Build of the Week: Season 2 Episode 9

johnKeys wrote:

some people could even consider a 100-Exalt build to be "budget". for them.
that's not the point.

the point is bodybuilders who choose to not take Steroids, even though those are allowed and indeed actively encouraged, in this "competition".

well I'm *almost* one.
I played this game since the start of Open Beta. must be close to 2000 hours spent in-game by now. I took some of dem trade Steroids a couple of times because RNG relentlessly screws me over, but I try my very best not to.

I have no clue what a 6-linked item looks like.
I only ever found about 4 Exalted Orbs. about 1 every 500 hours on average.
my total of orbs right now, is roughly 5 Exalts. in all leagues combined.
depleting fast, because fuck me I'm still stupid enough to gamble ("craft") with them, instead of just hoarding - since my characters require it.
and I often get screwed at that, because RNG is fucking RNG.
yeah this game has a ton of it. everywhere. layered one on top of the other in a perfect clusterfuck.

so, 10 Exalts come easily, huh?

and yes, I do eat peanuts from dumpsters - a.k.a use the utterly insulting "vendor recipes" this game has.
gain that 1 Chaos or Regal, from juggling Tetris between my packed-to-the-brim 4 pathetic stash tabs, switching characters like a mad man.
soup for the poor. busting my ass for every teaspoon of it.

my gear is probably worth a couple dozen Exalts at this point - mostly because "legacy" - but I'll never sell anything.
I use it.
I'm here to kill monsters and build characters, not sit in trade chat all day pumping dem Steroids.
I'm here to do crazy challenges, if only supreme god RNG would generously grant me passage to them, and as if beating those challenges actually meant something in terms of reward.

trade is not a mandatory feature in aRPG. it shouldn't be.
but it sure as hell is, in Path Of Exile.
and when Chris says "here's your Build Of The Week" on something that requires a fucking truckload of dem virtual Steroid dollars - what kind of message do you think it sends the new guys joining the game?

I'll tell you: they think they can actually get there based on their own skill as monster-slaying adventurers.
poor suckers.
they'll eventually give up and quit, or become trade-o-holics, or fuel the damn RMT machine.
not everyone is as fucking dim-witted as I am, to continue this self-imposed torture.

Chris I hope you are reading this.
I'm sure you'll pick that 100-Exalt "budget build" I mentioned, as the next BOTW.
that's what you wanted all along.
you love dem fucking Steroids.

I think its unfair to compare Steroid to trading since steriod has really bad side effects whilst 'trading' doesn't hence why my comparison of trading to drinking protein shake or eating a high protein diet is much more fair.

If Steriod didn't have the bad effects and it was legal I'll be taking it myself ( contrary to the popular belief you still have to work hard to gain muscle even on the juice )

and like a vegan body builder it is there choice to not drink that protein shake or have good quality protein diet they really can't complain when they come last in the contest

Yes I do agree with you that what is a 'budget build ' is opinionated but you will generally find most players who trade will be able to attain 10ex ( gear/currency equ ) by 70+ maps

You just need to find a couple of relative good uniques and then sell them at market value. if you have played 2000 hours then i assume you must have found a dozen or so uniques that can easily be sold for 3 to 7 ex each.

I am not too sure if I am just super lucky or use IIR and IIQ gear but I managed to find 4 ex in my 700 hours of play but I assume that if you are self found you will also have trouble getting good IIR and IIQ gear

Again sacrifice you got to make since you are playing this game in a 'alternative' method from what the developers anticipated.

Trading isn't mandatory you can still get to end game content but it will take you much longer and due to the unforgiven RNG God of POE you really have to be a bit of a sado- masochist to play self found whilst trying to compare your builds with normal players.

The new guy should learn to read and follow my guide. Path of exile isn't some game that give everything to you on a plate and it shouldn't be like that.

For people who play this game who trade actually find it quite a pleasant experience levelling with my guide and I've got a couple of 'students' who will be surpassing my build
in the next few weeks and I know one of them is a completely new player to the game ( first character) so its not impossible at all

Look it really seem that 'self found' for you is causing alot more grief than joy , I don't know maybe it really isn't for you if you want to build a character with really good gear.

Unfortunately you can't have both to be 'self found' and have 'awesome gear'. To be honest I think diablo 3 seem to suit your style of play more than POE maybe you should give that a go if you haven't already played it since the latest patch they have shut down all trading .

Also in my opinion 'negotiation' is a 'skill' in it self and understanding the economy too. It also fit the theme the game. You are an exile so you need to trade with other exile with what you got with what you need to survive.

To be honest I don't trade THAT MUCH.. I would be far richer if I did but I do enough so that it is fun and yeah it is pretty self torturing and silly to think you would get top end gear by self found

Its like trying to beat dominus without using any equipment or weapon and then moaning that it is too hard and that this game don't cater for people use a true 'hand to hand' wildman playing style lol
Last edited by ninedeadeyes#2466 on Jun 12, 2014, 2:59:43 PM
johnKeys wrote:

some people could even consider a 100-Exalt build to be "budget". for them.
that's not the point.

the point is bodybuilders who choose to not take Steroids, even though those are allowed and indeed actively encouraged, in this "competition".

well I'm *almost* one.
I played this game since the start of Open Beta. must be close to 2000 hours spent in-game by now. I took some of dem trade Steroids a couple of times because RNG relentlessly screws me over, but I try my very best not to.

I have no clue what a 6-linked item looks like.
I only ever found about 4 Exalted Orbs. about 1 every 500 hours on average.
my total of orbs right now, is roughly 5 Exalts. in all leagues combined.
depleting fast, because fuck me I'm still stupid enough to gamble ("craft") with them, instead of just hoarding - since my characters require it.
and I often get screwed at that, because RNG is fucking RNG.
yeah this game has a ton of it. everywhere. layered one on top of the other in a perfect clusterfuck.

so, 10 Exalts come easily, huh?

OI OI OI OI, you really read what I wrote?

I said that drop 10 pure exalted are pretty hard. But I said that trade alterations or transform alterations to fuse and trade them in exalted are somehow easily.

If you play a bit for 1 month you get it. So it's somehow easy. For godsake, the game don't need to drop a exalted each hour we play.

I agree that drop sucks, RNG sucks even harder. I'm not "against" you in RNG theme and drop rate of exatled. It is really hard I play a lot and I dont think i droped 10 pure exalted yet. If I droped this much dont surpass too much 15.

I just said that it's easy to trade fuse/alteration and get 10exalted, not that drop 10 pure exalted are easy. I said too that I consider self found theses trade, because it's the only way to get exalted since NPC dont sell them. If you are against that maybe you could grab 2000 fuse urself and drop a voll protector (this drop a lot all the time) and 6 socket and 6link it and sell and transform it in exalted. If you are against that too, I dont know what to say to you... you like to suffer.

The game design is like this, every LOW orb can be transformed in higher orb. But NPC stop doing that at some point. So if you refuse to trade ur alterations to exalted with others players you are f*** bounded to fail in the game, because exalted dont will drop so very often, if they would economy would infalte too much, because you already have good drop ratio of other orbs, if you stack a good drop ratio of exalted it will be trash and would have no value, economy will sink.

But again, I dont think the game is fair, I dont agree with decisions Cris make, I'm not happy with my drops, I'm not happy with this RNG, i'm not happy at all.

This craft system just sucks, are made for bilionaries (in real life analogy). I mean, I play almost over 1 year and I only dropped 1 eternal, I doubt I ever dropped 15 pure exalted in the ground. How can I f*** craft an item if it takes almost ~1000exalted worth to you do that? This craft system are all wrong. The game design suffer from the same problems real life economy suffer, rich get richer and poor get poor.

The RNG really sucks, I dont even call this RNG, R comes from RANDOM I think, there's NOTHING random in this s***, I mean, even if this was random, some people would had dropped good items, not perfect (like mirror service items) but at least closer to perfect ones. I never did, never dropped a single weapon 1 handed weapon with 300+DPS. How this is possible? How isit random? How anyone that I know didnt dropped too, how the owner of the build didnt had too? How you had not? How anyone which posted here didnt too? It's not random, its meant to f*** you in every possible way and dont let you grab anything good. For sure it's not random.

But Cris knows that, the game belongs to him. Then I accepted that he wants to make the game that way. It's not even imaginable that he dont understand that this craft system sucks and RNG are not RNG and even if it was this are f****** up.

But then, again, 10ex still budget, and no, 100ex is not budget and interpretations and subjectives things are torelable, but only at certain point. Let's not pretend be dumb. 10ex are budget, 100ex are not. There's not interpretation in this.
Last edited by swib#1078 on Jun 12, 2014, 4:10:16 PM
ninedeadeyes wrote:
Charan wrote:
Dual Strike? Really Fast Attacks? Seems familiar.

All snark aside, this doesn't strike me as anywhere near as innovative or clever as some of the other recent BOTWs. Maybe I'm just tired of the supremacy of Dual Strike+Melee Splash...

But then again if you look at the passive tree.. Completely different :)

Yeah build isn't innovative' more for efficiency and accessibility.. You can
play my build at level 35 from scratch ( which I have done in my progression levelling section of my build )

and if you really really want to strip the meat, you only need any type of 5 link armour and
a couple of 200 pdps claws ( 6 chaos each last i've heard) and this would be able to do end game content.

The only skill that dual claw can use efficiently is dual strike and the only way to give it AOE is melee splash.

This build isn't the most 'strongest' nor 'innovative' build but one that people wants to ninja about with whirling blade and shred the enemies like a wolf :)

Eh, sorry for the late reply. Wasn't expecting a response, since I was mostly just griping about dual strike+melee splash at super high speeds being so prevalent now, and the video just reminded me of when dashgalaxy's 3.something aps was considered 'very fast'.

Congrats on the botw. It still doesn't meet my personal standards for a botw, but I'm not involved in the selection process, so that hardly matters. And I'm not about 'strongest' or even most 'innovative'. I believe botws should show players an angle of the game they possibly haven't considered before, when just about all of us have done dual strike+melee splash at some point.

Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

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NotACuckRoach wrote:
Charan wrote:
If they're gonna do that, I'd much rather a budget-build-of-the-week. You can do a LOT with so little in this game, if you're willing to be anything but a complete machine of destruction.

I'd really like to see Charan's build featured. Very excited just thinking of it. I could enrich my learning and sharpen my PoE knowledge, honestly.♫ヽ(゜∇゜ヽ)♪♬(ノ゜∇゜)ノ♩

I would never be worthy. I'm too into weird ways of doing things, inefficient but unusual and personally satisfying *because I came up with it*. I'm a Johnny.

BOTW is ultimately about offering players something to try, to consider. I strongly doubt I'd ever reach that point. I suppose a Johnny build, or whatever term you want to give it, is very personal, very intimate even. Not everything should be mimicked; not everything can be mimicked.

That doesn't mean it can't be personally satisfying. Because it's yours.
Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.

I'm looking for new player friendly and/or low budget builds for that section of this thread.
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peachii wrote:

I'm looking for new player friendly and/or low budget builds for that section of this thread.

If you look at my thread and look at some of my reviews from other players ( Review section) this is build is SUPER player friendly build.

Just had another message on the forum wall quoting

' This build seems to scale it's damage really well. Level 43 with some crappy claws that I found and doing 2.7k DPS(3.5k with Hatred) '

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