[Official] WINE info thread
Did you enable CMST?
Also, i personally run "before launching PoE. The main reason is that PoE being CPU intensive, but not constently, it tends to go back and forth in term of perf. It greatly improved the stability of my fps, if it can helps others. Btw, I'm currently trying the dx11/x64 since wine 2.0 is out, no luck so far but I'll probably dump my PoL script if some want to give it a try/have better driver support. |
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" Not sure if you're answering me or someone else, but I do have CSMT on, and my Windows version set to Win7. What does that command do? Looks like it globally changes...something about my CPU? |
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" For me, flickering in game and random glyphs was, *mostly* tolerable, but VERY annoying. My severest irritation was the passives screen where any slight movement or zoom in/out would completely corrupt the screen making it impossible to move around and decide where one wanted to go. So I started turning crap on and off one at a time, shadows, antialiasing, post processing, directx version (well, between 9 and 9ex anyway since dx11 is still impossible in wine atm), but nothing worked....... until I enabled VSync, which most guides on running PoE under wine will tell you to disable. And I know it's something that not everyone necessarily wants enabled depending on ones setup, but turning this on SIGNIFICANTLY reduced the graphics corruption for me, it's now almost none existent, even in the passives screen where it was the worst before. the passives screen cliches every once in a blue moon, but is now mostly gone. Running Arch Linux, wine version: 2.0-rc6 (Staging) and running in a 64 bit prefix -not sure if it even runs in a 32 bit prefix anymore. I hadn't played forever and couldn't get it to run until I moved it to a 64 bit prefix. |
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I found this thread yesterday, searching for tips to improve the performance of the game.
I have now made a clean install, and will try out some parts, hopeing to contribute to a better wine PoE experince. First of all I will share with you my setup, and what my experinces is with different settings. Setup: CPU: AMD Fx-8350 Eight-core RAM: 16gb GPU: AMD Radeon R9 280x 3gb HDD: Toshiba Q300 240gb Arch Linux i3wm Wine-2.0 (staging) -> Steam -> PoE Winecfg: Windows-version: Windows 10 Enable EAX: true Enable VAAPI: true Enable Gallium: true Regedit: Direct3D: VideoMemorySize 3072 Launch command: Exec=WINEARCH=win64 env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine/Steam/ wine $HOME/.wine/Steam/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Steam/Steam.exe -no-cef-sandbox Experience: With AMD GPU, enabling Gallium is really makeing a difference. Setting shadow quality to low or off makes huge difference. Playing in party reduces performance massivly (especially at level 20 < ). Dark maps, foggy maps and caves/dungenons gives big FPS drops. VRAM hardly goes beyond 2gb (believe this is the limit for wine) End of memory appearce at 4gb usage of RAM (32 bit thing). As I have noticed, the RAM increases constantly, while VRAM seems to be emptied at zone change. Breaches gives alot of lag at the beginning of the figth. The same with other monsters in big groups. As mentioned be several others, more and greater gem skills give big FPS drops. I have played with up to 200 FPS+ with theese settings, with drops down to 1 FPS --. I will do some testing tonight, and give some feedback on my experience. |
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Okay, going to fullscreen fixes the cursor position bug, but when I go to fullscreen I have to turn off CSMT to make rave mode stop (which isn't an issue in windowed mode). Still getting a stable 60fps standing still in hideout, and lots of stutters / 30fps whenever the game loads new content, which means a minute or so into each new zone, the stutters stop as all the assets are loaded.
I'm nearly certain this is due to asset loading - is there a way I can use --nopreload or --waitforpreload to fix this? I've heard of those two flags, but am not sure what they do. Also, any tips to drive fps up higher would be great. " Last edited by harmonictempest#4678 on Jan 30, 2017, 8:21:01 PM
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" The one thing that improved performance a lot for me, maybe second only to CSMT, was using the -gc 100 launch flag. Before that group play and/or busy zones(breaches :D) were a hopeless 0~3fps slogfest, after that I could at least keep some 8~15fps and actually react to what was going on. The downside is that it turns the game into one huge memory leak and eventually you'll have to restart the client or risk it eating all your RAM, start swapping like crazy and eventually crash. |
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Anybody noticed faster VRAM filling since about last week? I first thought it's due to my migration to Antergos (Arch based), but tested yesterday and even on Linux Mint I used to play POE last months I am getting E_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY crash with -gc 100 already after 3-5 maps. This is with summoner, possibly MTX are playing role with faster VRAM leak somehow? When playing non-summoner (HOWA, BF, BV) I usually can play much longer...
This is on 2.x gallium-nine enabled Wine (without Play on Linux), I set my VRAM to 8192 through "winetricks videomemeorysize=8192" on Antergos (not sure though if 4096 is not max wine/winetricks can accept). On LMint I use Play on Linux with '-gc 100' as well. Another interesting notice is that on Antergos I get next to zero fps stutters... that's something I was not able to achieve on Linux Mint ever. Even breaches are smooth ride (unless combined with ground effects and some other nasty stuff). If there was not that video memory leak, I'd say it's the best POE experience I had (including playing on Windows). |
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Im not good on linux but try everything i can to keep my poe running well with each patch.
I was getting a 0x0000800 error in my debug, had to restart whole comp, not just my windows in playonlinux I found something similar in another game and tried it. I use opengl sudo gedit /etc/environment QT_OPENGL=software Maybe the vid card mem isnt cashing properly. So far so good, can reopen and delete line if you want, its just a txt file Last edited by Chadwixx#5277 on Feb 5, 2017, 11:16:34 PM
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" Thanks! I googled a bit and it sounds promising, will give it a try. |
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" Thanks. I am using -gc 100, and I think it's helping (haven't turned it off in a while). However, I have NOT been able to use CSMT without putting PoE in "rave" mode, unless I go to windowed instead of fullscreen. Except in windowed mode, my cursor's always off by an inch. So, by logical progression, that leaves me in fullscreen, without CSMT, at the moment. Gameplay is usually stable, but down to 2 fps with significant amounts of 1-second freezes in breaches and on strongboxes. :-( |
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