News Archive
Development Manifesto: Essence League
Nov 21, 2016, 4:20:52 PM
At 10am November 29th (NZT) the Essence Leagues will come to a close in preparation for Content Update 2.5.0 and the new Breach Leagues! In the meantime, we know that many of you have been eagerly waiting to hear if the Essence League mechanics will make it to the core game. The answer is yes, they will! Carl has written a Development Manifesto with more information about how this implementation will work. Read More.
Recently Asked Community Questions
Nov 20, 2016, 10:30:17 PM
Over the weekend we announced the details of our upcoming Breach Challenge League and 2.5.0 Content Update. As a result of this and the recent 2.4.2 Content Update we've noticed some recurring community questions that we want to address. Read More.
Announcing the Breach Challenge League and Path of Exile 2.5.0
Nov 18, 2016, 3:59:47 PM
Today we're proud to announce December's Path of Exile update which includes the Breach Challenge League! Check out the Breach page, the trailer and please consider buying a Breach Supporter Pack! You can read more about Breach at the following media outlets: Massively Overpowered, GameSpot, MMOBOMB, Gamepedia,, MMOHuts. PCGamesN and Read More.
Content Update 2.4.2 Deployed
Nov 17, 2016, 9:06:39 PM
We have finished deploying Content Update 2.4.2. You can see its patch notes here. There was a significant problem with our initial deploy that was not present on our testing realms. We rolled the patch back and spent a few hours fixing it. Thanks for your patience, and please enjoy the update. We will announce the December challenge league tomorrow at 1pm PST. Read More.
Huge Multi-Sale, Upcoming Supporter Packs and 2.4.2 Deployment
Nov 16, 2016, 11:13:16 PM
Tomorrow (Friday, NZT) we're deploying Content Update 2.4.2. The following day (Saturday, NZT), we'll be announcing the full details of our December challenge league and 2.5.0 update. Alongside this reveal, we will launch two new supporter packs. In the meantime, we're holding a huge sale on over 30 microtransactions! Read More.
Content Update 2.4.2 Patch Notes
Nov 15, 2016, 8:10:24 PM
Within the next two days we're deploying Content Update 2.4.2 which contains new skills, improvements to master missions and much more. In the meantime, the full patch notes are now ready to view. Read More.
Cloth Physics System in 2.4.2
Nov 14, 2016, 10:12:12 PM
In addition to the other technical improvements in this week's 2.4.2 update, we have another surprise. We've developed a cloth simulation system! Today's news post explains what you can expect. Read More.
Content Update 2.4.2 Highlights
Nov 13, 2016, 9:30:29 PM
We're planning to deploy Content Update 2.4.2 later this week. It contains many significant changes, including Improvements to Master Missions, three new Skill Gems, a new DirectX 11 renderer and much more! While we wait for the full patch notes, here are some of the smaller additions you can look forward to! Read More.
Skill Gem Reveal: Blight
Nov 10, 2016, 4:58:07 PM
Content Update 2.4.2 is scheduled for next week and so far we've revealed two of the upcoming channelled skills: Blade Flurry and Scorching Ray. Today we're revealing the third and final new channelled skill, Blight!
Read More.
Build of the Week Bloopers
Nov 9, 2016, 5:46:32 PM
Last week we released the season six finale of Build of the Week. However, we're not quite done with the series just yet! It's been a complete joy bringing the series back and the team has had a lot of fun doing so. In fact, we've had so much fun behind the scenes that it seems a little unfair to keep it from you. So, here we have it! Build of the Week Bloopers!
Read More.
Improvements to Master Missions
Nov 8, 2016, 5:58:29 PM
We've been keeping a little secret tucked away in our guild stash and we're now ready to reveal it. In Content Update 2.4.2 we're going to introduce improvements to how some master missions work. Among other things, these improvements should eliminate a lot of backtracking!
Read More.
Upcoming Release Timeline
Nov 7, 2016, 9:07:11 PM
It's a busy time in Path of Exile with many releases coming up. Today's news post summarises our current timeline and explains the relative scope of the 2.4.2 and 2.5.0 updates. Read More.
Skill Gem Reveal: Blade Flurry
Nov 6, 2016, 10:28:26 PM
Content Update 2.4.2 is just around the corner and contains three new channeled skills. Last week we revealed the mechanics of the Scorching Ray Skill Gem. Today we're revealing the second channeled skill from this update: Blade Flurry.
Read More.
Too Much Clutter? Check Out the Super Stash Sale!
Nov 4, 2016, 12:00:18 AM
Tired of being a beast of burden? Too much clutter? We've got you covered! This race weekend we're holding a sale on every type of stash tab. This includes everything from Currency Stash Tabs and Premium Stash Tab Bundles to Guild Stash Tabs. Read More.
Build of the Week S06E08 Ranged Attack Totem Tactical Nuke by russelhentz
Nov 2, 2016, 5:03:25 PM
Based on community nominations for Build of the Week, we've selected the Ranged Attack Totem Tactical Nuke by russelhentz for the season six finale episode! The episode showcases a Chieftain from the Hardcore Essence League that creates continuous bursts of inescapable explosions from each totem it summons. Read More.
Scorching Ray Skill Gem Mechanics
Nov 1, 2016, 5:27:04 PM
Recently we revealed a teaser video of one of the upcoming channeled skills in Patch 2.4.2. We're happy to unveil this new skill: Scorching Ray! Today's news post covers some of the finer details of how this skill works. Read More.
Essence Statistics
Oct 31, 2016, 10:28:13 PM
The Essence Challenge leagues are currently in their ninth week. The leagues have had our highest player retention ever and we're really pleased with how many people are engaged in the new challenges. We've assembled some statistics that demonstrate how many challenges have been completed in addition to what and how essences are being used.
Read More.
Daily Deal Watchlist
Oct 30, 2016, 11:39:09 PM
When we launched the Atlas of Worlds expansion we also introduced a new Watchlist system to the microtransaction store. It's now possible to save a microtransaction to your Watchlist so that you are notified via email when that item is put on sale. We've assembled some statistics of the microtransactions that players are saving to their Watchlists. Read More.
Gloom Armour and Wings on Sale Now!
Oct 29, 2016, 3:08:04 AM
Feeling gloomy that Halloween falls on a Monday this year? (Thanks, 2016!) Now you can deck yourself out entirely in black to get in the Halloween spirit regardless of what day it is. This weekend we're having a three-day sale on the Gloom Armour Set and Gloom Wings microtransactions. It's also the last weekend to get a free Carnage Mystery Box when you spend points in the store! Read More.
Progress Update for 2.4.2
Oct 27, 2016, 7:08:50 PM
In a previous news post, we explained our plans for the 2.4.2 and 2.4.3 patches. Today, we have prepared an update on their development status for you. Read More.