[WIP] PoE's Normal 3D Art - Updated 09/28/15 (Adding Maraketh Weps)

diiiP wrote:
The Two-Handed Swords

01: Corroded Blade

02: Longsword, Butcher Sword, Headmans Sword

03: Bastard Sword, Footman Sword, Reaver Sword

04: Two-Handed Sword, Highland Blade, Ezomyte Blade

05: Etched Greatsword, Engraved Greatsword, Vall Greatsword

06: Ornate Sword, Tiger Sword, Lion Greatsword

07: Spectral Sword, Wraith Sword, Infernal Sword


01: Gnarled Branch

02: Primitive Staff, Woodful Staff, Primordial Staff

03: Long Staff, Quarterstaff, Lathi

04: Iron Staff, Military Staff, Ezomyte Staff

05: Coiled Staff, Serpentine Staff, Maelström Staff

06: Royal Staff, Highborne Staff, Imperial Staff

07: Vile Staff, Foul Staff, Judgement Staff


01: Crude Bow

02: Short Bow, Grove Bow, Thicket Bow

03: Long Bow, Decurve Bow, Citadel Bow

04: Composite Bow, Compound Bow, Ranger Bow

05: Recurve Bow, Sniper Bow, Maraketh Bow

06: Bone Bow, Ivory Bow, Spine Bow

07: Royal Bow, Highborn Bow, Imperial Bow

08: Death Bow, Decimation Bow, Harbinger Bow

And the 2-Hand Axe I forgot

01: Stone Axe

This completes the ingame Screenshots for the 2h Weps section :)

Whoo! Thank you again! I'll get these added in tomorrow :)
Nice thread, go ahead! :-)


boys also have "cups" with this armour? :)

But nice compilation, diiip, your screen seems to be larger than mine...
Architekturkritik, die man tatsächlich sieht!

Farin Urlaub
Next Batch:

One-Handed Axes

01: Rusted Hatched

02: Jade Hatchet, Jasper Axe, Karui Axe

03: Boarding Axe, Tomahawk, Siege Axe

04: Cleaver, Wrist Chopper, Reaver Axe

05: Broad Axe, War Axe, Butcher Axe

06: Arming Axe, Chest Splitter, Vaal Hatchet

07: Decorative Axe, Ceremonial Axe, Royal Axe

08: Spectral Axe, Wraith Axe, Infernal Axe

One-Handed Maces

01: Driftwood Club

02: Tribal Club, Petrified Club, Ancestral Club

03: Spiked Club, Barbed Club, Tenderizer

04: Stone Hammer, Rock Breaker, Gavel

05: War Hammer, Battle Hammer, Legion Hammer

06: Bladed Mace, Flanged Mace, Pernarch

07: Ceremonial Mace, Ornate Mace, Auric Mace

08: Dream Mace, Phantom Mace, Nightmare Mace

One-Handed Swords and Sabres

01: Rusted Sword

02: Copper Sword, Variscite Blade, Gemstone Sword

03: Sabre, Cutlass, Corsair Sword

04: Broad Sword, Baselard, Gladius

05: War Sword, Battle Sword, Legion Sword

06: Ancient Sword, Elder Sword, Vaal Blade

07: Elegant Sword, Graceful Sword, Eternal Sword

08: Dusk Blade, Twilight Blade, Midnight Blade

Wraeklops wrote:


boys also have "cups" with this armour? :)

But nice compilation, diiip, your screen seems to be larger than mine...

I have worked in your submissions now Wraeklops. I thought they were already in the main thread D: Im so sorry about that! Size does not matter with the screenshots, in fact I welcome screens from other classes of the same item. All the classes wear and wield the items differently, so don't feel discouraged about posting more screenshots. :)

Cowboy28 Thanks for visiting and for your message :D

diiiP, again thank you! While the screens are complete for the 2h section, I'm looking for links to the items ingame now. :) Also I will get the 1H submissions in tonight, I have to go to work soon :(

01: Nailed Fist

02: Sharktooth Claw, Tresher Claw, Great White Claw

03: Awl, Gouger, Throat Stabber

04: Cats Paw, Tigers Paw, Hellions Paw

05: Blinder, Gut Ripper, Eye Gouger

06: Timeworn Claw, Prehistoric Claw, Vaal Claw

07: Sparkling Claw, Noble Claw, Imperial Claw

08: Fright Claw, Eagle Claw, Terror Claw


01: Glass Shank

02: Skinning Knife, Flaying Knife, Gutting Knife

03: Carving Knife, Butcher Knife, Slaugher Knife

04: Stiletto, Poignard, Ambusher

05: Boot Knife, Boot Blade, Ezomyte Dagger

06: Copper Kris, Golden Kris, Platinum Kris

07: Skean, Royal Skean, Imperial Skean

08: Imp Dagger, Fiend Dagger, Demon Dagger


01: Driftwood Sceptre

02: Darkwood Sceptre, Grinning Fetish, Karui Sceptre

03: Bronze Sceptre, Sekhem, Tyrants Sekhem

04: Quartz Sceptre, Crystal Sceptre, Opal Sceptre

05: Iron Sceptre, Lead Sceptre, Platinum Sceptre

06: Ochre Sceptre, Blood Sceptre, Carnal Sceptre

07: Ritual Sceptre, Royal Sceptre, Vaal Sceptre

08: Shadow Sceptre, Abyssal Sceptre, Void Sceptre

And lastly the Wands & Rapiers:


01: Driftwood Wand

02: Goats Horn, Fauns Horn, Demons Horn

03: Carved Wand, Engraved Wand, Imbued Wand

04: Quartz Wand, Crystal Wand, Opal Wand

05: Spiraled Wand, Serpent Wand, Tornado Wand

06: Sage Wand, Omen Wand, Prophecy Wand

Rapier (currently only one Model for all Items available)

01: Rusted Spike

02: Whalebone Rapier, Wyrmbone Rapier, Dragonbone Rapier

03: Battered Foil, Burnished Foil, Tempered Foil

04: Basket Rapier, Estoc, Pecoraro

05: Jagged Foil, Serrated Foil, Spiraled Foil

06: Antique Rapier, Primeval Rapier, Vaal Rapier

07: Elegant Foil, Fancy Foil, Jewelled Foil

08: Thorn Rapier, Apex Rapier, Harpy Rapier

And thats it from me :)
I leave the rest to someone else :p
diiiP - You are beyond awesome. Thank you can't begin to express my gratitude towards you. I appreciate all the time and effort you've taken to contribute to this thread. :)
Bump. I've been so busy lately, I have alot of screens to upload and crop still. :)
(Currently only one in-game model for every group available)

Armour Gloves (Strength)

Evasion Gloves (Dexterity)

Energy Shield Gloves (Intelligence)

Armour/Evasion Gloves (Strength/Dexterity)

Armour/Energy Shield Gloves (Strength/Intelligence)

Energy Shield/Evasion Gloves (Dexterity/Intelligence)

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