[Official] WINE info thread


I registered on the FORUM just to say this:

GloriousEggroll Proton-5.6-GE-2 and enabling ACO on MESA 20.0: by putting "RADV_PERFTEST=aco %COMMAND%" in steam launch options, was all I needed to go from heavy stuttering and FPS drops to almost butter smooth gameplay.

No other arguments were used and maps are loading just fine.

I'm still in the beginning of the story maintaining FPS between 110 and 145, I'm curious to see what happens when I encounter monsters with special light effects but so far so good.

Did 2 Delirium realms that before reduced my FPS to 5!!! and now went fine with only 20 to 30 FPS drop for a few seconds.

I have a RX Vega 56 and MESA 20.0.4 (not MESA 20.1 which will be even better with ACO)

I'm sorry for all Nvidia users as you will not have ACO but it's about time having an AMD card starts to compensate all the crashes and freezes we had in the beginning :)

Going forward we should explore the FSYNC technology but I haven't catched up on my reading yet.

Good Luck!
GloriousEggroll Proton-5.6-GE-2 and enabling ACO on MESA 20.0: by putting "RADV_PERFTEST=aco %COMMAND%" in steam launch options, was all I needed to go from heavy stuttering and FPS drops to almost butter smooth gameplay.


Can you look at the actual executable that's being run.

Using Proton-5.6-GE-2 under Steam appears to automatically add the following command line arguments to whatever is explicitly entered into the Steam launch options:

'--waitforpreload --noasync --gc2'

from a Python script in /Proton-5.6-GE-2/protonfixes/gamefixes/238960.py

So you may be running additional flags without even knowing.

I don't know if the vanilla Proton packages do that as well, but I struggled for hours to try and find out why those launch options were showing up in htop when I ran without any launch options in Steam. I went so far as to completely wipe Steam and PoE and reinstall everything and it was still there.

I'm currently trying RADV_PERFTEST=aco, but a warning that that only supprts AMD cards. I'm still on a quest to get usable performance out of PoE in Delirium. Blight worked great under wine-staging, Metamorph worked great under Steam, Delirium has just been a dog. But I think I'm getting closer.

I should probably add that I'm running on a Ryzen 5 2400G with integrated graphics, so I don't expect miracles, but I know from past experience that PoE can run a whole lot better than I have been able to get it to run right now on Linux. I've had whole leagues that played like "butter" :)
Last edited by Cabman#3363 on May 2, 2020, 1:28:28 PM
Trying now POE under linux via steam proton. Run very bad, micro freezes every few seconds 180 to 1 fps drop. Impossible to run casia or delirium. 40% pack size will be mess. Yea, if do white maps or act 1>10 then is playable. Waiting for linux port. Until then - windows 10 fix all issues.
Cabman wrote:


Can you look at the actual executable that's being run.

Using Proton-5.6-GE-2 under Steam appears to automatically add the following command line arguments to whatever is explicitly entered into the Steam launch options:

'--waitforpreload --noasync --gc2'

from a Python script in /Proton-5.6-GE-2/protonfixes/gamefixes/238960.py

So you may be running additional flags without even knowing.

I don't know if the vanilla Proton packages do that as well, but I struggled for hours to try and find out why those launch options were showing up in htop when I ran without any launch options in Steam. I went so far as to completely wipe Steam and PoE and reinstall everything and it was still there.

I'm currently trying RADV_PERFTEST=aco, but a warning that that only supprts AMD cards. I'm still on a quest to get usable performance out of PoE in Delirium. Blight worked great under wine-staging, Metamorph worked great under Steam, Delirium has just been a dog. But I think I'm getting closer.

I should probably add that I'm running on a Ryzen 5 2400G with integrated graphics, so I don't expect miracles, but I know from past experience that PoE can run a whole lot better than I have been able to get it to run right now on Linux. I've had whole leagues that played like "butter" :)

You are totally right I checked and it's running the following arguments: "--nopatch --waitforpreload -noasync --gc2 --success-event148"

Performance still holds true I'm mapping white maps but with delirium it already becomes pretty busy, it lags a bit then catches up - the same I see in people playing on stream.

I'm now using Proton-5.8-GE-1-MF https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom/releases with a mostly smooth experience.

FSYNC helps a bit too you will need the Liquorix Kernel on Debian based distros or the Zen Kernel on Arch based distros.

I don't know if integrated graphics are going to cut it for this game even on windows. GGG probably is not going to touch the graphics engine anymore until version 2 is released and the heavy shader use takes a heavy toll on performance.

Good Luck!
Other thread with useful info, which actually comes from this post.

Being finished with the league I gave this a try. In addition, I used the GE custom Proton build instead of the default Proton version, because it comes with DXVK and some other minor fixes included.

Just for comparison, for the last 4 leagues I've used plain wine staging (no lutris or anything) with DXVK + DXVK Poe fix and it was very solid, except for Delirium, where I had some heavy stutters with the fog.

Overall,the Proton performance is really, really good! I think I gained around 10-15% performance improvement with the Proton setup and no stutters in Delirium, so highly recommended. For sure I'm starting the next league with that.

FYI: Hardware is Ryzen 5 3600, NV1050Ti 4GB, Samsung NVMe SSD
Last edited by sirdond#1468 on May 17, 2020, 3:59:19 AM
Just an FYI for everyone.

There is an updated version of the Jomihaka DXVK-async patch available to patch newer DXVK versions with. It's just the patch, no binaries for direct download.

There is also a very decent new feature that uses the dxvk state cache, which so far was recommended to be disabled when running with the 1.21 version from Jomihaka.

Also: this dxvk-async patch from Sporif has already been included in GloriousEggroll's custom Wine version since 5.8-GE-1.

I've tested PoE for a while with Proton-5.8-GE-2 and DXVK_ASYNC=1 and DXVK_HUD=pipelines (just visuals to be able to see them). Sadly its performing very nearly like the old custom dxvk 1.21 with the pipeline patch, evening out framedrops gradually, no heavy initial stutter (just minor stutters while building the pipelines), but overall unable to keep the higher initial framerates of the first 30 minutes after using the new version. Maybe some benefits will show over time.

edit: DXVK1.7 binaries with the pipeline patch are available too.

I've just tested vanilla Wine 5.7 with the patched DXVK version for a few hours and it's much better than before with my old setup (dxvk1.21+old pipeline patch) and with the Proton-GE version: much higher minimum FPS (from around ~60 to ~90 in maps), no hard drops to 0 FPS anymore while still building the new cache, overall a very noticeable and smoother, fluent flow, like in the good old dx9 times.

In some areas the fps increase is really hilarious, e.g. Act 10 Desecreated Chambers, it partially went up to 190FPS and only 5ms Frametime on a clean screen and stayed between 90-130fps while fighting through the area on a Level 80 marauder in map starter gear.

Since the overall increase is so dramatic, I'm starting to believe that it also has quite a bit to do with server performance, as we are in the latter quarter of the league and we don't have the masses populating the servers that heavily. I'm curious to see how the performance will be mid June.
Last edited by Skomener#4376 on May 25, 2020, 2:49:30 AM
Oh: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866813

Looks like weekend testing :)
It's 3:15 AM here, sleepy and mildly excited. Very quick sanity test on non-endgame character result: beta Vulkan renderer works as advertised, with "minor" problems on linux. No noticeable stuttering! No crash (for the 10 or so minutes of playing + 25 minutes idle at char selection)!

Tested on fresh install from lutris website, no options changed in lutris.
Wine: 5.6
CPU: i5-6500
GPU: GTX 1060
Windowed 1440x900, stock POE settings
Esync enabled

Did a map as flicker strike with betrayal + delirium and stuff all at once quickly, which
was a somewhat tough thing to throw against a fresh install. Again, no noticable stutters!

Some problems:
Low FPS only on intense gameplay. Got down to single digits at its peek. Was mostly 50-60 FPS.
Lots of shader glitches and blinking. Edit: turning vsync OFF solves this.
I want to say load time is longer but I won't touch preload stuff til tomorrow.
Obviously, missing assets initially since shaders still can't load in time.

Overall, pretty stoked about the changes but waaaaayyyy more testing from everyone needed. Looking forward to seeing this optimized.

Edit: worth noting my Nvidia GPU + no stuttering. Correct me if I'm wrong, but stuff like ACO shader compliation is not available to Nvidia, so this solving stutter is a BIG deal for Nvidia users.
Last edited by Thacannon#4989 on May 28, 2020, 1:02:49 PM
the new Vulkan renderer runs better for me with steam proton and im on the steam beta client with the new Vulkan shader option ticket.

dont get any stutters any more, the loading is alot faster than on lutris for me.

the performance seems only a little less than on the Windows Vulkan client, its pretty similar rly, goes down to 15-20fps under load. on my duel boot system
Last edited by Awsome8#7944 on May 28, 2020, 7:56:05 AM
OK, so my game is crashing when I try to choose Vulkan in the options. Anyone else encountered this?

Edit: right, installing AMDVLK fixed that. Game seems so much smoother now, it's like I upgraded my PC or something! =^__^=
Last edited by ToriVega#2977 on May 28, 2020, 11:31:47 PM

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