Could Dragons be apart of Path of Exile's future expansions?
*Text in BOLD is newly added information*
I've thought about this for some time (as I'm sure some other people have), but I'm curious on what the community's stance on Dragons or Wyverns would be ? There's a couple hints leading me to believe that perhaps Dragons/Wyverns could possibly be implemented into future expansions. First off, I'm sure everyone knows about all of the equipment that's supposedly made out of Dragonscale/Dragon bone. Those being here: One thing that all of these base items have in common, is that they require you to be Lv.57 or higher to equip any of them. So anything 'Dragon' related would require you to be of a higher ended level to even equip. Seems I was mistaken, as there is actually another piece of armor that I forgot to add, which was the 'Full Dragonscale'. It also has a unique variant. This pair of unique boots is called 'Darkray Vectors'. ![]() This pair of Unique Boots also has an interesting little quote: "Sirrius flew on wings of light, faster than wind, faster than thought. But try as he might to outrun the darkness, it was there, at every turn, waiting for him." - Azmerian Legend Who is Sirrius? Much like Kalandra, I cannot find anything about this creature. It mentions that s/he flew on "wings of light", could this creature have possibly been a Dragon/Wyvern? It does say 'Azmerian Legend', however. My guess is that if Dragons/Wyverns did exist in the past, it would have been a very long time ago, as this quote (if it's referencing our winged lizards) is part of Azmerian Legend. Azmerians are from the Azmerian Mountains and eventually created the now destroyed "Eternal Empire". So if this was part of Azmerian Legend, it must have been written before Tarcus Veruso led the Azmerian tribes down from the Azmerian Mountains (which was more than 1600 years before present day Wraeclast). At least that's what I think, because after they left the mountains, they came into contact with the Vaal who helped establish a proper civilization, and later the Eternal Empire. This is the unique 'Full Dragonscale' chest piece. It belonged to Daresso (hence the name of the item. The flavor text isn't related to this topic, but something else that's interesting is. ![]() Did you know that Daresso was married to Merveil? I'm sure some of us already knew this, but what's more interesting is Daresso's other unique items: Daresso's Salute: ![]() "A bit short in the arm, are you? Then you'll be short of a head soon enough." - Daresso the Daring Daresso's Courage: ![]() By tourney's end, Daresso bled and shivered. Yet even accursed treachery failed to steal the champion's victory. Daresso's Salute has an interesting flavor text. Short in the arm? I know it's a stretch but some dragons were depicted to having short arms. It's hard to tell, but the dragon in the picture at the bottom of this post that's breathing fire, seems to have short arms. Or maybe I'm simply sleep deprived as of writing this. Then you have Daresso's Courage. The flavor text once again isn't important (it simply relates to a tournament), but the two creatures on the shield are. On the left you have what appears to be a black dragon (looks somewhat similar to the black dragon in the picture on the bottom of this post), and on the right seems to be a red giant serpent of some kind. One thing to note, (once again, another stretch) is that all of Daresso's equipment resist elements (which the case of his chest armor, he gains Endurance Charges which resist Elements). Dragons have been known to breath fire, among other elements. My only other clue are the giant skeletons in The Cove. Bones are literally scattered everywhere, and then you come upon this entrance (as I'm sure you all remember) ![]() ![]() (The tail side of things) It looks like this creature may or may not have been protecting the cave. Or perhaps Merveil killed this creature and utilized it's bones to ward off intruders? Daresso seemed to have a fascination (albeit small, or quite large) with dragons, as his equipment seems to reference this in one way or another. I believe he was killed and Merveil, Daresso's wife, hides herself away in the Cavern of Anger. Which is directly connected to The Coves which has the skeletal remains of a giant creature. Coincidence? I think not! Quite a few people have mentioned that the skeletal remains resemble an aquatic mammal. Something like a whale or a plesiosaur. If it's a case of the latter, then that means dinosaurs once existed in the world of Path of Exile, and that's a topic for another time. Side Note I should probably also mention the 'Three Dragons' unique item. ![]() The only thing that this unique item leads me to believe, is that there may have possibly been three different dragons, each of it's own individual element (or perhaps a hydra of sorts, with three heads each sporting a different element) and that's why Daresso needed to stack Elemental Resists? In any case, the flavor text reads: "The ice seared his naked feet As the lightning stilled his heart, But it was the flames upon his lover's face That roused him to vengeance." - From 'The Three Dragons' by Victario of Sarn Victario was simply a poet, but perhaps the flavor text (which seems to be a snippet from a piece of literature entitled, "The Three Dragons" by the 'People's Poet', Victario of Sarn) is referencing Daresso and his struggle against elemental dragons. The flames upon his lover's face could possibly be a reference to Merveil burning at the hands of said creatures. It's a long shot, but I'll be damned if it's not in some way related! Maybe Kalandra is the mother of dragons and she's coming back to Wraeclast for a vengeance ? What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear other theories on the subject and anything I've missed feel free to share. If anyone is interested in reading up on the history of Wraeclast you can do so here: You can find some interesting stuff there, for instance; Did you know Piety used to be a prostitute? "Piety was originally named Vinia, and worked as a thaumaturgist and prostitute in Theopolis." [Edit] Thanks to the user lllllDethkloklllll for linking to a New Zealand news article which showcases GGG and their progression to success. More interestingly, if you scroll down the article, there's a picture where you can clearly see what looks to be a dragon breathing fire in the background: ![]() Last edited by Krobelux#2395 on Jul 21, 2014, 7:17:30 AM
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you put a lot of thought and work into make thread. its well thought out, well presented and very frickin awesome to think about even for me who doesn't play anymore.
it would be amazing for dragons, especially one as big as the skeletons to be implemented into the game. i think if they are not apart of the next expansion, it may be developed and planned around now! (or well, as soon as somebody on staff reads this!) edit: but i MUUUST say. i hope PoE does not do the typical borderlands boss crap (they kinda did with dominus) where you make a big scary hard hitting boss that actually doesn't move and is very predictable and easy to beat. big slow dumb bosses are the easiest to beat, and the hardest and most scary are fast agile difficult to lock down bosses. so if they make a dragon boss, i basically hope it isn't one that just sits in one spot on the screen and allows you to beat them down - but rather one that is very zippy, flying in and out and agile for its size Last edited by iRace82#5088 on Jul 19, 2014, 4:32:05 PM
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" The thing is,the bone like creature we encounter on cave,is a giant rhoa.When we enter the cave we enter the Rhoaception. To back up this claim the first cave we enter is called cavern of wrath.we feel this wrath throught the game. Then cavern of anger with exploding tentacles reminding you also by seeing on floor all this treasure,that it is something you never will be,rich. Oh,also you murder merveils childs in procesd,so this is why merveil being cold towards you.The rhoaception ends when you kill merveil and the golden statues dissapear on her entrance and you walk towards the braking unexplicable door that was on that side of the room.Rhoaception is real. And ontopic,i recall ggg saying there were no dragons in wraeclast ad well as horses.those items were placeholders for other names.Not the first time an item change can happen. Ofcourse,they can add whatever they might think of,so who stops them make dragons alive?we fight a skelleton tyrannausaurus in another part of wraeclast.So nothing can surprise me,as long as they will keep the game as awesome as it is now Bye bye desync! Last edited by elwindakos#7380 on Jul 19, 2014, 5:02:55 PM
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Always thought the bones are from a whale or some sea living creature like that
![]() What can never be lent or earned?
Somewhat, that devours everyone and everything: A tree that rush. A bird that sings. It eat bones and smite the hardest stones. Masticate every sword. Shatters every shrine. It defeat mighty kings and carry mountains on lightly wings. What am i? |
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Have you seen this yet
Scroll down to second picture XD IGN:Dethklok
lllllDanziGGlllll - 100 Ranger ~ HOGM Mirror Service: View-thread/2479762 Old:870532 |
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" Oh thanks for this post! I actually have not seen this, and it's recent too! I'll update the original post to reflect this. |
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" don't do that, read the whole bloody thing :p It's a great article. I thought Willy was Swedish though, not a fellow Norwegian. |
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Really great thread dude, well thought out and nicely put across.. i for one would love to see some bad-ass dragons in wraeclast.
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" I actually did read the article and it was a great read! To see how far Chris and his team have come. It could almost bring a tear to my eye. I also forgot about another piece of DragonScale armor and that's the 'Full Dragonscale'. You know when you search Dragon, this piece of armor doesn't actually come up, least it didn't for me anyway. I'll be updating the original post to reflect this. |
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I wonder why Victario has named his writing "The Three Dragons". I can't find information about it anywhere in the Library. Interesting read, OP. Just felt like giving away another piece of the puzzle. Another quality ZAP! post.
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