News Archive

The Darkness Mystery Box Soundtrack

Jul 26, 2016, 6:38:53 PM
The Darkness Mystery Boxes will go off sale in approximately five weeks when the Prophecy Leagues end on August 30th. To show our appreciation to everyone who has purchased a mystery box we're making the soundtrack of the Darkness Mystery Box trailer available for free download. Read More.

Performance Improvements in 2.3.3

Jul 25, 2016, 8:26:54 PM
Content Update 2.3.3 is a patch that's exclusively devoted to introducing a new performance feature for players to beta test. This feature should improve frame rate significantly where there is a lot action on the screen. Jonathan, our Technical Director, has created a video showing off the improvements that are possible. Read More.

Russian Garena User Account Migration

Jul 25, 2016, 5:26:05 AM
The Garena CIS (Russia) Path of Exile servers will shut down on August 29 due to Garena Russia ceasing all operations. Starting from that day, users will be able to use a web page to gain access to their CIS accounts on the Grinding Gear Games international Path of Exile realm. A full migration to our international servers will be available including all characters, items, purchased microtransactions and points balances. We look forward to welcoming these users to our server. Read More.

Improvements to the Website

Jul 24, 2016, 10:57:29 PM
Earlier this year, we hired a second web developer. In the past, we've only had singular web developers working alone. While they've all been great, this has only been enough man-power to cover the essentials of what the website needs. Now that we have a second pair of hands, we've been able to work on more of the non-essential but good-to-have features! Read More.

Weekend Stash Tab Bundle Sales!

Jul 23, 2016, 3:33:46 AM

New Microtransactions - Steam-powered Weapon and Iron Brand

Jul 21, 2016, 9:08:23 PM
We've just released two new microtransactions: the Steam-powered Weapon Skin which applies to one handed melee weapons and the Iron Brand Helmet Effect which imbues a piece of headgear with a glowing-hot iron effect. Read More.

The Art of Path of Exile

Jul 20, 2016, 7:57:00 PM
In this last few months we've been working on collecting our concept art from past, present and future expansions to work into a complete Path of Exile Art book. We're excited to once again be working alongside Dynamite Entertainment who were involved with releasing our Path of Exile Graphic Novel. We have a teaser of some of the content that you can expect to see in the book when it's released early next year! Read More.

Content Update 2.3.2 has been deployed!

Jul 19, 2016, 7:16:10 PM
The team have just deployed the 2.3.2 Content Update which contains bug fixes, new Divination Cards, 3D Art, chat improvements, a new item: Stacked Deck, and much more! Check out the full patch notes for more information. Read More.

ZiggyD's Community Unique Design - Names and Flavour Text

Jul 18, 2016, 8:50:58 PM
Last week saw the end of the third vote on our community designed unique, selecting one of the item's special properties. This week, we'll be asking for suggestions for the fourth vote: Item name and flavour text. We'll pick our favourites to be options in the next vote! Read More.

A Beginner's Guide to Racing

Jul 18, 2016, 12:00:08 AM
The Medallion Race Season launches this weekend! In preparation for this new season, we've put together a guide for players who are new to racing that further explains some of the Medallion Season Races and offers tips on how to progress quickly and keep your characters geared! Read More.

Chat Improvements in 2.3.2

Jul 14, 2016, 6:19:28 PM
Next week we're deploying the 2.3.2 Content Update which contains new 3D art for some items, Divination Cards and some chat improvements! We've created a dramatisation of a player trade to display the new chat time stamps and improvements to the visibility of sent and received messages in conversation. Read More.

Upcoming Divination Cards in Content Update 2.3.2

Jul 13, 2016, 6:36:30 PM
2.3.2 is an upcoming content update that contains bug fixes, Divination Cards, new 3D art for existing items and much more! Today's news post is a preview of some of these new divination cards, including cards that redeem for Nemesis items, Beyond items, Rigwald items and other tantalising rewards. Read More.

Developer Q&A Answers Part 2

Jul 12, 2016, 5:42:40 PM
We recently asked the community for questions for our developers to answer. Last week we answered the first six pages of questions, and today we have another set for you. Read More.

Upcoming 3D Art from Content Update 2.3.2

Jul 11, 2016, 6:19:03 PM
2.3.2 is an upcoming content update that contains bug fixes, Divination Cards, new 3D art for existing items and much more. Today's news post is a preview of some of the items that have received 3D art for this update. Read More.

Medallion Race Season Details

Jul 10, 2016, 10:24:05 PM
The Medallion Race Season is set to begin two weeks from now on the 23rd of July (NZT). This season will run for four weeks and includes 125 events. Its signature race is a Fixed Seed event called Medallion. For more information about the schedule, please check out the full race season details. Read More.

New Microtransactions - Siren Trident, Titan Maul and Radiant Axe

Jul 7, 2016, 9:26:47 PM
We've just released three new weapon skins! The Siren Trident Skin, Radiant Axe Skin, and the Titan Maul Skin. Read More.

Caption the Screenshot Competition Winners!

Jul 6, 2016, 11:16:55 PM
The Caption the Screenshot competition came to a close yesterday and we were extremely pleased with the amount of people who participated! We have spent the day processing the submissions and selecting our favourites and are excited to reveal the winners today. Read More.

Prophecy Challenge Statistics

Jul 5, 2016, 8:31:40 PM
We're almost at the midway point of the Prophecy Leagues and thought it was an appropriate time to post an update of how many challenges have been completed by players in these leagues. Read More.

Developer Q&A Answers

Jul 4, 2016, 10:43:16 PM
Last week we asked the community for questions for our developers to answer. We received dozens pages of questions and have spent the week answering most of the ones from the first six pages. We're going to have to answer more of these questions in a follow-up post soon! Read More.

Celebrate with Red, White and Blue Fireworks!

Jul 3, 2016, 8:20:02 PM
We're running a sale on Red, White and Blue Fireworks to help our community celebrate the 4th of July in style! This sale ends soon (until the end of July 4 US time), so get in quick before time runs out! Read More.