Ball Lightning

Allnamestaken wrote:
Pillar is no go. No spelldamage, no defenses - just a gimmick build.

it reminds me of people calling 'flying' impossible

spell damage? you get INC AOE for free so it is possible to get that damage lost in one extra support. ofc it is a 'gimmick' - it is not a FOTM build. these start to look alike too much for my taste already. the same few passives, the same gear, the same atziri uniques (not BIS.. yeah right), the same defense mechanics (or rather - block, because it is the kind of all defences) etc etc

im bored with that

Pillar The Gimmick breaks the boredom and im more inclined to try it now as it has been called unviable..
The less people use BL the better i will feel for using it.

Overall i think this skills is more of defensive skill with priority to defense over fast clear speed, while other skills like fireball and such are more offensive priority to clear speed over defense. ( by that i mean what can they do defensively).
Seems to be a fun, decent alternative to Double Arc in a Mjolner style build if you happen to have that unique, which I do. Of course, people are gonna bellyache about it, but it honestly makes me feel like the old 'Rift-A-Din' and 'Rift-A-Sin' builds I made back in Diablo II and had a blast with. Not quite the punch that Arcs can put out, and it's worse and far more dangerous when you come across a Corrupting Blood mod, or Reflect Damage as well, but with the proc rate the Mjolner has, it makes for a nice amount of lightning balls. Can only really use Iron Will with it for support, but at least that gives the skill some much-needed punch in that regard.

As far as AOE potential...that's probably what its main strength is going to be and will require heavy investment into that to be effective. I do think Spell Echo is going to be up there in either the highly advisable or required category for this spell since it's basically both free casting and mana/recovery, which a hard caster will want.
Last edited by Tanakeah#5640 on Jul 8, 2014, 12:50:06 PM
elwindakos wrote:
and i will show you all the skills in all their full glory up to 220% AOE xD
with only 100% increased AoE, ice nova hits all but a strip of far left and right. so i'd love to see all skills on the new tripled sizes XD.
Last edited by soul4hdwn#0698 on Jul 8, 2014, 12:53:49 PM
soul4hdwn wrote:
elwindakos wrote:
and i will show you all the skills in all their full glory up to 220% AOE xD
with only 100% increased AoE, ice nova hits all but a strip of far left and right. so i'd love to see all skills on the new tripled sizes XD.

Its official,ill accept this for an "X" period of time till i do the video. :)
Bye bye desync!
Oh great, now I'm a part of a unimaginative grey mass of poe players for some reason. And i always thought of myself better, lol. Just because I think Pillar is bad doesn't mean I like the "build diversity" in poe. And pillar is bad, it was buffed in phys damage to make it at least usable for some builds, but since then the game progressed and staves became as a whole underpowered (or were they always?). It's high time it gets another rewamp. Since it has one of the best consepts of all the uniques.
Last edited by Allnamestaken#7661 on Jul 8, 2014, 2:40:08 PM
Okay people,

in my opinion alot of you miss the point of skill feedback.
First of all you have to aks yourselfs: What can the majority of players do with this skill.

In my opinion a good skill has to provide more things than just kill speed or safety.
It hase to be fun and to a degree it hase to be effective in comarison to all other attacks and spells that are currently in the Game.

It doesnt matter if Arc is OP atm. If i use BL and someone else uses Arc and kills twice effective that would result in alot less fun for me using BL.

In my opinion a good skill has to be:
1. Fun while leveling ( in my opinion Fun is to a degree equal to effectivness )
2. playable without certain Uniques ( not everybody has them )
3. playable with a 4-Link Item ( Not everybody got a 5 link and a lot of ppl will never see a 6link in their PoE-lifes. and with playable i mean that you can go to atleast level 72 Maps with it in a 4Link
4. Endgame viable ( i think most Attacks /Spells are Endgame viable when you got all the gear )

As far as i am concernd. BL doesnt fulfil all these 4 Points.
1. Not that effective while leveling alot other spells do better and therefor are more fun
2. is the case i think
3. its not that great with a 4-link only.
4. cant say anything about that.

What should be changed in my opinion:
Lower Mana cost.
More dmg while leveling.
Last edited by Diamond292#6484 on Jul 8, 2014, 3:14:02 PM
Diamond292 wrote:
Okay people,

in my opinion alot of you miss the point of skill feedback.
First of all you have to aks yourselfs: What can the majority of players do with this skill.

In my opinion a good skill has to provide more things than just kill speed or safety.
It hase to be fun and to a degree it hase to be effective in comarison to all other attacks and spells that are currently in the Game.

It doesnt matter if Arc is OP atm. If i use BL and someone else uses Arc and kills twice effective that would result in alot less fun for me using BL.

In my opinion a good skill has to be:
1. Fun while leveling ( in my opinion Fun is to a degree equal to effectivness )
2. playable without certain Uniques
3. playable with a 4-Link Item ( Not everybody got a 5 link and a lot of ppl will never see a 6link in their PoE-lifes.

it does. it sets the benchmark. it is Arc and ONLY Arc that is mentioned here - because it is by all means best spell atm (empower scaling makes it so). so if you compare your car or any other car to a perfectly fine ferrari 430 dont expect anything but disappointment

and thats why one has to know the realistic benchmark - arc isnt one

with the rest of your points i agree though. and with 1/2/3 all answers for me are YES
sry my post wasnt finished when i first submitted it
So this probably isn't anything new but I thought I'd share the gem setup that I found works the best with BL: Increased AoE, Echo, Lightning Pen, and Added Lightning. Personally I dislike slower projectiles due to the reduced area of effect you get, although I can see how it would be useful for dpsing down single targets. I've tried knockback and it seems pretty useless, you end up killing white mobs a bit faster due to each ball hitting more but the bottleneck with BL is killing single targets, and knockback does nothing to help with that.

Despite the lackluster DPS I really think this skill has a lot of potential to be used in a max block/spell block cybil's paw build, since with how fast each ball hits mobs you will instantly gain back a lot of life. Pretty similar to an incinerator, but you won't have to stand still next to a target to hit it. I would test it out myself but I'll be playing the one month and the build probably requires too many uniques to get working in just one month.

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