The Two-Week Race has Ended!

I wish there were Alt Art Rewards to be honest.. Real Life stuff draws no appeal for me.. But another shot at 1k Ribbons without having to make another Account (which I'm too lazy to bother with), would have been nice... :S

Or the 1 in 15k+ shot at a Headhunters? :'( Such a missed oppurtunity...
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Last edited by Sheriff_K#3938 on May 26, 2014, 12:58:59 AM
I died and got moved to the Standard League... but where is my stash from the race? Would I had to have been CARRYING my gems and items in order to keep them when I died?
MackBesmirch wrote:
I died and got moved to the Standard League... but where is my stash from the race? Would I had to have been CARRYING my gems and items in order to keep them when I died?

Your stash should now be accessible from the Invasion league in the form of remove-only tabs.
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Dan_GGG wrote:
MackBesmirch wrote:
I died and got moved to the Standard League... but where is my stash from the race? Would I had to have been CARRYING my gems and items in order to keep them when I died?

Your stash should now be accessible from the Invasion league in the form of remove-only tabs.

INVASION league, duh! Thanks!! :) I got confused because I had not intended to die! LOL.
ArcaneX wrote:
BobsynS wrote:
ArcaneX wrote:
Great race, would love to have more 2week races :=)

Is interested in if u could make a list over top25 builds etc. Also what items top25 have, are there any items that needs to be nerfed/buffed, because all top players use them? :=)

Top builds is good :) But for the items they use, and i dont think anything need to be nerfed at this moment yet. Because if you see Pulp, yes OP Rise of the Phoenix, but you cant say this shield needs a nerf just because its drop rate its quite low, and yes he got lucky to loot it early in the race and manage to benefit from it. I think the only thing that can slightly cry for a nerf is the Arc build. Quite strong even without good gear, all u need is to level your gems, follow appropriate skill tree and get 5 links at some point, i mean you dont even need 6link to have godly map clear speed ;]

Good points u have, and agree. But would be interesting to see if there is any items that skew out in the top builds :) For example Aegis Aurora, could be an item that should be looked at :)

Yeah ;) Aegis Aurora is still a pretty good item. I think the reason its not that common is that you need to be melee based character to fully benefit from the shield's stats. Most ppl are affraid to go melee builds in those kind of races or invasion, unless its massive leech molten strike/dual strike splash. Although Aegis is quite rare drop to rely on it that much ;] Still i would like to see what changes GGG will come up in the next patch/expansion. I think both DD and Arc builds gonna get slight nerfs.

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