<BLÍSS> Recruiting Active & Social Members [SettlersSC/POE2]

I'd really like to join this guild, I'm not really sure how to do that. Do I give my account name? My char name? Just message you in game?
Leave an ign and i'll send you an invite as soon as I get the chance ^_^
<BLÍSS> Recruitment

I like potato
Last edited by Credits100#2251 on Dec 17, 2014, 10:44:18 AM
:) whenever you're on appreciated
<BLÍSS> Recruitment

I like potato
Hey guys,

My name is William (IGN:PAX_TORMENTUS). I'm 20, and have been playing Poe since closed beta. I recently took a bit of a break last semester from poe, but am playing every day now that I am an intern/slave/punchingbag

I'm lvling a incinerator scion (lvl 44 as I am writing this), but I achieved level 90 in the Ambush league.

I play about 3-5 hours a day, but don't take that as verbatim.

tl;dr Im not noob, play alot, invite me :)
Fuse - Level 61 Ranger
I'd like to join ign ezpsashi
Hello I'd like to join as well if there's still room. IGN Spitzzard.
Firynesti here, would love to join if you've still got the room. I'm on a bit almost everyday and I've started mapping on my first character and feel like the the biggest thing I'm missing out on is the social aspect of PoE and would love to play with you guys ^^
I would like to join ur guild, plz accept me :D

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