News Archive
Community Showcase and More ExileCon VIP Tickets Coming Soon
Jun 11, 2019, 9:05:52 PM
It's no secret that we have many talented community members who never cease to amaze us (and their fellow Exiles) with all kinds of fan art, inspired by Path of Exile. For today's news post we gathered some of the recent fan art submissions. We also have good news for anyone who's been waiting for a new batch of VIP tickets to ExileCon: next week we're adding more tickets!
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The Illusionist Weapon Effect
Jun 10, 2019, 10:35:08 PM
We've just released the Illusionist Weapon Effect. In addition to leaving a blue trail with orange particles, this microtransaction adds a beautiful glass-like effect to your weapon, making it transparent from time to time. Check out the video or click here to get yours now.
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Path of Exile: Legion - What We're Working On
Jun 10, 2019, 7:44:47 PM
As we mentioned in our news post yesterday, the launch of Path of Exile: Legion was a huge success! We wanted to post an update about many of the small issues that we have either just fixed or are fixing today. Read More.
The Legion Brimmed Hat
Jun 9, 2019, 11:09:49 PM
We're celebrating the launch of the Path of Exile: Legion by releasing a new Brimmed Hat! Designed to match the theme of the new league, this hat is decorated with purple crystals and emanates a purple fog. The Legion Brimmed Hat will only be available during the current league and won't appear in the shop again in the future. Don't miss it if you want to show your support to a specific development period of Path of Exile! Check out the video or get yours here!
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How the Legion Launch Went
Jun 9, 2019, 8:02:26 PM
On the weekend we released Path of Exile: Legion and launched the official Path of Exile service in Korea (in cooperation with Kakao Games). The Legion launch has so far resulted in peak player concurrency of over 224,000 players on the main Path of Exile server (excluding Xbox, PS4 and the Chinese realms), which beats our previous record set by Betrayal in December.
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The Frontier Mystery Box
Jun 8, 2019, 5:20:33 PM
We've just introduced the Frontier Mystery Box which introduces 38 new microtransactions whose designs hail from a wild land full of danger, hunting and riches of all kinds. Each Mystery Box costs 30 points and guarantees one microtransaction with value equal to or greater than that of the box. Many of these Mystery Box cosmetics can be combined to create versions of the same designs with an alternate colour, for even deeper character customisation. Check out the full trailer to see what's available!
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3.7.0b Patch Notes (Restartless)
Jun 7, 2019, 8:43:28 PM
We've just deployed a patch which should resolve many common issues and client crashes players are experiencing. Check out the full patch notes for more information. Read More.
Path of Exile: Legion Launches Soon
Jun 7, 2019, 4:13:31 AM
The launch of Path of Exile: Legion is imminent! As always, we've gathered all the information you need to know about what happens on launch day and information on how to start downloading early.
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Get Your Exclusive Korean God Helmet and Welcome the Korean Community to Wraeclast!
Jun 6, 2019, 7:05:53 PM
To celebrate the launch of Path of Exile: Legion and to welcome our new Korean community, we're offering an exclusive free microtransaction when you kill the Brine King in Act Six of the Legion challenge league. This cosmetic helmet replaces the look of your existing helmet with one themed around the traditional cultures of Korea. Read More.
Path of Exile: Legion Gem Information
Jun 6, 2019, 12:24:50 AM
Path of Exile: Legion is set to launch in less than two days! We know that you're eager to get stuck into planning your builds, so we've prepared gem data at level 20 with 20% quality for all the new and reworked gems for this expansion. Read More.
Legion Patch Notes, Item Filter and Passive Tree Information
Jun 5, 2019, 12:53:26 AM
We've just published the full patch notes for Path of Exile: Legion! To help you prepare your builds and update your item filters for the launch, we've also gathered all of the Passive Tree and Item Filter information in this news post!
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Development Manifesto - Balance in Path of Exile: Legion
Jun 3, 2019, 10:27:20 PM
Tomorrow we're releasing the full patch notes for Path of Exile: Legion. In the meantime, we'd like to talk about some of the major balance changes we've planned for the expansion and what our intentions are. The team has written a Development Manifesto to outline these changes. Read More.
Private Leagues for Path of Exile: Legion are now available!
Jun 3, 2019, 6:25:17 PM
If you're eager to prepare for the launch of Path of Exile: Legion, you'll be glad to know it's now possible to create Private Leagues for the upcoming launch. Click here to set up your Private League now! Keep in mind that you won't be able to participate in these events until they officially launch on June 7th. Read More.
Legion Challenge Rewards
Jun 2, 2019, 10:54:13 PM
In the Legion League you'll have the option to complete 40 new challenges and earn exclusive microtransaction rewards. At 12, 24 and 36 challenges you will earn the Monolith Helmet, Monolith Aura and Monolith Wings respectively. Click here to check out a video of the rewards.
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Synthesis Ends Soon - Get a Free Mystery Box When You Spend Points
May 31, 2019, 12:28:53 AM
The Synthesis League and Synthesis Flashback Events on PC end next Monday, June 3rd at 3PM PDT, so you have only this weekend left to complete your challenges and strengthen the position of your Flashback characters in the Event ladders. Additionally, we've just started a 50 Point Sale with more than 200 cosmetic effects available for 50 points or less. As a tradition, we're also offering one free Glimmerwood Mystery Box when you spend points! Read More.
Preview of Early-Game Monster Rebalance
May 30, 2019, 8:33:47 PM
As we mentioned in our announcement of Path of Exile: Legion, we are reworking many of the monster encounters in the earliest parts of the game to ensure they're challenging enough - especially in the context of the melee combat revamp which gives characters a lot more tools to get out of the way of incoming attacks. We've created a preview video to give you an early look at what's coming! Read More.
Path of Exile is Now Available in South Korea
May 30, 2019, 3:33:36 AM
In cooperation with Kakao Games, Path of Exile will officially launch in Korea alongside the Legion release next week. It features a full Korean translation and local servers inside Korea, while still being part of the main international Path of Exile server. Today we have enabled access for Korean gamers to start playing, in preparation for next week's launch. More information, including the ability to link your Path of Exile account to your Kakao Games account, is available on Read More.
An Update Regarding Delve and Betrayal Content
May 29, 2019, 7:37:56 PM
In our recent Q&A (Part 1, Part 2) news post, we mentioned some changes that we want to make to past leagues based on community feedback. As we approach the launch of Path of Exile: Legion we want to provide an update about our timeline for these plans.
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Steelskin and the Guard Skills
May 28, 2019, 10:34:17 PM
As part of changes to make early game combat more active, we're introducing the new Steelskin skill, and are changing Molten Shell and Immortal Call. Today's news post covers these in more detail. Read More.
Legion League FAQ
May 27, 2019, 8:43:31 PM
It's been almost a week since we announced Path of Exile: Legion! We've enjoyed reading all the hype and speculation and noticed a few common questions popping up. We've decided to collect some of these and answer them in one handy place. Read More.