[Official] WINE info thread

Chadwixx wrote:
ToriVega wrote:
kartoffelopa wrote:
Hey there,
I tried installing it with Lutris and DXVK. It works out of the box without the need to frickle anymore. Really high and stable FPS. No crashes unlike the DX9 version. It might even be faster than Windows10. DX11 is working like a charm.

Your graphics driver must be up to date.
1440p does not seem to work. Must be 1080p.


Pick standalone DXVK.
Here is the minimum driver version you need:


Tried it with default wine in Lutris and the game hangs after grinding gears. I really don't wanna go through reinstall again... :\

Have you let it sit for 10-20 secs? I have an i7 and it hangs on the gears, then works perfectly after a few secs

Yeah, I waited a few minutes. Doesn't work. Fiddling with resolutions didn't help either. Oh well, I just went back to what worked before. I guess I'll wait a little more.

I just wish GGG would be a bit more cooperative in this. Wishful thinking, I know...
jomihaka has updated his DXVK PoE Hack patch for the latest versions (0.92-0.94) of DXVK. Compiles fine for me.


If anyone wants it I've got an edited PKGBUILD from the dxvk-git AUR package that also applies the patch. Download the package, extract, and replace the PKGBUILD with the one provided.

same name in-game
0.90 works fine on my machine.
I play at 4k resolution with low graphics (did not try high)
iao wrote:
jomihaka has updated his DXVK PoE Hack patch for the latest versions (0.92-0.94) of DXVK. Compiles fine for me.


If anyone wants it I've got an edited PKGBUILD from the dxvk-git AUR package that also applies the patch. Download the package, extract, and replace the PKGBUILD with the one provided.


are there any benefits going from 0.91 to 0.94 for PoE?

iam not into compiling stuff yet, i hope there a release for this hack soon to test myself
Last edited by evilch3n#7644 on Dec 22, 2018, 11:42:34 AM
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000050 in 64-bit code (0x0000000140d5b8b4).

Keep running into that one while mapping, somehow I don't feel that is related to wine or is it?

I launched PoE succesfully in dx11 mode using dxvk 0.94, game passes through GGG logo and jumps into login screen but on this screen my display is glitched as on screenshot - https://imgur.com/a/2iNViNE. Did any of you guys had similar problem? Or can you give me some hints about how can I try to resolve this problem?
Hi guys,

have anyone problem with PoB (Path of Building) since today?

It opens correctly, I can import (with Pastebin), export and open saved builds, but I can't import any character with error: Error retrieving character list, try again later (SSL connect error). It hapenns only since today (on midnight I did system update).

On Windows it working correctly.

Linux Manjaro
Tried Wine 3.13 GAMING-NINE as well as tkg-3.21-x86_64 through Lutris (on both PoE working)

Tomcik wrote:

I launched PoE succesfully in dx11 mode using dxvk 0.94, game passes through GGG logo and jumps into login screen but on this screen my display is glitched as on screenshot - https://imgur.com/a/2iNViNE. Did any of you guys had similar problem? Or can you give me some hints about how can I try to resolve this problem?

Looks like a sync issue or vid card artifacting, check your cfg to make sure its in range.

I deleted all the arguements that come with basic install and it works better for me, less spikes

--waitforpreload --nologo --nodx9ex --gc2

"Wait for preload" seems to wait a bit long in comparison
Chadwixx wrote:
Tomcik wrote:

I launched PoE succesfully in dx11 mode using dxvk 0.94, game passes through GGG logo and jumps into login screen but on this screen my display is glitched as on screenshot - https://imgur.com/a/2iNViNE. Did any of you guys had similar problem? Or can you give me some hints about how can I try to resolve this problem?

Looks like a sync issue or vid card artifacting, check your cfg to make sure its in range.

I deleted all the arguements that come with basic install and it works better for me, less spikes

--waitforpreload --nologo --nodx9ex --gc2

"Wait for preload" seems to wait a bit long in comparison

Just FYI, the way you wrote '--gc2' is wrong, it does nothing written like that. It should either be '--garbage-generation 2' or '-gc 2' (without quotes).
Thanks, it added those lines automatically when i installed.

Will try them with a single - and see what happens

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