News Archive

Skill Development - Blade Vortex

Nov 25, 2015, 5:56:40 PM
Today, we're going to talk about Blade Vortex, one of the upcoming Physical spells to be released alongside the Talisman league in Content Update 2.1.0 on December 11. We've also created a video to demonstrate the skill in action. Read More.

2.1.0 Divination Cards

Nov 24, 2015, 5:51:20 PM
The 2.1.0 Content Update is packed full of content, including new divination cards. Today we have a preview of some of these upcoming cards. Read More.

Three New Supporter Uniques

Nov 23, 2015, 8:06:26 PM
In addition to the Talisman Challenge Leagues and new gems introduced by Content Update 2.1.0, we're also adding more Unique Items! Today we'd like to showcase three of these, which have been created by our supporters. These will be released on December 11 alongside this update and the new leagues. Read More.

Sneak Peek of Ascendancy Supporter Packs!

Nov 22, 2015, 10:27:40 PM
We recently announced our next content update: the Talisman Challenge Leagues/2.1.0 and our next large expansion: Ascendancy. To celebrate these announcements, we'll be releasing the Ascendancy Supporter Packs this Friday! Read More.

Path of Exile: Ascendancy (News Coverage)

Nov 20, 2015, 3:30:22 PM
We're proud to announce Path of Exile: Ascendancy. Check out the trailer here! Many different news sites are covering our announcement, and they'll be posting their articles and videos over the next few hours. We'll keep this news post updated with links to them. Check out initial coverage from IGN, GameSpot, Ten Ton Hammer,, MMOhuts, MassivelyOP, ShackNews, Yahoo Games, PCWorld, PC Gamer, MMOGames, GotGame, Curse, and RockPaperShotgun. Read More.

Expansion Announcement Tomorrow

Nov 19, 2015, 7:57:54 PM
In around two hours, we'll have finished the United States leg of our press tour for Path of Exile's next expansion. To give the journalists time to write up what they've seen, we've placed an embargo that expires at noon PST tomorrow (Friday, November 20). This is 9am Saturday NZ time and late on Friday evening in Europe. We're incredibly proud of what our team has put together. We can't wait for you to see it in around 19 hours. Read More.

Community Showcase - Compilation Video, Detonate Dead Prank and more!

Nov 18, 2015, 7:21:25 PM
This week's community round up includes a video compilation of highlights in the Path of Exile community during the Tempest/Warbands and One-month Flashback season. It also includes fan art and a detonate dead prank! Read More.

Item Development - Threshold Jewels

Nov 17, 2015, 8:54:15 PM
With the launch of Talisman, players will be able to find new types of jewels that affect specific skills when conditions are met. Read about how and why we designed the first set of Threshold Jewels, and see the first few for yourself! Read More.

San Francisco Fan Meet-Up & Statistics From The 24hr BLAMT Race

Nov 16, 2015, 9:08:43 PM
Yesterday Chris and Jonathan met with over 50 exiles at the Press Club in San Francisco. Using the powers of trivia and RNG they handed out Chitus Letters and chatted in hushed tones about fishing secrets and other gossip from Lioneye's Watch. Read More.

Letters from Chitus

Nov 15, 2015, 9:25:22 PM
Some players recently received a letter in the post, addressed to Cadiro Perandus and sealed with the Perandus family seal in wax. Three such letters have been received so far. We wanted to share them with you in case you haven't seen them yet. 1, 2 & 3 Read More.

Stash Tab Sales, 24-Hour BLAMT Race and More!

Nov 14, 2015, 2:05:25 AM
We're running a sale on Stash Tabs! For the first 24 hours (Saturday, PST), we've discounted Premium Stash Tab Bundles by 17.5%. On Sunday, Regular Stash Tab Bundles are discounted by 26.6%. Thanks again for the generous support! We also wanted to draw attention to the 24 hour BLAMT boss-kill race that is running in a few hours. It's totally crazy and very much worth playing. Success in this event can earn you a lot of race points! Read More.

Content Update 2.1.0: Talisman Challenge Leagues, New Skills and more!

Nov 12, 2015, 7:34:37 PM
On December 11, we'll be releasing Path of Exile's 2.1.0 Content Update. It includes the Talisman Challenge Leagues, many new skills, support gems, unique items, balance changes and bug fixes. Today's news post reveals the full details of this long-awaited update. Read More.

The Final Day of the Awakening Supporter Packs!

Nov 12, 2015, 1:17:51 AM
The Awakening Supporter Packs are only being sold until the end of November 13th (midnight PST), so there's just over one day left for you to get one! With the exception of Divination Cards, the perks in these packs are exclusive and won't be available again. If you're interested in purchasing one, now is your last chance! For a video of their contents, click here! Read More.

San Francisco Fan Meetup: Sunday November 15

Nov 10, 2015, 4:47:21 PM
We're holding a developer/fan meetup in San Francisco this Sunday (November 15) at 3pm! Today's news post has information on how you can get involved if you're in the area. Read More.

Darkshrine Community Highlights

Nov 9, 2015, 8:14:06 PM
The Darkshrine Events have been going well! Players are enjoying them and our developers are giddily cackling from the citadel. We've assembled some highlights and statistics from these sadistic events. Don't forget, there's only a few days left to get an Awakening Supporter Pack! Read More.

New Support Gem Reveal - Blasphemy

Nov 8, 2015, 4:08:56 PM
In the past few weeks, we've talked about the new skill Contagion, and about our rework to the Poison system. Today, we're going to talk to you about a new support gem that has been in the works for a long time: Blasphemy. Read More.

Important Announcements Soon

Nov 5, 2015, 5:57:09 PM
Since the release of The Awakening in July, we've been hard at work on some secret stuff. We recently locked down our schedule for when we'll be announcing and releasing the next two major updates to Path of Exile! Read More.

The Flashback Prize Winners Have Been Drawn!

Nov 4, 2015, 7:35:54 PM
The Flashback one-month events have been among our most popular short term events. We really enjoyed watching the community complete these challenges and take on intense mods from previous leagues. In addition to the challenge rewards, there's other prizes to be given out! Read More.

New Skill Reveal - Contagion

Nov 3, 2015, 4:48:01 PM
Two weeks ago we talked a bit about the Poison improvements we are making, but it's not the only Damage Over Time system we're working on in the next content update. Today, we're going to show you Contagion, a new spell that is coming to Wraeclast. Read More.

The Darkshrine Events Have Begun!

Nov 2, 2015, 5:40:42 PM
The Darkshrine Events started a few hours ago. As we mentioned in our previous announcement, we're running a competition where users can submit their crazy experiences in the Darkshrine event. At the end of the event, prizes will be given based on the best submissions! Read More.