[2.3 Pro]Datboishagg's Ball Lightning/Vortex Elementalist
Twitch http://www.twitch.tv/datboishagg
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 2:42 Gorgehttps://youtu.be/mLAW2Ba7ENs New play style consists of using Vortex for its 10sec 25% lightning pen buff, and ele prolif for safety purposes when lightning warping to the edge of the screen into unknown territory pop your vortex and enjoy. Ball Lightning i even had to drop spell echo because one orb is destroying packs by itself. Both Herald of Thunder and Vortex is used with Innervate to keep up the move/cast speed as often as possible. Herald of Thunder is also used with Knockback at the moment to keep those pesky powerful crit melee rare mobs away. tanky rare mobs all melt inside vortex+BallLight, but my build still needs a boss single target but for now i'm just using flame totem and lightning golem+minion life to take aggro. Ignore Energy shield nodes/items until you can afford to take off the tabula and then grab a high ES helm(OLD=+5L Carcass, then a few point investment can give you an easy 1000 ES pool). The new chest 5-Link Beast Fur Shawis what i swapped to. Stats- Level 83 4240 - Life 2601 - Energy Shield 961 - Unreserved Mana for Mind over Matter
lvl 82/carcass jack, stats and gear
Stats- Level 82 4663 - Life 1078 - Energy Shield 685 - Unreserved Mana for Mind over Matter Leveling Tabula Setup First setup for easy mana management: BL + AOE + LPEN + ECHO + CURSEONHIT + CONC Second setup for Shaper of Desolation easy dried lake farmer BL + AOE + LPEN + ECHO + CONTROLDESTR + INNVERVATE once you have merciless lab completed and decent wands acquired, your damage should be enough to drop spell echo as one orb can kill blue packs during Pendulum of Destruction. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ *OLD Content*
2.0 stuff
My Barrage CoC Ranger Build, extremely high survivability. http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1180691 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ball Lightning Damage Explanation
Lightning Penetration: If the mob has 50% Lightning Resist, and we penetrate another 50% dropping their Lightning Resist to 0%, we just doubled our DPS to that mob, this is not displayed to us in any form other than clear speed. This Multiplier shines when the mob resists lightning dmg. If the mob has 70% lightning resist and is curse immune. Added lightning Damage gem would still only increase my dmg by the 20% from the tooltip, where as lightning penetration gem would kick in and drop their resists by the 37% from the gem, so from 70%-37% = 33% resist, they take over double the lightning damage. But if they are vulnerable to lightning damage, Lightning Penetration is not as valuable but still strong because it takes them into negative lightning resist. Still no change in displayed DPS Increased Area of Effect: So here is were it gets tricky,lets say i have 75%. Thats an extra 3/4th area that the ball can keep hitting once every 200 ms. against a single mob standing still, this would roughly increase the damage per ball by 75%, because it gets 75% more ticks. In a clear speed scenario where you have lots of mobs semi-grouped up, you are not only increasing the DPS by the 75% for that single standing still mob, but allowing each ball to hit mobs on the sides that it normally would have missed. This amounts to an unknown actual DPS increase. If a single ball goes from hitting 5 mobs to 10 mobs, your doing 100% increased DPS in that tick, and as it passes through, it is able to keep tagging the increased number of mobs an increased number of ticks, so calculating the extra number of mobs hit and the increased number of times each mob is hit is why this factor is so strong. Still no change in displayed DPS. Projectile Speed: So this is where some prefer the Slower Projectile gem's ability to keep ticking the same mob, therefor increasing DMG toward single targets. I, on the other hand, prefer the slight 10% increased projectile speed from my build's passive tree. This increase in speed allows my ball to begin DPS on mobs behind the front line, transferring the DPS that the closer mob would have taken to the mob behind them. Also allowing me to keep my distance and have the BL intercept a long range target faster. Faster Casting: Faster Spell Echo recovery is a defensive gain. Quicker change of direction of the next cast is an offensive gain that cannot be measured exactly. Tooltip DPS is effected but absolutely nothing is changed to each individiual orb's own dps, it just allows you to push out more orbs at a quicker pace. Clear speed is effected by allowing a more aggressive playstyle. Overlapping Orbs: The combination of Faster Casting and increased area effect from nodes and gems causes multiple orbs to overlap and begin ticking mobs multiple times per 200 ms. The threshold for overlapping is not expressed by the tooltip dps.
2.0 Passive Tree and Leveling Guide
79 Point 133% Life- http://poeurl.com/zyw6FS4 110 Point 222% Life 3 Jewel - http://poeurl.com/zyw7C71 123 Point 275% Life 4 Jewel - http://poeurl.com/zyw71H0 Leveling Passive Tree & Suggestions Note: In no way is this completely optimized, level how you want to level and play whatever way will keep you alive. Early I leveled as Flame Totem and Firestorm. Mana Regeneration on leveling gear or elreon jewelry helps alot. Goldrim/Lifesprig/Tabula Rasa Mid Transition into Ball Lightning and grab Tabula Rasa. Curse on hit with conductivity does not increase the mana cost, so we gain the benefit of lightning penetration without having to deal with mana issues.
2.0 Gear and Gems Level 74
Mostly self found except tabula which can be farmed through divination cards.
or 6L = 4942 Life + 432 Mana puts me around 5374 Effective Life, needs alot of gear + nodes. ![]() Bandits Help Oak- Normal Help Alira- 4% Cast Speed- Cruel Kill all- Merciless
Old Videos
Ice Spear+ Elemental Prolif was nerfed 1.2 Videos Dual Wand 5:45 Precinct Full Clear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ6_EidMYyU 7 Min Palace No Boss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phPZNRU0fPk Pledge of Hands 8:40 Courtyard DEAD Level 95 Pledge of Hands Triple Curse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFhXMJA7pa0 12 Min 77 Shrine Run DEAD Level 92 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ze9c3ww_7Pw 6200+ Dmg Survived Flameblast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8u60cDk0igg
1.3 stuff
Build Overview: Cast Speed opop. Lots of fun to play with because it speeds up the players ability to operate the build. Fairy cheap end-game, save up for cloak of defiance and use it when you start mapping. high cast speed + lightning spell damage wands are easy to come by, resists are easy to cap and over-cap because this build doesn't require any other uniques than cloak of defiance. 1.3* *RIP* jan. 2 level 76, powerful crit otherworldly devourers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzWSGn5ZFoE Leveling: Go Templar side first for a better mix of defense/dmg. Shadow is more for dmg.
Current Gear
Note: Gems in my current gear is usually what i am using, this is a rough estimate of what to aim for below. Ball Lightning Setup for end game, if your casting is slow, go with faster casting over Inc AoE, once you get it up enough then change Faster Casting to Inc AoE. 1H+Shield OR Dual Wand (Ball Lightning inside Cloak of Defiance) 4L= Ball Lightning+Spell Echo+Faster Casting+Lightning Penetration(added lightning for leveling) 5L= Increased Area of Effect 6L= Added Chaos Damage / Quality Added Lightning Damage(for shock chance) / Knockback / Life Leech Pledge of Hands 2H Staff 4L= Ball Lightning+Lightning Penetration+Increased Area Of Effect+Faster Casting 5L/6L= Added Chaos Damage / Quality Added Lightning Damage(for shock chance) / Knockback / Life Leech Doryani's Belt/leech wand/amulet recommended for Lightning Leech. Cast when damage taken + Warlords Mark for reflect. Cast When Damage Taken Setup Dual Curse Dual Wield Wands: 4L= Cast When Damage Taken+Enduring Cry+Immortal Call+Warlords Mark 2L= Cast When Damage Taken+Blood Rage (if you have enough chaos resist and life regen to handle blood rage) Ice Spear: Before Crit Nodes: 4L= Ice Spear+Increased Critical Damage+Greater Multiple Projectiles+Elemental Proliferation After getting a few crit clusters and ready to hold power charges 4L= Ice Spear+Power Charge on Crit+Greater Multiple Projectiles+Elemental Proliferation Lightning Warp and Auras: 4L= Reduced Mana+Clarity+Herald of Lightning+Herald of Ice 3L= Lightning Warp+Reduced Duration+Faster Casting Non-Linked Searing Bond Elemental Weakness Conductivity Old Setups: Cast When Damage Taken Setup 4L= Cast When Damage Taken+Enduring Cry+Immortal Call+Warlords Mark Note: enfeeble in place of warlords mark works. Note: I believe CWDT starts from the top left for the cast order, so Enduring Cry needs to be cast before Immortal Call. Note: Take out Enduring Cry for Vaal Haste if using Curse on Hit+Warlords Mark. 3L= Conductivity+Increased AOE then Arctic Armor 4L= Reduced Mana+Clarity+Herald of Ice+Purity of Lightning 3L= Lightning Warp+Reduced Duration+Faster Casting 4th slot: Conductivity 4L= Reduced Mana+Clarity+Herald of Ice+Enfeeble/Discipline Curse on Hit (I use CWDT dual curse) 4L= Arc+Curse on Hit+Conductivity+Enfeeble/Temp Chains (or Warlords Mark) 5L= Ball Lightning+Curse on Hit+Greater Multiple Proj+Conductivity+Enfeeble/Temp Chains (or Warlords Mark) Arc Spell Totem (I self cast Ice Spear now) 4L= Arc+Spell Totem+Faster Casting+Lightning Penetration Gems to level up and/or play around with: Purity of Elements (Ele Weakness maps, run this over herald of ice) Elemental Weakness (for parties) Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance Purity of Lightning Haste Slower Projectiles Blind Discipline
Old 1.2 Ball Lightning Info
RIP'd my Dual Wander in a Necropolis map due to getting cursed with elemental weakness and attacking a reflect pack. It is severely important to over-cap your lightning resist by 40 for this purpose. 10/20 videos: 5:45 Precinct Full Clear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ6_EidMYyU 7 Min Palace No Boss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phPZNRU0fPk 10/14 update: Ice Spear + Power Charge on Crit + Greater Multiple Projectiles + Elemental Proliferation has become a major part of my setup as I am loving it. Cast when damage taken + dual curse has replaced my curse on hit setup I used on my old witch. Currently using dual wands with spell dmg/cast speed/crit. For reflect i'm using Cast when damage taken warlords mark along with the enduring cry immortal call. along with 1% Lightning Leech from the belt.
Ball Lightning Offence Tab
3 Frenzy Charges 6 Power Charges ![]()
Ball Lightning Single Target DPS Calcuation
In no way is this calculation proven, it is completely theorized by myself. So I've always wondered how much dps i'm actually doing during a full stream of orbs. I'm pretty sure i can keep 5 orbs overlapped with my current area of effect/cast speed, but i will include 4 orbs data as well. Also regarding crit orbs, i believe each orb cannot both crit and not crit, either the orb is a crit orb or a non-crit orb, but i could be wrong. Either way, i had to average the dps as if each orb can both crit and not crit for calculation purposes. No Elemental resist data is calculated whatsoever. 125-1322 combined spell dmg. Each non-crit orb ticks for an avrg of 723 dmg, a 314% crit orb avrg is 2272 dmg. At 37% crit chance that leaves the remaining 63% hits as non-crits. So we do 37 X 2272, combine that with 63 X 723, then divide by 100 to average crit and non-crit together. That gives us an average dmg per tick (with crit calculated) of 1296. 1296 damage is ticked either 4 times or 5 times per 200ms, depending on 4 or 5 orbs overlapping. 4 orbs dmg= 5185 per tick 5 orbs dmg= 6480 per tick Now to find the Damage per second, we multiple the ticks by 5, because we tick 5 times per second. 4 orbs non-shocked dps= 25925 5 orbs non-shocked dps= 32400 4 orbs shocked dps= 38888 5 orbs shocked dps= 49600 That 4 orb to 5 orb threshold is important because enough cast speed can push me past that 39k to 50k dps. 6 orbs overlapping is unlikely but here are the numbers anyway 6 orbs dmg= 7776 6 orbs non-shocked dps= 38880 6 orbs shocked= 58320
Rip'd Witch Offense+Defense Stats
Level 96 265% Cast Speed Passive Increased AOE= 76% Chance to Shock= 15% Shock Duration Modifier=+20% Projectile Speed Modifier=+10% Defense Life= 4380 Unreserved Mana= 2455 40% Damage Taken Goes to Mana (Cloak of Defiance) Effective Life=6835 (calculated with 40% Mind over Matter) Mana Regeneration= 394.7 per second Offense Ball Lightning DPS= 7541.9 Casts per Second= 4.6 Spell DMG Combined= 322-2206 Cast Speed Multiplier= +265% Crit Chance= 18.8% Crit Damage Multiplier= 263%
Level 95 312% Cast Speed
Passive Increased AOE= 79% Chance to Shock= 15% Shock Duration Modifier=+20% Projectile Speed Modifier=+10% Defense Life= 4535 Unreserved Mana= 3114 40% Damage Taken Goes to Mana (Cloak of Defiance) Effective Life=7555 (calculated with 40% Mind over Matter) Mana Regeneration= 425.1 per second Offense Ball Lightning DPS= 6816.2 Casts per Second= 5.2 Spell DMG Combined=317-2253 Cast Speed Multiplier=+312%
Level 93 306% Cast Speed
Passive Increased AOE= 77% Chance to Shock= 15% Shock Duration Modifier=+50% Projectile Speed Modifier=+10% Defense Life= 4665 Unreserved Mana= 2736 40% Damage Taken Goes to Mana (Cloak of Defiance) Effective Life=7176 (calculated with 40% Mind over Matter) Mana Regeneration= 365.4 per second Offense Ball Lightning DPS= 4494.6 Casts per Second= 5.1 Spell DMG Combined=147-1571 Cast Speed Multiplier=+306%
Level 91 272% Cast Speed
Passive Increased AOE= 76% Chance to Shock= 15% Shock Duration Modifier=+50% Projectile Speed Modifier=+10% Defense Life= 4515 Unreserved Mana= 2804 40% Damage Taken Goes to Mana (Cloak of Defiance) Effective Health= 7319 (Life+Mana) Mana Regeneration= 348 per second Offense Ball Lightning DPS= 3977.7 Casts per Second= 4.7 Spell DMG Combined=144-1517 Cast Speed Multiplier=+272%
Level 90 237% Cast Speed
Passive Increased AOE= 68% Chance to Shock= 15% Shock Duration Modifier=+50% Projectile Speed Modifier=+10% Defense Life= 4484 Unreserved Mana= 2864 40% Damage Taken Goes to Mana (Cloak of Defiance) Effective Health= 7348 (Life+Mana) Mana Regeneration= 369 per second Offense Ball Lightning DPS= 3320 Casts per Second= 4.2 Spell DMG Combined=139-1389 Cast Speed Multiplier=+237%
Level 86 Wand+Shield
Defense Life= 4578 Unreserved Mana= 2312 40% Damage Taken Goes to Mana (Cloak of Defiance) Effective Health= 6890 (Life+Mana) Mana Regeneration= 333.1 per second Block %= 34% Spell Block %= 19% Passive Increased AOE= 36% Offense Ball Lightning DPS= 2541 Casts per Second= 3.5 Spell DMG Combined=129-1297 Cast Speed Multiplier=+177% Chance to Shock= 20% Shock Duration Modifier=+50%
New Dual Wand Witch Setup
Current Level 93 Dual Wand
Level 83 Dual Wand
Level 69 Dual Wand
Level 95 6L Curse on hit gem changes
Level 94 6L Pledge of Hands
Level 93 5L Pledge of Hands
RIP'd Level 97 Pledge of Hands Witch Info/Changelog
Ball Lightning extra links: 7Link: Spell Echo from Pledge of Hands 9Link: Curse on Hit + Level 11 Temporal Chains from Gloves Triple Curse: 9/18: Changed to triple curse from spell totem. Replaced Life Leech Gem for Added Lightning Damage thanks to this belt and Warlords Mark curse: 9/20: Changed from cast speed nodes to crit nodes. gained 900 tooltip dps along with herald of ice shattering more often. No crit gear or power charges needed, so the build remains non-crit oriented with slight boost from 6-9 nodes. 8:40 Video Courtyard Level 95 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFhXMJA7pa0 GG GGG Last edited by datboishagg#5239 on Jun 20, 2016, 11:02:23 PM Last bumped on Jun 20, 2016, 12:16:45 AM
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Updated with bandits, stats, improved gem section, and progression guide.
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Updated for 5L Pledge of Hands, level 90, and passive tree changes. Changed from the 10% spell damage nodes to 4% cast speed nodes.
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So what is your actual DPS?
Average damage is like 764. You have -34 and -2 and -48 lightning resistance. So against a monster with 0 res you're at 34+2+48=84 more damage from resistances. Then you have 4.2 casts per second, and you need like 2 hits (50% chance to shock?) to shock something in expectation. A single ball will hit a target 5 times per second (right?). So the first two hits will do 764*2*1.84=2811.5 damage, and the next 3 will be with shock, so they'll do 764*1.5*3*1.84=6325.9 damage, so it seems like your DPS is 2811.5+6325.9=9.1k per ball, and you cast 4.2 of those per second so your DPS would be 36-40k? Is that good with ball lightning? Could we see videos? All my builds /view-thread/1430399 T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265 Last edited by MatrixFactor#3574 on Aug 30, 2014, 1:31:09 PM
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Thanks for sharing.
This build seems much better than mine. Simple,Safe and high clear speed. Would you mind to explain why you pick the increase projectile speed node ? Because it seems to result a dps lost on ball lighting. Also the herald of ice seems to be ineffective in slowing enemies... |
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" I will start preparing for a video guide on the build as soon as possible. As for the actual/output DPS calculation. It's really hard for me to calculate exactly. I really want to respond with my own numbers but it's just absolutely boggling my mind to try and come up with a response. All i can say for sure is how it compares to my old 11k? non-crit based spectral throw from nemesis, *Ball Lightning build out-dps's my spectral throw ranger by maybe 25%-100% depending on mob resists and cursed/not cursed. Which is also me trying to spitball a number for ya. " Thanks for the compliment =] Herald of Ice adds about 10% tooltip dps boost for me. The Proj speed nodes was mainly for the 28% combined proj dmg increase. But i actually have come to love the increased speed because it allows me to long range mobs faster, and also off-screen faster/further. Which it may do less dmg to the individual mob, but it allows the mobs behind them to start taking damage earlier which is actually the damage the closer mob would have taken. So it increases the clear speed when dealing with larger packs/areas, but decreases the single target dmg slightly, which u gain the ability to hit a fast moving target further away and i consider that more important, as a slow target is already easy to take down/kite. GG GGG Last edited by datboishagg#5239 on Sep 1, 2014, 1:22:20 AM
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Level 91 Defense+Offence Update.
Took off Breath of Lightning from level 95 passive tree due to Static Blows being enough shock chance/duration. Spec'd out of 20% Mana Regen and 10% Increased Mana nodes for 12% Cast Speed from Mental Rapidity. Will be returning to these nodes over the next 2 levels. Added complete Level 91 Gear. Added Blind and Purity of Elements to "Gems to level up and/or play around with" section. GG GGG
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Started off a video section with a 77 shrine run to give people a taste of the build, and a not so clean flameblast survival video back somewhere in the mid lvl 80's with Pohx.
Updated current and goal passive tree with yet more changes. Spec'd out of Static Blows for Breath of Lightning, i miscalculated the difference and realized the 4th spent node gives 12% additional lightning damage instead of 10% like i thought (when compared to Static Blows). GG GGG
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Amount of party members does not affect elemental ailment durations (they always use the single player HP pool of an enemy)
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" ah yeah that makes more sense for balance reasons, i was probably just seeing things. thanks =] GG GGG Last edited by datboishagg#5239 on Sep 3, 2014, 8:10:56 PM
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