Our First Two Week Charity Race Event
" Found this on the original post: - While it is a hardcore event, which means that your character is eliminated when it dies, we've made sure that dead characters will still receive prizes. There's nothing stopping you from pushing for the highest prize tiers and giving it another shot if you want to try to beat your previous character. I'm hoping deleting and creating a character of the same name won't invalidate that character's achievements, but an official word would be nice. :) |
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I have not scoured this thread so maybe it has already been suggested, but here's some feedback I think would be awesome in the case of this event.
1. Add in-game notifications the first time a new character loads into the game. Kind of like a system message that says something along the lines of "Welcome to the Path of Exile Child's Play Two-Week Charity Event. You will be eligible for prizes based on the highest level you achieve during the event even if that character dies. You can type /prizes to see a full list of prizes and which ones you are currently eligible for. More information can be found on www.pathofexile.com" 2. Add an in-game notification when your account reaches a new tier of prizes. So at level 15 you would receive a notification that says something along the lines of: "You have achieved a high enough level to be entered into the Stash Tab Bundle giveaway. You can type /prizes to see a list of all the prizes you are currently eligible for." 3. Upon typing /prizes, a player of level 25 would get a list along the lines of: Prize List: Level 15: Stash Tab Bundle (ELIGIBLE) Level 20: Premium Stash Tab Bundle (ELIGIBLE) Level 25: Razer Mice (ELIGIBLE) Level 30: Razer Keyboards (NOT YET ELIGIBLE) Level 35: NVIDIA High-performance Graphics Cards (NOT YET ELIGIBLE) Level 40: Turtle Beach Ear Force Z SEVEN Gaming Headsets (NOT YET ELIGIBLE) And so forth for the higher level prizes. Would be really neat to be able to view what the prizes are and what you are eligible for in-game, and give a good sense as to what the event is for to newer players and where they stand in terms of eligibility without the need for them to have to come to the website and read up on it. ~IGN: Nagisan Last edited by Nagisan#0863 on May 15, 2014, 2:35:51 PM
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/prizes is a great idea if an event like this is ever done again.
with my crap memory, I've had to check the event post like 20 times to remind myself of the relevant hardware-prize tiers. as the playerbase gets better at the game-mechanics and/or the game is optimized or people's rigs get better, maybe more mods could be added to a temp league like this. I don't know how the mods would stack up together. I found this league quite hard until I slowed my progress, turned my gfx down and ran past all the lightning troglodytes. <3 btw, I personally would have battled to lvl45 just for the opportunity to win one of those cool wire leapslam figurines I saw someone on the forums made. just so you know, almost any prize woulda been awesome enough. but I'm starting to see hardware manufacturers sponsoring (esport) games more and more which could only benefit them (and us). :) PoE's LD-50 = < 60 DMG DoT. i.e. MMO Click-em-up +2 mad millinery FTW when PVP by CAT-5.
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I have a question. What is a criteria of "Do not enter with multiple accounts - this will disqualify you." I ask, because I play with my character in this league and my friend, whose laptop just broke asked me, if he can do some lvls at my PC. We have 2 different POE and STEAM accounts and have been both playing POE separately for a long time. Is this sharing of PC a problem? Thanks...
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Since ggg as usual won't answer the question, I’m stopping at lvl 40 with my current character, and starting a new one. Why?
Because it's unclear if dead characters count towards prizes. It just says... " For all I know the "prizes" for dead characters are different and worthless to me. To be absolutely sure I'm leaving at least one lvl 40 alive till the end of the event. FTR, if I win either the mouse or the gfx card they are going on eBay and half the proceeds go to the EFF :) But I'd keep the keyboard :P Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities. https://www.youtube.com/@Innomen
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got my toon up to level 52... but i died. am i still counted in the random draw of prizes?
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Geez I died three times already with the Molten Strike build of the week. I guess it's not for me then. Back to marauder and this time, I won't die !
I hope... https://www.youtube.com/user/PeipeMasta
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Don't want to sound greedy or something, just curious question: is there anything I should do (besides leveling) to have a chance to get a reward? Or I will get info on mail or something? :P
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I really love the mix of Ambush and Invasion. Every zone can have something unique, challenging and rewarding. It makes the game very enjoyable. I wish these rules migrate to
standard and hardcore. |
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Having a blast in this league! Pushing for 50 tonight with my EK / Summon witch-thing. :)
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