Tyreneko wrote:
Why wouldn't you have the 1-Month event start as he old Leagues finished?
All I'm seeing in 'Standard' at the moment is "Trade me for free items", everyone deleting their old characters.
Very disappointed to see I have to wait until next weekend to play Path of Exile and have it actually mean something rather than playing in the dead league.
Calling the only league that actually matters a dead league = lol.
Keep PoE2 Difficult.
We recently made a change where the contents of a remove-only tab are automatically moved into a new stash tab as one is purchased. This was primarily to fix a technical problem, but happens to also help users who purchase a lot of stash tabs when challenge leagues end and don't want to have to move the items across one at a time.
I hope this doesn't affect race reward tabs. If it does, it will have a rather unfortunate unintended consequence of discouraging people from buying stash tabs; keeping those reward items in their remove-only tabs is the only way to 'save' them for a future 4-month league.
Also disappointed that there's a gap where there's nothing to play other than the permanent leagues. League preference flaming aside, a lot of us have absolutely no interest in the permanent leagues so, for all intents and purposes, PoE is down for us for the next week.
Last edited by solistus#0470 on Jul 6, 2014, 12:58:30 AM
Posted bysolistus#0470on Jul 6, 2014, 12:56:44 AM
Hodari wrote:
unsane wrote:
People such as myself who have a lot of tabs, and a ton of remove only tabs (from tons of long duration events), who use these R-O tabs as pseudo-stash tabs.
And that's part of the problem. They probably never intended for them to be used that way. They're intended to be simply so you don't lose items when the leagues transfer over, but not to be free permanent tabs.
I am at a loss as to how they can be free permanent tabs - we purchased extra tabs (Premium Stash bundle etc) and now they are R-O. Hardly 'free' or fair.
If you purchase something - it should be available to use. I got the stash bundle for my own organising/arranging stuff. Now I have lost that ability, as well as the extra tabs. (Unless I leave stuff in my purchased tabs to 'rot') Hmmmmm. A little disappointed in this change
Posted byTharizden#4004on Jul 6, 2014, 1:37:06 AM
DJ_Anubis wrote:
If a veggieburger suddenly has meat in it, BELIEVE me they would advertise it, even if it would cost them half their costumers.
You really thnk there is no meat in a veggieburger? Lol!
Posted byt_golgari#2414on Jul 6, 2014, 2:30:09 AM
gg Invasion league, t'was fun.
Fluffy_Puppies wrote:
Tyreneko wrote:
Why wouldn't you have the 1-Month event start as he old Leagues finished?
All I'm seeing in 'Standard' at the moment is "Trade me for free items", everyone deleting their old characters.
Very disappointed to see I have to wait until next weekend to play Path of Exile and have it actually mean something rather than playing in the dead league.
Calling the only league that actually matters a dead league = lol.
What? Hahah!
The league where characters go to be pieced out to players for free and or deleted?
Yeah, rightoh bud.
Posted byTyreneko#3593on Jul 6, 2014, 3:54:56 AM
Tyreneko wrote:
Fluffy_Puppies wrote:
Tyreneko wrote:
Why wouldn't you have the 1-Month event start as he old Leagues finished?
All I'm seeing in 'Standard' at the moment is "Trade me for free items", everyone deleting their old characters.
Very disappointed to see I have to wait until next weekend to play Path of Exile and have it actually mean something rather than playing in the dead league.
Calling the only league that actually matters a dead league = lol.
What? Hahah!
The league where characters go to be pieced out to players for free and or deleted?
Yeah, rightoh bud.
How about just having fun playing the game regardless of what league a char is in? Whats with the trashing of any league anyways?
Posted byDeletedon Jul 6, 2014, 4:02:55 AM
DirkAustin wrote:
How about just having fun playing the game regardless of what league a char is in? Whats with the trashing of any league anyways?
My posts weren't originally about any 'trashing' of Leagues, I simply stated I don't know why they wouldn't have the 1-Month race start as the old League finishes, then someone decided to start the League war.
I'm just disappointed in how the change-over has been handled.
Posted byTyreneko#3593on Jul 6, 2014, 4:06:04 AM
so when gonna start this preseason?
Posted byxeidou#7582on Jul 6, 2014, 5:17:51 AM
I wonder how many people actually play the game with a focused interest on the story, quests, big battles 'n such, like I do. Seems like most of the population, at least in the forums, is only interested in temporary leagues 'n races.