Teaser Screenshot from new Unique Map

Chris wrote:
We'll be posting the schedule for Race Season Seven within the next couple of days. The season starts this coming weekend. Its signature race is an 85 minute fixed-seed race, which is very interesting now that there are Corrupted Secret Areas.

I hope it does not contain shrines!

Acceleration shrines would give an unfair advantage to those who find one.
JAAAAAAY i love unique maps :D the flavour , the exploration , the gathering of the crew for some loots and fun when one of us gets one :D
Sweet. I can't wait to see the new alternate art for the new race season. Can we get a race reward teaser???
SL4Y3R wrote:
Simple fix, lock everyone in the room once the fight starts, just like with bandits

That's right.


GGG you can doit for remaining spots right now?
Mirror of Kalandra?
Last edited by ama#3165 on Mar 25, 2014, 2:48:07 AM
What's the "3" support gem? Am I forgetting something obvious or is that a new support gem? And the fact that it's on a SRS while I'm working on a SRS build has me very excited. Someone tell me why I shouldn't be.

EDIT: It's multistrike, derp I knew i was just forgetting something obvious.
Last edited by Glass_of_milk#1123 on Mar 25, 2014, 2:59:30 AM
Swagtrain wrote:
I bought a Invasion Atziri Kill. Direct all hatred toward my inbox.

Hatred? congrats on a cheaply bought special MTX, tainted and meaningless. Wear it forevermore and you shall be known for your 'deeds' in the past. Eternal love of Wraeclast for you.
Cant wait for someone to go into Havoc's VoDs and make a compilation of all the 20+ people who bought the kill from him so far and send it to Aux so he can he put it into the first reply on tomorrows news, as tomorrows news will certainly contain a list of the 50 people who got the kill in invasion so far.
You should also post how many died trying to kill Atziri.. atleast I did, lol.
Chris wrote:
There have now been 32 players who have received credit for Invasion Atziri kills. We've received a lot of feedback about this competition, with many players feeling that it's unfair for players to trade items for help with the challenge. While this is within the rules of the competition as originally worded, we will try to avoid structuring competitions in this way in the future.


The whole game is designed around trading, skipping challenge, minimising/removing resistance.

From A1N on, the design, the way, the norm, is WP ports, buy OP gear, Boss kill buys and rushes.

The 4 month leagues had 'challenges' that just cried out for the trading of, selling of or sponging of boss kills, locations of exiles, uses of maps in device, etc.

You even topped the 'challenges' off with a fucking shopping list of uniques to be acquired by whatever means.

You actively discourage non-path-of-least-resistant game play throughout all leagues and always have and always will reward and encourage path-of-least-resistant game play.

And you now come out and say 'Oh, maybe this last scenario, Atziri kills, is to be avoided in future, as feedback may suggest'.

Lol, WTF are you gonna do?
Make a solo, self-found, no-trade, no-carry, challenge of some sort? Do I dare say the 'bind' word? All that shit isn't fun, remember!!

Not to mention the realisation and alienation of the shopping, leeching, pretend hardcore target that they are no longer the elite once you remove the lolfest.

The ongoing self contradiction of your game vision is so amusing, Chris.
It was worrying at one point, then quite annoying, now it's just so hilarious to watch unfold.

Casually casual.

Last edited by TheAnuhart#4741 on Mar 25, 2014, 3:49:40 AM
Huh? There are support icons on that vaal skill.

Also, can someone tell me what the supports on the Raging Spirits are, besides multistrike (unless it's incorrect)?

What I think about buying Atziri kills is that players will always find new way to abuse the rules and exploit certain things in the game unfairly. So I don't really blame GGG that it happens. At least they listen to the community and hear people's complaints.

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