Rampage and Beyond Challenges and their Prizes

We're getting Dota heroes now,brace yourselves guys,Gaben is coming
Will you receive the prizes immediately after completing the challenges required or at the end of the league? And if it's right away, what happens if you then sell one of the needed uniques, thus uncompleting that challenge?
sidtherat wrote:
Own these uniques:

The Goddess Bound

so there is the limiting factor guys.. sword that drops pretty much never

And yet sells for like, an exalted orb. Even when part of a challenge.
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.

Huh. My mace dude is now an actual cultist of Chayula. That's kinda wild.
Completing 5/8 challenges for the silver mtx is actually doable for casual players if they put their mind to it. Too bad it looks like a neon Vegas sign gone wrong. Now I'm just imagining each lit bar above the head lighting up one at a time and then incessantly blinking on and off.
The First Rhoa

Is this one new?
Tin foil hats are a lie propagated by the aluminium industry.
I'm actually disappointed that 90 in Beyond isn't one of the challenges. That was one of my favorite aspects of getting 7/8 in Ambush/Invasion.

But then, I imagine even surviving the last portal boss is ridiculous. Hopefully.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
hell yeah. i'm okay with reusing some of the old challenges, going for 5
You have entered Ghetto.
Well, I shall not be getting any halos. But that is okay. I like that the Challenges really ARE Challenging -- there's a lot of RNG in the Challenges, too, which makes them even trickier, even for experienced players. It'll be interesting to see how many people get a halo (or two!)
Can the beyond bosses spawn in any difficulty?
I find these challenges to be challenging.

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