State of Exile Podcast Episode 4

New Chris signature! :O

Potential Alt Art Lori's Lantern there? :P
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
I will be there (if I can make it) Earthenlady here by the way ;)

anyways: People watch this podcast! Make sure you tune in. Zeno is a great steamer, give him a follow and if you can afford it, sub him. Become part of the oscar crew!
Looking forward!! :D

zenoSlap ChrisWillson
reflect is killing me here
King of Scrubcore Hah
I like the art for all those rings you have there Chris. What is that last one that you have there at the end?
i wanted to see nugiyen on the podcasts but hes gone back to diablo3
I hope someone took pictures of all the devs and support team having withdrawals and freaking out over no contact with the game. :P I'm sure it was -not- hilarious at the time
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
—Leo Buscaglia

Contact to report issues relating to the game or forum. Thanks!

My beloved pets....
I can confirm the above :P
Kuduku giveth and Kuduku taketh away.

IGN: QueenAtziri
ignarsoll wrote:

I posted first but nothing happened?!?!

It's super effective!
IGN: CyganuHipsterDischarge
Nice! Excited to watch!
IGN Ken__Kaniff

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