Official Forsaken Masters Patch Notes and Deployment Timeline

teletups11 wrote:
I am very excited about the update.

I have a question about Spectral Throw, Lets say that its base dmg was 100% weapon dmg, will it now be 92% or does the flat dmgg nerf mean that 100% + all your support gems and auras and then minus 8% or how is it?

the exact formula for lvl20 ST is
TOTAL ST DPS - 12.3%
(if the tree stats are the totally same)
this does not include Anger and Wraith additional nerfs.

IMHO ST deserves this nerf.
Can someone please tell me the size of the patch? if its known?
i have limitation problems...
Kiedel wrote:


Thank you for reminding me of a song I desperately need to add to my 1.2 HYPE playlist.
"Nothing happened." - CharanJaydemyr, TheWretch

Sayya's Item Filter (updated for Ritual!) -
shade1515 wrote:
teletups11 wrote:
I am very excited about the update.

I have a question about Spectral Throw, Lets say that its base dmg was 100% weapon dmg, will it now be 92% or does the flat dmgg nerf mean that 100% + all your support gems and auras and then minus 8% or how is it?

the exact formula for lvl20 ST is
TOTAL ST DPS - 12.3%
(if the tree stats are the totally same)
this does not include Anger and Wraith additional nerfs.

IMHO ST deserves this nerf.

Damn son. Whit what we gona kill uber Atziri now? :)
Mirror of Kalandra?
DirkAustin wrote:
skaterboy80 wrote:
Is desync still a thing in the game?

Only when you pay attention to it.

ehm it's there 24/7 more or less, smal possition "errors" are constantly there.
It's enough to just run and you will desync from time to time.

To survive in hc leagues you always:

- have to pay attention to it
- have fast fingers for /oos or get a macro key to do the typing
(for the moments you wana make sure you are not still standing where something painfull gona
- use as much hold possition + attack as possible
- make sure to attack monsters when they hit you (so that you know that they are actually there
and not a screen or two away at least important when you're undergeared and walk into a swarm)

edit: I don't like the master supporter forum banner.. =/

Last edited by mrgrin#2076 on Aug 20, 2014, 1:28:03 PM
ArlindoBerto wrote:
Can someone please tell me the size of the patch? if its known?
i have limitation problems...

Was posted on Reddit that it's about 1.4 GB in size.
ToxDwarf wrote:
skaterboy80 wrote:
Is desync still a thing in the game?

Yeah, especially when opening strongboxes or using 'movement skills' such like whirling blades.

"whirling blades" ! - love it.

Yeah but don't worry, Multistrike is now removed from Cyclone. That's a solution to better mitigate desync - by drop a melee support gem?

Now Cyclone completely sucks without MS paired up with Blood Magic. Go try it while you still can. I used Cyclone + BM + MS all the time. You had to just be careful and not go crazy and it was manageable. That taxed your life only once for two attacks. Does removing MS help desync? It sure does! - but now you can almost kill yourself if you're not careful with BM. On the flip side, like I said, if you were not careful then dysinc could kill. Perhaps a lose lose but I preferred MS since it gave you a good boost to DPS that made Cyclone + RT actually viable.

✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
Last edited by cgexile#1534 on Aug 29, 2014, 8:48:10 PM

So the TENTATIVE skill tree was the real skill tree all along:(

So excited chickens been added to forest encampment...How about some pet mtx when y'all got some time GGG? I would love to see my pet do more aesthetic stuff, like dance or something.


Conan: Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
Never dance with the Devil because a dance with the Devil could last you forever...
-I thought what I'd do was,I'd Pretend I was one of those deaf mutes-
Nullus Anxietas:)
Time to convince my boss that I can take off the rest of the week...

Wish me luck. ^.^

Edit: Bask in my newly minted Supporter glory! :O
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Last edited by Sheriff_K#3938 on Aug 20, 2014, 2:37:03 PM
Nice but bad Time for the Europe Players xD. Seems to be a night without sleep...Or 1 day delay to play.... serious decision

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