegis and use a higher es shield cuz i'm worried about playing with only 4.5k ES in hardcore. Do you think my zombies will be able to survive if i just skip palace dom, academy boss and atziri or is NA a must? (i need the hardcore achievement, wont be farming atziri in hc)

Also, im lvling using animate weapon and doing fine (but its not the fastest lvling skill, ofc), i was thinking about mixing it in the zombie or spectre links.

yeah, you shouldnt use the shield if you dont have shavs. On the no NA bosses part, just no high elemental dmg bosses and no academy boss. Think thats no crema, no necropolis, no palace, no courtyard. Piety is a maybe. (and actually dominus is too)

Animate weapon shouldnt be used without a build around increased duration, which takes too much points for it to work in conjuction with the spectre focussed build.
Ign: Leary_AscendedNecro
Twitchtv: leary93
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfzgUpVcv6wzrs5TwKZaGJQ
Hi Leary, thx for the nice and fun build. I'm playing scion with this build, and I get 2.2% life regen from the scion's starting nodes, so I don't have to run vitality to maintain my life pool and it works fine for me (so I can put Grace back). However, I see that vitality also boosts my minions' survival, so I want to know is it OK for my MINIONS to survive tough bosses without vitality aura? Thx.

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