More Forsaken Masters Information

jaredh wrote:
GooberM wrote:
jaredh wrote:

Eventually GGG is going to come around on this, just like every other MMO/ARPG has. The elitist attitude that since a person plays all the time it means they are the only ones who should get to experience the ultimate game is a mindset that needs to be shown the door on every game ever created. There is no justification for someone who plays 16 hours/day to have any better experience than me in the end, or the new guy who just started who wants to go win the game.

Entitlement at it's best.

It's because of people like you, who want everything handed to them on a silver platter, that games are turning causal.

It's a game man...they are supposed to be casual! Gaming is casual by definition.

no they aren't. there are games for intelligent players, games that dont hold your hand, games that expect you to figure shit out without a tutorial, and games that basically dont assume a lowest common denominator of a teenage imbecile.

or at least there were. there still are, but very few and in between.

and moreso, you are playing a game that was specifically dubbed by devs to be 'hardcore' and a grindfest.

now you dont expect to take up chess, play 1-2 hours a day and beat out your community chess champ even after a year, do you ? exactly, but chess is a game of function of skill

poe is a game of function of time put in. if all top items and content is available for you guaranteed when playing casually, wheres the fun in that ?
Last edited by grepman#2451 on Aug 1, 2014, 2:13:59 PM
grepman wrote:
DirkAustin wrote:

Its just a game and its supposed to be fun and its not fun seeing others try 6 gem combos while i sit on my 3 and 4 gem combos.

and herein lies the problem. in a game without inherent skill, people who put in 100x hours more should have some kind of advantage, no ?

You're right! No, you should not have some kind of advantage. Spot on.

grepman wrote:

and moreso, you are playing a game that was specifically dubbed by devs to be 'hardcore' and a grindfest.

now you dont expect to take up chess, play 1-2 hours a day and beat out your community chess champ even after a year, do you ? exactly, but chess is a game of function of skill

poe is a game of function of time put in. if all top items and content is available for you guaranteed when playing casually, wheres the fun in that ?

To take your chess analogy and try to compare it to PoE, you have to suggest the community chess champ gets to play with the queen piece, but you don't....because you haven't grinded enough yet, young padawan.
I would like to get some more information about

Herald of Ice and Herald of Ash are self-buff skills that reserve some of your mana pool to add elemental bonuses to your attacks.

How are these different from auras? What is the difference with Hatred and Anger?
Startkabels wrote:
I would like to get some more information about

Herald of Ice and Herald of Ash are self-buff skills that reserve some of your mana pool to add elemental bonuses to your attacks.

How are these different from auras? What is the difference with Hatred and Anger?

Auras buff you and the party/minions. These two buff only you, so I expect them to a bit stronger than regular auras. Yay for solo play, finally a bone for us to gnaw.
„I don't give a fuck if it was his tenth anniversary with his goddamn neckbeard...“
„If they think I'm going to let them sweep this pizza guy thing under the rug...“
No mod action. Business as usual.
Not to go too far off track here, but...

grepman wrote:
now you dont expect to take up chess, play 1-2 hours a day and beat out your community chess champ even after a year, do you ? exactly, but chess is a game of function of skill

...if you played chess for 1-2 hours per day I would seriously expect you to be able to handily beat even above-average community champs after a year. Although the speed of chess progression varies by individual, anyone who studies 7 hours per week could reasonably expect to become competetive at a community level (even in most cities) within one year. You may not be a master, but by that time you sure should be able to understand masters' strategies. Even if you just "play" (as in casually) for 7 hours a week you should see dramatic improvement within a year.

Last edited by brot_und_spiele#3843 on Aug 1, 2014, 3:16:05 PM
jaredh wrote:
grepman wrote:

and moreso, you are playing a game that was specifically dubbed by devs to be 'hardcore' and a grindfest.

now you dont expect to take up chess, play 1-2 hours a day and beat out your community chess champ even after a year, do you ? exactly, but chess is a game of function of skill

poe is a game of function of time put in. if all top items and content is available for you guaranteed when playing casually, wheres the fun in that ?

To take your chess analogy and try to compare it to PoE, you have to suggest the community chess champ gets to play with the queen piece, but you don't....because you haven't grinded enough yet, young padawan.


There are some people who are just blind to the problem.

The game is not hard, until you start looking to take on Atziri, or say.... 74ish or higher maps.

Even casuals can get to that point. (where the game starts to get hard).

But I haven't run Atziri. Why? Because I don't have all 4 pieces. Why? Because I never saw it drop.

I haven't run higher than 73 maps. Why? Because I've only run 1 73 map, because that's all I've seen.

And when you are stuck wearing the same gear for months on end, because you just don't see anything better drop, it becomes frustrating.

Take 6L's off the drops table, and make it craftable only, and then we can talk about people "deserving" a 6L.

But as long as it's on the loot table, and the RNG can poop one out of a corpse's ass, there is no deserve. There is only haves, and have nots, based on RNG, currency, and grinding.

Hell, reward playtime, and we can talk about deserving.

But right now, it's all random. It's all grind. It's all kill the next monster and see what loot they poop. As long as that is how it works, there is no stick to measure who "deserves" what.

I'll readily admit, that this game is probably not for me. I started playing with my son, and I've hung on after, because I had a good guild. But even they have left. Desync, lack of quality drops, and a myriad of other things, have reduced the guild to myself, and maybe 1-2 other people who log on once a week or so.
Odoakar wrote:
Startkabels wrote:
I would like to get some more information about

Herald of Ice and Herald of Ash are self-buff skills that reserve some of your mana pool to add elemental bonuses to your attacks.

How are these different from auras? What is the difference with Hatred and Anger?

Auras buff you and the party/minions. These two buff only you, so I expect them to a bit stronger than regular auras. Yay for solo play, finally a bone for us to gnaw.

Yes that is interesting, thanks for clarifying.
Last edited by Startkabels#3733 on Aug 1, 2014, 3:47:17 PM
For those who absolutely need a 6 link to feel like they can play the game.

They put in a marvelous chest called Tabula Rasa that serve this exact function. But, but, there is no stat on it. You need to have a price to pay to use a 6 link after all. I leveled all the way to map lvl70 with one before changing for a Cloak of Defiance 5L. (because the 6L was not even nessecery) You just need more resist elsewhere or purity.
Last edited by jechkaar#6877 on Aug 1, 2014, 3:53:38 PM
I just want to chime in on the casual vs hardcore debate.

I think at the moment you arent really talking about the crucial point.
That point, in my opinion, is that people enjoy games IN DIFFERENT WAYS !
And it can be very hard or even impossible to satisfy everyone equally
with your game and its design.

The casuals just want to experience the action and try out everything there
is to see without feeling like they have to work for it as if theyd
be doing a job.

The hardcore gamers on the other hand want the game to pose difficulties and challenges
for them in order to access everything there is to do. Only then they get
a feeling of satisfaction when they can finally do something in the game,
that they previously couldnt do.
If they can access everything too easily, the game gets boring for them.
They could, of course, alter the game for themselves to make it more difficult
("I have to destroy every other fusing I get" or whatever) but then theyd really
be playing a different game which they created themselves, and not the one build
and balanced by the developers.

GGG specifically said that they are targeting hardcore gamers (and they probably
didnt just mean the game mode "hardcore"), thus it is understandable, that those
gamers, who liked the hardcore nature of the game, get a bit angry, when they suspect
that the game goes in a different direction. Im not saying it is though, we will
have to wait for the expansion to come, so we can see how hardcore it is or isnt.

But to the most casual of gamers I can only say - and I dont mean that in a devalueing
way - that this game is probably not made for you, you might still have fun with it,
which would be great of course, but as far as I understood till now, you arent really
the targeted group of people.
Last edited by Alaoglu#5683 on Aug 1, 2014, 4:10:15 PM

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