Two Screenshots From Content Update 1.1.5

Sexy stuff
Looks like the removed the 3 uses part of lightning ball. Could be really interesting.
Lightning Balls ^_^
Echo + Lightning Ball incoming !
Vaal Lightning Trap? :o
Most Frequented IGNs:

HardcorePat (HC)|| MaxEvasion (HC)|| EndlessMana (HC)
Well, Ball Lightning will likely be going onto my Mjolner...

and that Saffell's skin could actually surpass Aegis as my favorite shield skin.
Aura Reservation Calculator:
Chromatic Calculator:
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oh god, ball lightning mjolner incoming if they removed the charges...
studying for GGG's C++ technical exam...
So exited!!! Shield looks great and can't wait for Ball Lightening, been waiting a very long time to roll a lightning girl. Thanks GGG.
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—Leo Buscaglia

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My beloved pets....
Time to make a CoC Ball Lightning character.

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