Upcoming Elite Armour Skin Microtransaction Set

Looks nice :)
Beta Member Since 0.9.0 | Current Character : ExExCorpse
Creator of Prismatic Rings AND Unique Thief's Torment Prismatic Ring
The Guide to Loot Filters - Here
Very cool looking mtx.

Please fix Midnight fragment drop rate or at least introduce some recipe for worthless vaal gems. Last patch claimed to have buffed their drop rates but I did over 150 60+ areas this weekend and finally just found 1 midnight. It's not fun. Please fix.
Anarchy/Onslaught T shirt
Domination/Nemesis T shirt
Tempest/War Bands T shirt
something about gfx improvements? my gtx 770 lags when playing Dominating Blow characters like no other game currently on a market. i probably could play 4 bf4 on the same screen if that was possible but cannot play one instance of poe without lags, spikes etc (i use ssd and ramdisc for shader cache so I/O impact is as small as possible)

could you please bring your gfx engine into 2014? it is still somewhere in late 2008 when it comes to optimization (not mentioning ati/amd cards..)
GGG -> go revamp that poor inventory instead to do useless things
god so much better nice!!!
IGN: BaiBhai | BhaiBhai | Bhailo

My little tribute to Diablo 1 aka why Diablo 3 is the worst part of the series.


ig: Witchfire_The_Unholy
cool! here's some other cheap quick and easy mtx variations for you guys to consider:

- spirit charms without the spirits (ie: just the piece of paper only). because that makes my character look more like the undead from a chinese movie and less like it's got floating pom poms on each side of the head

- no armour mtx (because i like to see the face of the character for some builds)

- a whole range of coloured portals

- ebony spark (because a screen full of vaal spark white and blue can be very blinding)
But I already bought the ugly one! Curses.
"Danger is like jello, there's always room for more."
Just an uncolourer version of seraph? Siiiigh.

Really want some shield and power siphon MTX though (yeah power siphon might be hard, but I can dream!)
CliveHowlitzer wrote:
But I already bought the ugly one! Curses.

I was about to say, I'd be pretty salty had I bought the original. This new one looks waaaay better.

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