Weekend Stash Tab Sales!

Because it's quite obvious to me that it's designed to get you to overpay, thus the part about the non-divisibility.

They're trying to bait you into buying other knick-knacks/widgets like, as you say, a pet frog, which I have no interest in at all.
Veruski wrote:
Because it's quite obvious to me that it's designed to get you to overpay, thus the part about the non-divisibility.

They're trying to bait you into buying other knick-knacks/widgets like, as you say, a pet frog, which I have no interest in at all.

So in essence, $15 (which can be counted as the true price of the bundle for you since knick-knacks and pets are valued as 0 for you) is too expensive. People value things differently, like for me, the frog is worth something, thus the $15 is worth it.

I'd agree that paying in steps of $5 will make some things more expensive for certain people. But this is how prepayment-in-fixed-amounts systems work. It makes things more expensive for people who won't be utilising the whole amount (like any sort of prepaid card).

I'm sure GGG took this divisibility issue into account when designing this payment system to minimise costs and max profit. I can see how it lets GGG save lots of transaction costs (you know, every time someone pays for points, a small amount of money goes to the service running the transaction, so you can see why paying straight for things is expensive for the business when there are many items that cost very little).
IGN: Annamelia (Incursion)
shrug, doesn't change the fact they could easily make more money from, for example, people like me, who would go from not purchasing at all, to purchasing, if they changed the pricing structure slightly


but, if they don't want my money, that's cool too.
Last edited by Veruski#5480 on May 10, 2014, 9:42:33 AM
im pretty sure people like you are already calculated in the price. i dont think they would make much more money.
PoorJoy wrote:
im pretty sure people like you are already calculated in the price.

doubt it

more likely they just roll dice or use RNG to decide.

given the state of balance in the game, i can't really be sure GGG as a company is very good at calculating/computing/predicting things numerically.

Not a mathematically inclined group, that is definitely certain.
Last edited by Veruski#5480 on May 10, 2014, 10:00:46 AM
Gratz on the 8k raised so far--it's really impressive!

2 week race hype!
In since 0.8.0
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/kungfooe
How much will be the premmium stash on sunday?
Chris hoped for $10k raised for charity by the time the race ends. Seems the goal needs to be changed to $10k shortly after the race starts! Congrats, GGG and Child's Play.

EDIT: [WTF???? Can't link my Angelic Mask for some reason] <--- GO BUY ONE! Totally worth it. It only costs 5 bucks to comfort a child in need, and get an awesome mask in-game.
Another quality ZAP! post.
Last edited by chimpanzee#7852 on May 10, 2014, 11:11:11 AM
lima50 wrote:
How much will be the premmium stash on sunday?

165 points
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My beloved pets....
Stullenesser wrote:
Chris wrote:
dlrr wrote:
Can't wait for the race!

Btw: there needs to be better links to the charity mask page. currently the only way i can find it is via your announcements

There's a big banner for it on the main pathofexile.com page, which is where most of the clicks are coming from currently it seems!

Mavada wrote:
These happen far too often now...

We used to run them every two weeks but we slowed the rate down to every three weeks. Would you rather they were less frequent?

yes. 4-6 weeks would be perfectly fine for me.

Why do you people care if they happen more often than you're willing to buy them? Obviously, plenty of people are really happen to see these sales, how does it affect you negatively?
Support a free Hong Kong.

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with
sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.
-Galileo Galilei
Last edited by Archwizard#2334 on May 10, 2014, 11:33:08 AM

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