=|DA|= Dungeon Addicts [Discord Required] [Challenge Hunters] [KALGUUR]
Dungeon Addicts Guild
Recruiting Thread #861877 |
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Main Character Name: MagneST
Levels of your two highest characters: 96 Howa, 93 KB Number of challenges you achieved in the past three leagues: 26 Legacy. Gateway: Paris / Amsterdam Time Zone: CET What is your experience level in PoE? Experienced. Anything else you would like to add? I've mostly played at the very start of PoE, during closed beta and after launch when there weren't any leagues yet. I've recently picked up the game for the Legacy league and having a blast. I'm the kind of person who doesn't play a lot of games, but does a lot of research in the chosen game. Theorycrafting etc. www.nicolaswidart.com
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Dungeon Addicts Guild
Recruiting Thread #861877 |
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Dungeon Addicts Guild
Recruiting Thread #861877 |
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Dungeon Addicts Guild
Recruiting Thread #861877 |
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Dungeon Addicts Guild
Recruiting Thread #861877 |
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Dungeon Addicts Guild
Recruiting Thread #861877 |
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good day
your guild sounds like EXACTALY what I am looking for I am a very active player as of late I play 5-10 hours a day 5-7 days a week I have been lokking for a group of guys to play with and become friends as I play this a lot it is rather boring playing alone and nice to at least be able to chat with ppl and share the cool things that drop or happen I play sc temp only. the only reason I log onto standard is to reclaim effects or theory craft / test a build Main Character Name:main right now is jinx_groundshaker I have been playing him for just over a week he is lv 86 and have completed 12 challenges Levels of your two highest characters: highest is 91 and I think other that still exists is 88 I have had other 90+ but I delete them to reuse the name and as I don't play standard it didn't bother till I started to use them for testing Number of challenges you achieved in the past three leagues: I have not completed challenges in the past three leagues as I had some rl stuff and my computer broke so I was not playing at all I stopped right at the time prof was finishing and am rather upset I did not get my monkey I think I was one challenge away :@ Gateway: us Time Zone: sask Canada ( sounds funny I know ) but we have been given our own time zone as we are one of the only places in north America that does not do daylight savings time I believe it is GMT -6:00 What is your experience level in PoE? (Noob, Experienced, Veteran, POE GOD) I would say experienced to veteran some where in there no one is really a god in my opnion as they keep adding stuff by the time you learn it you need to learn something else Anything else you would like to add? (Optional) Link your current gear or other cool items you have: |
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Dungeon Addicts Guild
Recruiting Thread #861877 |
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Main Character Name:
LowsanityPromise Levels of your two highest characters: 90, 85 Number of challenges you achieved in the past three leagues: 37 (this league) Gateway: BR for solo play or US when doing groups Time Zone: -3GMT Brasilia What is your experience level in PoE? (Noob, Experienced, Veteran, POE GOD) Experienced Anything else you would like to add? Joined: Jan 27, 2013 my account is kinda old, but I have started playing for real in the middle of legacy season after I give up on WoW for my last time ,quit after we killed mythic Krosus,suffering due to having too much baddies in main comp. no drama involved, just figured I couldn't play on the level I wanted while working and studying ( my char for reference: us.battle.net/wow/en/character/azralon/Lowsanity/advanced ) . Before I started working again, I achieved #7 paladin world in artifact power farming and #3 US, also had some US 10-20 kills on heroic/mythic/hardmode (whatever was the difficult called back in the time) and got all brazilian first kills from lich king up to the release of mysts of pandaria. Im finishing university in about a week or two, so i'll have much more time to play and study the game mechanics. Also I didn't knew having more than 1 charater level was something, ill level my Inquisitor to 90, should take about a day. (Optional) Link your current gear or other cool items you have: Last edited by vexbrazil#2360 on Jun 5, 2017, 11:08:49 PM
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