One Month Race
One month league summary:
Anarchy 5/10 Exiles are cool but for start-middle game. Bosses drop better gear. Onslaught 1/10 Someone call it challenge but in poe desync is challenge. This is part of game where ppl activity drop. Nemesis 3/10 3 only because IT mod but it should be more frequent (2x more then it was in 1 month league) Ambush 10/10 Boxes r really best thing GGG did. With ambush mod ppl activity was max, after that they stopped playing. Invasion 0/10 Boring and not worth risk. Nothing special, was cool in a1n. Domination 1/10 Nothing special and lot of lag. All in all ppl played 1 month because of boxes. When they gone ppl gone too. 71 ppl in guild, on boxes time round 30 were online and active, after boxes only 3-4 ppl active. |
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It might be just me, but it seems as though the Rogue Exiles are spawning way more frequently than they're supposed to, even when Anarchy is not supposed to be active.
(edited to add:) ...and I just realized that the three hardcore league mods are now in effect for the rest of the race: Onslaught, Nemesis and Invasion. Onslaught Never played this one before this race. I'm amazed how much of a difference that 20% attack/cast/move speed makes. Really throws off my timing a lot more than I expected. And no, I don't like it. Nemesis I found three or four Inner Treasure mobs, but that doesn't even come close to making up for all the other Soul Conduits, Soul Eaters and Storm Heralds. I'd forgotten how much I disliked Nemesis, but this race helped me remember. Invasion I thoroughly hate and detest this mod. The mob density at Normal seems more like Merciless, which makes progressing through any given zone a laborious crawl. That's before we get to the ridiculously overpowered Invasion bosses. Doing maps with this? Don't think so. Good thing I already made level 71; with these mods in effect for the rest of the race, grinding levels would be no fun for me at all. I was kinda hoping to make level 80, but breaking 70 will do, considering the alternative. Loved Ambush, by the way. I am glad that was a long uninterrupted stretch of the race; made it a lot of fun while it lasted. "People ask me why I do this at my age. People are rude." Last edited by Gruentod#7525 on Aug 5, 2014, 1:54:46 AM
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" I totally agree with this! It reflects the feelings f me and my group of friends. Nemesis was only worth it for Inner Treasure- but it doesn't make up for the *&^%@!! that is Storm Herald, among others. Invasion ruins the flavor of the game by dumping monsters from other zones into zones they don't belong in. I hope GGG takes note that Ambush has been the most loved and successful mod IMHO. Most of the activity spiked when that mod was active. |
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The nice thing about the different races and leagues is that it offers a variety, a little for everyone. I disagree with the last few posters, but none of us should expect to like everything about the various races and leagues. What I like isn't going to be the same as others like. So GGG gives us a lot of choices, good for them.
Invasion: One month is way too long for a race. I got bored and left. Others don't like invasion, but I came back to grind the last few days BECAUSE of invasion. Onslaught: BLAMT is my favorite race. Onslaught is easy by comparison. I barely notice the difference. Ambush: Nice, but it's tossing the lag and desync dice and hoping you live. In a HC league it's a risk totally beyond your control. Nemesis: Meh, just another monster. With or without is fine. Anarchy: Best mod. Adds some variety. Domination: I hate this mod. My frame rate gets down to 1-2 with some of them. I don't hate them because of the frame rate though, I just don't like them. I'd like to see all those mods combined. Plus totems and famine. Maybe throw in immolation (mobs only, not players). However, with a league like that maybe adjust the level penalties a little. |
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looking forward to it
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I just want to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this race. It was a chance to see what I have learned about the game and what to expect. I enjoyed the different mods in the beginning, but later on I would die 3 or 4 times in the mid 70's after several hours and just call it. My biggest complaint is the loads on the servers. Nothing like running along and getting jumped. Pop a flask and run away, only to have the server throw you back 30 yards into the mix of monsters and *bam* you're dead. This was my biggest pet peeve (besides my own stupid mistakes that I made along the way).
I do understand that tons of people were playing, and also during the other league races, my capacity to run merciless level dungeons halted. I know my computer and internet is nothing special, but I do have a decent video and graphics card; and I kept the resolution low. Even so during the Ambush part that was the worst, having 20 or 30 guys pop out of no where would lock up the screen or back me up a few paces. Eventually I stopped running it. I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, and although I'm not trying to complain, it would be nice to see some kind of change to the exp loss. Reduce the amount lost a little bit, or implement something akin to what they did in Diablo II; if you died, go back to your corpse and get some of your exp back. Perhaps make it so that the monster who kills you gets an exp boost off of you. And depending on the class of monster and rarity have a percentage rate of exp gain for them. This way there is a reason to keep on going. Nothing worse than running a map that only gives 10-17% of a level, and dying due to some of the other issues mentioned. At that point my attitude is forget it and drop the map. (I usually run alone.) I know that there have to be other people out there that feel the same way, I've seen the server issues on multiple youtube videos. This is also what keeps me from wanting to play a Hardcore character. I argue the point on exp, because the uber group of players on here that I watch, rarely die due to having the best of the best, (gear, computer, connection) and their skills. But for the intermediate and beginner players it is quite annoying, frustrating, down right maddening when you die through no fault of your own. Something like this won't affect the Grade A players, but it will encourage gameplay, exploration, experimentation for everyone else. Again, I just want to say that I did have a blast going through this. I made it farther than any of my other toons, I had a good time for the most part, loved seeing new gear and learning and earning the skills I got. I don't have an extreme amount of time to play on here, but when I do my family usually tries to play as well. 6 people in this household are addicted to this game. It is fun, and we are all looking for FM to come out. Thanks. Peace out. KKoffee |
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Did I miss something? People are talking about domination mod but it wasn't used it this race according to the schedule.
Last edited by Septile#3881 on Aug 9, 2014, 9:47:25 AM
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Anybody know when the random drawings are happening?
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" No idea, I'd like to know as well :( |
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I would also like to know.
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