[Official] WINE info thread

On latest patch i dont see any problem on wine and POE.Performance 30-60 fps on all place.
dont need any special addons.Clear Linux Mint 18 C + wine 1.9.16 + DX9 and play. on winetrick need disable GLSL set win7 set graphic cart to 2gb and fullscrean for better performance.
Make full update on you linux and after add nvidia drivers 361 ,on 340 lags on 3 and 4 act.I use latest kernel for preventing crash cianamon on LM 18 C.
Last edited by oxik97#1942 on Aug 19, 2016, 4:55:37 AM
oxik97 wrote:
On latest patch i dont see any problem on wine and POE.Performance 30-60 fps on all place.
dont need any special addons.Clear Linux Mint 18 C + wine 1.9.16 + DX9 and play. on winetrick need disable GLSL set win7 set graphic cart to 2gb and fullscrean for better performance.
Make full update on you linux and after add nvidia drivers 361 ,on 340 lags on 3 and 4 act.I use latest kernel for preventing crash cianamon on LM 18 C.

What graphics card do you have? I'm only able to maintain 80-100 FPS if I turn async loading off, but that makes the loading screens long as fuck.
Was hyped for new performance improvements (multithreading and such), logged in and wohooo 143fps on Coast. FF to Act3.

Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again...
VodkaBorschGG wrote:
Was hyped for new performance improvements (multithreading and such), logged in and wohooo 143fps on Coast. FF to Act3.

Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again...

Looks familiar.

My performance gradually worsens as well until I get constant single digit FPS in combat after playing for about an hour, just like in 2.3. In 2.3 I fixed this by playing with --nosound, which made the game somewhat playable. Haven't tried that in 2.4 yet but I imagine it will still help. Would still love to play with sound, though.
I just made an interesting observation. Turning sound effect volume to zero suppresses the frame time spikes caused by running the game for a long time with sound enabled. Other volume options can be nonzero, in particular loot filter sounds can be enabled. This seems to confirm that there's some kind of leak in the sound system that causes it to take more and more time to create a sound effect. Apparently the game checks for volume being nonzero before the attempt, so a zero volume in the most common effect category largely prevents the problem.

This was with Wine 1.9.16 (PlayOnLinux) and --softwareaudio.

Update: The slowdown still appeared eventually even with sound effects turned to zero. Turning down environmental sounds fixed it again.
Last edited by databeaver#1892 on Sep 4, 2016, 2:07:45 PM
databeaver wrote:
I just made an interesting observation. Turning sound effect volume to zero suppresses the frame time spikes caused by running the game for a long time with sound enabled. Other volume options can be nonzero, in particular loot filter sounds can be enabled. This seems to confirm that there's some kind of leak in the sound system that causes it to take more and more time to create a sound effect. Apparently the game checks for volume being nonzero before the attempt, so a zero volume in the most common effect category largely prevents the problem.

This was with Wine 1.9.16 (PlayOnLinux) and --softwareaudio.

Update: The slowdown still appeared eventually even with sound effects turned to zero. Turning down environmental sounds fixed it again.

I am on 1.9.17 without any arguments for PoE. I can play for about 2 hours with the main sound effects off and the ambient sound effects off before stutter becomes apparent. If I play with no sound at all i can play for quite a bit longer but then I cannot hear the loot filter sounds.

Despite this I can feel the improvements that the new multi threading and the particle optimizations have done. I no longer freeze when opening lockboxes or when large groups of enemies appear on screen. Only when that hour or two goes by does the game become unplayable and have to be restarted.

I am not sure if we are missing a library or not. If the devs are not experiencing this with whatever test setup they may have, could we possibly get a response to how they currently have it setup.
I have been getting constant crashes with the new update, disabling sound effects and ambient sounds made those random crashes go away.

Haven't really noticed any slowdowns if playing for longer times, but that might just be me.
databeaver wrote:
I just made an interesting observation. Turning sound effect volume to zero suppresses the frame time spikes caused by running the game for a long time with sound enabled. Other volume options can be nonzero, in particular loot filter sounds can be enabled. This seems to confirm that there's some kind of leak in the sound system that causes it to take more and more time to create a sound effect. Apparently the game checks for volume being nonzero before the attempt, so a zero volume in the most common effect category largely prevents the problem.

This was with Wine 1.9.16 (PlayOnLinux) and --softwareaudio.

Update: The slowdown still appeared eventually even with sound effects turned to zero. Turning down environmental sounds fixed it again.

I'm experiencing the same. I can play for maybe 10 minutes before getting serious fps issues (so serious that "seconds per frame" is a better metric than "fps"), but with sound effects volume at zero, I can play for several hours before the performance drops.

When the fps issues come, they are noticeably sound-related. With sound effects volume at non-zero, if I e.g. hit several mobs with an AoE melee attack, all the hit effects should play almost at once. However, the hit effects seem to play one...by...one,...with...a...single...frame...rendered...after...every...hit.

I'm on Debian Testing, 32-bit wine 1.9.17 (via playonlinux), Nvidia card, Intel CPU.
The more you depend on forces outside yourself, the more you are dominated by them.
--Harold Sherman
Im getting sound files crash on startup with the message unsupported audio format.
OpenAL is set to use native, CSMT disable and all the usual fixes.
What should I do?
Running the latest NVIdia drivers (370.28-1) and Wine-1.9.18 (staging) the game bombs out as I enter the log in screen


wine: Unhandled page fault on read access to 0x0000000f at address 0x6f9ea1 (thread 0034),
wine: Unhandled page fault on write access to 0x539d5390 at address 0x6f9e86 (thread 0033), starting debugger...
fixme:d3d:wined3d_debug_callback 0x53105b0: "Program undefined behavior warning: Sampler object 13 has depth compare enabled. It is being used with depth texture 139, by a program that samples it with a regular sampler. This is undefined beahvior.".

Running with --nosound

More info here:

WINEDEBUG=-all wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Grinding\ Gear\ Games/Path\ of\ Exile/PathOfExile.exe --nosound
wine: Unhandled page fault on write access to 0x00000000 at address 0x6a37c58a (thread 0026), starting debugger...
err:winediag:xrandr12_init_modes Broken NVIDIA RandR detected, falling back to RandR 1.0. Please consider using the Nouveau driver instead.
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
fixme:dbghelp:elf_search_auxv can't find symbol in module
err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"xul"
wine: Unhandled page fault on write access to 0x00000000 at address 0x6a5c2d04 (thread 0043), starting debugger...
err:winediag:xrandr12_init_modes Broken NVIDIA RandR detected, falling back to RandR 1.0. Please consider using the Nouveau driver instead.
err:dbghelp:pe_load_msc_debug_info -Debug info stripped, but no .DBG file in module L"xul"
wine: configuration in '/home/alex/.wine' has been updated.
wine: Unhandled page fault on write access to 0x00b500b8 at address 0x6f9e86 (thread 0055), starting debugger...
err:winediag:xrandr12_init_modes Broken NVIDIA RandR detected, falling back to RandR 1.0. Please consider using the Nouveau driver instead.
Unhandled exception: page fault on write access to 0x00b500b8 in 32-bit code (0x006f9e86).
Register dump:
CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b
EIP:006f9e86 ESP:0228d824 EBP:0228da54 EFLAGS:00210206( R- -- I - -P- )
EAX:1d851880 EBX:1e42f980 ECX:0000140f EDX:00b200b3
ESI:00b500b4 EDI:ffffffff
Stack dump:
0x0228d824: 0228e2cc 1e42f9b0 01f2e0e8 0228d828
0x0228d834: 0228d82c 00000000 00000000 0228d838
0x0228d844: 0228d83c 00000000 00000000 0228d848
0x0228d854: 0228d84c 1e42f9c0 00000000 00000000
0x0228d864: 00000000 7bc524c8 1e42f9c8 00000050
0x0228d874: 00cef568 00110080 00000000 00000003
000c: sel=0067 base=00000000 limit=00000000 32-bit --x
=>0 0x006f9e86 in pathofexile (+0x2f9e86) (0x0228da54)
1 0x006f9b83 in pathofexile (+0x2f9b82) (0x0228e0d0)
2 0x006f8faf in pathofexile (+0x2f8fae) (0x0228e3ac)
3 0x004cf1ce in pathofexile (+0xcf1cd) (0x0228e3f4)
4 0x006c2db2 in pathofexile (+0x2c2db1) (0x0228e4fc)
5 0x006c3014 in pathofexile (+0x2c3013) (0x0228e8d4)
6 0x00621875 in pathofexile (+0x221874) (0x0228e940)
7 0x006df22d in pathofexile (+0x2df22c) (0x0228e970)
8 0x006df37f in pathofexile (+0x2df37e) (0x0228e998)
9 0x006df06e in pathofexile (+0x2df06d) (0x0228e9c4)
10 0x006def5a in pathofexile (+0x2def59) (0x0228e9e0)
11 0x004c509c in pathofexile (+0xc509b) (0x0228ea08)
12 0x7bc8866f call_thread_func+0xce() in ntdll (0x0228eaf8)
13 0x7bc8559a RtlRaiseException+0x21() in ntdll (0x0228eb18)
14 0x7bc9060f in ntdll (+0x8060e) (0x0228f368)
15 0xf750d301 start_thread+0xe0() in libpthread.so.0 (0x0228f428)
16 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
17 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
18 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
19 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
20 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
21 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
22 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
23 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
24 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
25 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
26 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
27 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
28 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
29 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
30 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
31 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
32 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
33 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
34 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
35 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
36 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
37 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
38 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
39 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
40 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
41 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
42 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
43 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
44 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
45 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
46 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
47 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
48 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
49 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
50 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
51 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
52 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
53 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
54 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
55 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
56 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
57 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
58 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
59 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
60 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
61 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
62 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
63 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
64 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
65 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
66 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
67 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
68 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
69 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
70 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
71 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
72 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
73 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
74 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
75 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
76 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
77 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
78 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
79 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
80 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
81 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
82 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
83 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
84 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
85 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
86 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
87 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
88 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
89 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
90 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
91 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
92 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
93 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
94 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
95 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
96 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
97 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
98 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
99 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
100 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
101 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
102 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
103 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
104 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
105 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
106 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
107 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
108 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
109 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
110 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
111 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
112 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
113 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
114 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
115 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
116 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
117 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
118 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
119 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
120 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
121 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
122 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
123 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
124 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
125 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
126 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
127 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
128 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
129 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
130 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
131 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
132 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
133 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
134 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
135 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
136 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
137 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
138 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
139 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
140 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
141 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
142 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
143 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
144 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
145 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
146 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
147 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
148 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
149 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
150 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
151 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
152 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
153 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
154 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
155 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
156 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
157 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
158 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
159 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
160 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
161 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
162 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
163 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
164 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
165 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
166 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
167 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
168 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
169 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
170 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
171 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
172 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
173 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
174 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
175 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
176 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
177 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
178 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
179 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
180 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
181 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
182 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
183 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
184 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
185 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
186 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
187 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
188 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
189 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
190 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
191 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
192 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
193 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
194 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
195 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
196 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
197 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
198 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
199 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
200 0xf743746e __clone+0x6d() in libc.so.6 (0x00000000)
0x006f9e86: lock incl 0x4(%esi)
Module Address Debug info Name (155 modules)
PE 400000- 1404000 Export pathofexile
PE 1730000- 1917000 Deferred d3dcompiler_42
PE 2620000- 266e000 Deferred bink2w32
PE 38c0000- 3a13000 Deferred fmodstudio
PE 3c10000- 3db5000 Deferred fmod
PE 10000000-101e5000 Deferred d3dx9_42
PE 66650000-666a4000 Deferred usp10
PE 772b0000-7731c000 Deferred riched20
ELF 7a800000-7a936000 Deferred opengl32<elf>
\-PE 7a820000-7a936000 \ opengl32
ELF 7b400000-7b7e6000 Deferred kernel32<elf>
\-PE 7b420000-7b7e6000 \ kernel32
ELF 7bc00000-7bcfd000 Dwarf ntdll<elf>
\-PE 7bc10000-7bcfd000 \ ntdll
ELF 7c000000-7c004000 Deferred <wine-loader>
ELF 7d379000-7d380000 Deferred libxfixes.so.3
ELF 7d384000-7d3bb000 Deferred uxtheme<elf>
\-PE 7d390000-7d3bb000 \ uxtheme
ELF 7d4f8000-7d522000 Deferred libexpat.so.1
ELF 7d522000-7d56c000 Deferred libfontconfig.so.1
ELF 7d56c000-7d5e5000 Deferred libpcre.so.1
ELF 7d5e5000-7d70c000 Deferred libglib-2.0.so.0
ELF 7d70c000-7d76f000 Deferred libharfbuzz.so.0
ELF 7d76f000-7d7ad000 Deferred libpng16.so.16
ELF 7d7ad000-7d7be000 Deferred libbz2.so.1.0
ELF 7d7be000-7d880000 Deferred libfreetype.so.6
ELF 7d980000-7d993000 Deferred libxi.so.6
ELF 7d993000-7dae2000 Deferred libx11.so.6
ELF 7dae2000-7db73000 Deferred winex11<elf>
\-PE 7daf0000-7db73000 \ winex11
ELF 7db73000-7dbe1000 Deferred libncursesw.so.6
ELF 7dbe3000-7dbee000 Deferred libxcursor.so.1
ELF 7dc1c000-7dd4f000 Deferred oleaut32<elf>
\-PE 7dc30000-7dd4f000 \ oleaut32
ELF 7dd4f000-7de88000 Deferred ole32<elf>
\-PE 7dd70000-7de88000 \ ole32
ELF 7deab000-7deb8000 Deferred libxrandr.so.2
ELF 7deb8000-7dee3000 Deferred libxcb.so.1
ELF 7dee3000-7df63000 Deferred rpcrt4<elf>
\-PE 7def0000-7df63000 \ rpcrt4
ELF 7df63000-7dfa2000 Deferred winspool<elf>
\-PE 7df70000-7dfa2000 \ winspool
ELF 7dfa2000-7e09d000 Deferred comctl32<elf>
\-PE 7dfb0000-7e09d000 \ comctl32
ELF 7e09d000-7e115000 Deferred shlwapi<elf>
\-PE 7e0b0000-7e115000 \ shlwapi
ELF 7e115000-7e3d3000 Deferred shell32<elf>
\-PE 7e120000-7e3d3000 \ shell32
ELF 7e3d3000-7e4be000 Deferred comdlg32<elf>
\-PE 7e3e0000-7e4be000 \ comdlg32
ELF 7e4be000-7e4d2000 Deferred psapi<elf>
\-PE 7e4c0000-7e4d2000 \ psapi
ELF 7e4d2000-7e4e9000 Deferred libz.so.1
ELF 7e4e9000-7e550000 Deferred dbghelp<elf>
\-PE 7e4f0000-7e550000 \ dbghelp
ELF 7e550000-7e763000 Deferred libcrypto.so.1.0.0
ELF 7e763000-7e7d5000 Deferred libssl.so.1.0.0
ELF 7e7d5000-7e7ee000 Deferred libresolv.so.2
ELF 7e7ee000-7e7fe000 Deferred liblber-2.4.so.2
ELF 7e7fe000-7e857000 Deferred libldap_r-2.4.so.2
ELF 7e859000-7e86e000 Deferred libxext.so.6
ELF 7e86e000-7e892000 Deferred imm32<elf>
\-PE 7e870000-7e892000 \ imm32
ELF 7e892000-7e8ed000 Deferred wldap32<elf>
\-PE 7e8a0000-7e8ed000 \ wldap32
ELF 7e8ed000-7ea41000 Deferred user32<elf>
\-PE 7e900000-7ea41000 \ user32
ELF 7ea41000-7eafa000 Deferred winmm<elf>
\-PE 7ea50000-7eafa000 \ winmm
ELF 7eafa000-7ec29000 Deferred gdi32<elf>
\-PE 7eb10000-7ec29000 \ gdi32
ELF 7ec29000-7ecea000 Deferred msvcrt<elf>
\-PE 7ec40000-7ecea000 \ msvcrt
ELF 7ecea000-7ed61000 Deferred advapi32<elf>
\-PE 7ed00000-7ed61000 \ advapi32
ELF 7ed61000-7ed8b000 Deferred iphlpapi<elf>
\-PE 7ed70000-7ed8b000 \ iphlpapi
ELF 7ed8b000-7edc5000 Deferred ws2_32<elf>
\-PE 7ed90000-7edc5000 \ ws2_32
ELF 7ef5d000-7ef70000 Deferred libnss_files.so.2
ELF 7ef70000-7efc5000 Deferred libm.so.6
ELF 7efca000-7efe4000 Deferred version<elf>
\-PE 7efd0000-7efe4000 \ version
ELF 7efe4000-7f000000 Deferred wsock32<elf>
\-PE 7eff0000-7f000000 \ wsock32
PE eaf11000-eaf26000 Deferred api-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1
PE eaf20000-eaf26000 Deferred api-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1C:\windows\system32\api-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1-1.dll
ELF eb7e4000-ed690000 Deferred libnvidia-glcore.so.370.28
ELF ed690000-ed7a5000 Deferred libglx_nvidia.so.0
ELF ed7e0000-ed88d000 Deferred libgldispatch.so.0
ELF ed88d000-ed8ff000 Deferred libgl.so.1
ELF f5a26000-f5a3a000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0<el
PE f5a30000-f5a3a000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0
ELF f5a3a000-f5a5c000 Deferred libglx.so.0
ELF f5a97000-f5ad6000 Deferred d3d9<elf>
\-PE f5aa0000-f5ad6000 \ d3d9
ELF f5ad6000-f5b24000 Deferred dsound<elf>
\-PE f5ae0000-f5b24000 \ dsound
ELF f660a000-f6699000 Deferred libvorbisenc.so.2
ELF f6699000-f66c8000 Deferred libvorbis.so.0
ELF f66c8000-f66d0000 Deferred libogg.so.0
ELF f66d0000-f6756000 Deferred libflac.so.8
ELF f6756000-f676c000 Deferred libgpg-error.so.0
ELF f676c000-f683a000 Deferred libgcrypt.so.20
ELF f683a000-f68c6000 Deferred libsndfile.so.1
ELF f68c6000-f6957000 Deferred libsystemd.so.0
ELF f6957000-f69b3000 Deferred libdbus-1.so.3
ELF f69b3000-f6a41000 Deferred libpulsecommon-9.0.so
ELF f6a41000-f6a9c000 Deferred libpulse.so.0
ELF f6b7e000-f6baa000 Deferred liblzma.so.5
ELF f6baa000-f6bb3000 Deferred librt.so.1
ELF f6bee000-f6c19000 Deferred winepulse<elf>
\-PE f6bf0000-f6c19000 \ winepulse
ELF f6c19000-f6c3c000 Deferred mmdevapi<elf>
\-PE f6c20000-f6c3c000 \ mmdevapi
ELF f6c3c000-f6c58000 Deferred libgcc_s.so.1
ELF f6c58000-f6ca6000 Deferred libjpeg.so.8
ELF f6ca6000-f6cab000 Deferred libnvidia-tls.so.370.28
ELF f6cab000-f6cb7000 Deferred libjson-c.so.2
ELF f6cb7000-f6ce1000 Deferred msacm32<elf>
\-PE f6cc0000-f6ce1000 \ msacm32
ELF f6ce1000-f6d9f000 Deferred windowscodecs<elf>
\-PE f6cf0000-f6d9f000 \ windowscodecs
ELF f7003000-f700a000 Deferred libasyncns.so.0
ELF f700a000-f7011000 Deferred libnss_dns.so.2
ELF f7018000-f70e7000 Deferred crypt32<elf>
\-PE f7020000-f70e7000 \ crypt32
ELF f70e7000-f7129000 Deferred rsaenh<elf>
\-PE f70f0000-f7129000 \ rsaenh
ELF f7129000-f713d000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-2-1<e
PE f7130000-f713d000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-2-1
ELF f713d000-f7276000 Deferred wined3d-csmt<elf>
\-PE f7150000-f7154000 \ wined3d
ELF f7276000-f729f000 Deferred dxgi<elf>
\-PE f7280000-f729f000 \ dxgi
ELF f729f000-f72d7000 Deferred wbemprox<elf>
\-PE f72b0000-f72d7000 \ wbemprox
PE f72d7000-f72ec000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-
PE f72e0000-f72ec000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-C:\windows\system32\api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1.dll
ELF f72ec000-f7300000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1<el
PE f72f0000-f7300000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1
ELF f7300000-f730c000 Deferred libxrender.so.1
ELF f730e000-f7313000 Deferred libdl.so.2
ELF f7319000-f7320000 Deferred libxxf86vm.so.1
ELF f7321000-f7326000 Deferred libcap.so.2
ELF f7326000-f732c000 Deferred libtxc_dxtn.so
ELF f732c000-f7340000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0<elf
PE f7330000-f7340000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0
ELF f7343000-f734a000 Deferred libxdmcp.so.6
ELF f734a000-f734e000 Deferred libxau.so.6
ELF f734e000-f7507000 Dwarf libc.so.6
ELF f7507000-f7524000 Dwarf libpthread.so.0
ELF f7524000-f76f0000 Dwarf libwine.so.1
ELF f76f2000-f7716000 Deferred ld-linux.so.2
ELF f7718000-f7719000 Deferred [vdso].so
process tid prio (all id:s are in hex)
00000008 (D) C:\Program Files (x86)\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile\PathOfExile.exe
00000065 0
00000063 0
0000005b 15
0000005a 0
00000059 0
00000058 0
00000057 0
00000056 0
00000055 0 <==
00000054 0
00000053 0
00000052 0
00000050 0
00000009 0
0000000e services.exe
00000022 0
00000021 0
00000016 0
00000012 0
0000000f 0
00000010 explorer.exe
00000031 0
0000002f 0
0000002e 0
0000002b 0
00000011 0
00000014 winedevice.exe
00000020 0
0000001b 0
0000001a 0
00000015 0
0000001e plugplay.exe
00000024 0
00000023 0
0000001f 0
System information:
Wine build: wine-1.9.18 (Staging)
Platform: i386 (WOW64)
Version: Windows 7
Host system: Linux
Host version: 4.7.2-1-ARCH

Last edited by Blaiz0r#5070 on Sep 10, 2016, 3:58:17 AM

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