[Official] WINE info thread
" Kind of opposite here, oddly enough. Flows smoothly enough on DX9Ex, but the game will routinely crash when the process reaches 4 GB virtual memory, easy to keep tabs on with htop in terminal. Tried out DX11/DXVK in another virtual drive (with Lutris), but it stuttered something fierce no matter what options I tried. I twas unplayable. I'd go into a simple combat, nothing would move on screen, but something was certainly happening because I ended up no the cusp of death. There can be the small hickup for me on DX9Ex too, but nothing like that. The only problem I have is with the constant crashes. But as long as I don't go into something long lasting without a restart first, it's not too terrible. Though I wish I dind't have to restart the game every hour (more if traveling between zones a lot). |
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" I wasnt putting in an arguement but this helped a ton on staging 2.17 using opengl 32bit poe install (will test multiplayer and see if i still crash after being stable solo for 8hourss). My os has MESA preinstalled (peppermint 8 64), if your running opengl it maybe the fix you need. Has all the vulkan and stuff already setup Glad they did it for me, looks like a pain in the butt to install. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesa_%28computer_graphics%29 Last edited by Chadwixx#5277 on Jun 19, 2018, 3:06:50 AM
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my solution to the corrupted files in the shader cache was to click configure in PlayOnLinux, go the Miscellaneous tab and in the box "command to exec before running the program" I used this command:
rm -r /home/user/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/pathofexile/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Grinding\ Gear\ Games/Path\ of\ Exile/ShaderCache/* but you will need to adjust it based on where your wineprefix is installed |
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Guys, not sure if it's just me, but 32b client is fixed for me! The memory leak that forced me to restart or to crash every 20 mins is gone. I've played 6+h straight and got one crash after 8+h.
I am on Antergos (ARCH derivate) with: Latest lutris wine-staging-nine 3.10-1 mesa-git 102757.d85fef1e34-1 Also no game-breaking FPS stutter! I have lvl 85 Jagg EQ and so far game is PERFECTLY playable. Anybody else can confirm? Last edited by ixxxo#0305 on Jun 20, 2018, 8:05:34 AM
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" I looked into PoE launch options and the devs themselves state that you should try -gc 2 AND Putting your textures to medium, instead of high. Path of Exile relies on windows' garbage collection, and things get dicey playing on WINE. -gc 2 apparently means "use two garbage collection threads". The game crashes because it loaded too many assets in the memory and when you reach some time of gameplay, the system force-quits the game to prevent system destruction (hang) I made a huge post with working settings on a really low to mid-end setup in page 194. You can skip the compile part, since the PoE hack is available in release form. Apparently you can always stick to staging 2.17 and such. If I turn on dynamic resolution and everything else on low, I get 45+ fps and no stuttering whatsoever. |
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" Ah, ok, didn't know that 2.17 worked still. Then it's not really POE client problem, the memory leak, but rather something in newer Wines? And possibly fixed in 3.10/3/11 at least. I've seen your guide, thank you very much for that too. I was a bit confused and turned off by the compiling part, as my experience with compiling is not bright usually :). |
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Oddly enough, there is one single crash point for me - when running shaper influenced map T6+, killing the boss, when scene stops, shaper steps in, says his phrase and then just an audio noise remains and all I can do is hard reset (no alt tabbing or firing text console). I'll test with software audio next time, happened 3-4 times in a row now, always different map, but same phrase from Shaper (one ending with 'Argh').
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I still get regular crashes every 30-60 minutes. Using Wine-staging 3.10 with Path of Exile in DirectX9C My command line is: WINEPREFIX=~/.wineprefixes/pathofexile wine PathOfExile.exe -gc 2 --nologo -softwareaudio |
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Is anyone having issues where they can play one zone, and anything they do, TP out, reset instance, try and even log to character screen causes a crash? Everything was fine for a few days and it's started again (It's previously happened). I've tried wiping the Shader cache, changing Wine versions, launch parameters, etc but it doesn't help.
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" What graphics drivers do you use? I use mesa-git (with RX480 card) and it works first time within many many months. |
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