Twitter/Facebook/YouTube/Reddit (Updated!)
yea this is not bad :)
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Instant like/follow! Cant wait to get my hands on the game, in beta or not!
fb & twitter are good ideas 4 game promo
If it hasn't already been suggested...
I know a number of games these days have contests to reward players for sharing news about new games, such as retweeting contests that reward X amount of fans for Y amount of new followers during Z amount of time. Might not be a bad way to get some free marketing. I know dangling a beta key in front of everyone definitely gets the ball rolling quickly. |
I'm following the game on facebook, I really hope to see some beta keys soon :)
Exiled by choice.
i want to play this game so bad ill test the shit out of ur game and i will give u feeed back honest feeed back plz plz plz send me a beta key already
" I can't believe this I SWORE I would never cave in and use face book or twitter, but I just signed up and followed you guys in hopes of getting a beta key. I can Haz BETA?
Facebook WOO!
Like x9999 this game rocks!
My Fanart(2nd place T_T): |
Im following both, twitter and facebook :3