First Invasion Atziri kills have occurred!

WoW.... RNG is random in my all char i have never loot one exalt and i have many many hours farm on game.

My best unique is a Dream Fragments on invasion and i dont cry, its a game.

GG for this kill.
Last edited by Yiros#0955 on Mar 24, 2014, 6:34:49 PM
1988288 wrote:
allbusiness wrote:
Rainbowstrides, Aegis, and Soultaker cost way more than 25 exalts even under prices pre-Aztiri kill. Soultaker alone would sell anywhere from 15-20 exalts depending on the buyer and the demand for it. Aegis would cost you 7 or so (probably more since most traders are greedy as hell). Rainbow strides early on were hellah expensive, and BoR is still anywhere from 4-6. Saffel's is another expensive piece of gear that everyone charges a premium on. I didn't even get into the value of his gloves and rings, all which are extremely good pieces of gear. And considering that everyone that actually plays the game knows Havoc (if they are high enough level), they aren't going to be selling Havoc anything without making him pay a premium for it.

You're correct, nothing near 25, but it's maximum around 40, a bit over. Still nowhere near 100, as many claim.

If we take economy inflation and demand into account, yes his gear is worth over 100 exalts, or pretty close to it.
allbusiness wrote:
If we take economy inflation and demand into account, yes his gear is worth over 100 exalts, or pretty close to it.

I'm not talking about current values.

People are accusing HvC of RMTing, because his gear "IS" worth 100 exalts. Anyone with a bit of intellectual integrity would see through this obnoxious fallacy.
"I accept Nujabes as my Savior."
1988288 wrote:
allbusiness wrote:
If we take economy inflation and demand into account, yes his gear is worth over 100 exalts, or pretty close to it.

I'm not talking about current values.

People are accusing HvC of RMTing, because his gear "IS" worth 100 exalts. Anyone with a bit of intellectual integrity would see through this obnoxious fallacy.

Considering HVC's past history and the history of a vast majority of top players, this isn't out of the question. The amount of gear HvC was able to put together in such an incredibly short amount of time is pretty astounding, especially when you consider that there are plenty of other groups that play just as much as him and his group, and yet don't have anywhere close to 40+ exalts worth of gear on ONE character.

I'm not accusing him, I'm merely pointing out that having 40+ exalts worth of gear is enough for me to at least contemplate it, especially that early in the ladder.
Last edited by allbusiness#6050 on Mar 24, 2014, 6:47:11 PM
allbusiness wrote:
I'm not accusing him, I'm merely pointing out that having 40+ exalts worth of gear is enough for me to at least contemplate it, especially that early in the ladder.

Feel free to do that. Just next time don't be so dishonest and don't pull out numbers of thin air.
"I accept Nujabes as my Savior."
1988288 wrote:
allbusiness wrote:
I'm not accusing him, I'm merely pointing out that having 40+ exalts worth of gear is enough for me to at least contemplate it, especially that early in the ladder.

Feel free to do that. Just next time don't be so dishonest and don't pull out numbers of thin air.

It's not dishonest when that's the actual RMT value of his gear currently. Cross Reference the value of his gear with other RMT sites and you'll find that's the actual value. Even you have stated that his gear even under old prices (which he would have never gotten because he's fucking Havoc and everyone knows he's always got shit tons of currency) would have been over 40 exalts, and that's just the uniques alone. Tacking on other things like his rings, his belt, the rare boots, the rare gloves, including various other aspects of his gear, it's pushing towards 100 pretty quick. I mean shit, the gloves with double resist, 80+ life rolls, with 10 IAS this early in the ladder? The ring with triple resist and 70+ life? You gotta be shitting me if it's only 40 exalts for that level of gear.
Last edited by allbusiness#6050 on Mar 24, 2014, 6:58:40 PM
I think they should make it where you have to kill her yourself or something. Getting carried by someone who already done it is ridiculous.
allbusiness wrote:
1988288 wrote:
allbusiness wrote:
I'm not accusing him, I'm merely pointing out that having 40+ exalts worth of gear is enough for me to at least contemplate it, especially that early in the ladder.

Feel free to do that. Just next time don't be so dishonest and don't pull out numbers of thin air.

It's not dishonest when that's the actual RMT value of his gear currently.

As I already said - taking current value as a basis for your argument, when the gear was purchased for prices way lower, won't stand its ground. That is called a fallacy.

I even saw a comment with your name "200 exalts in two weeks", or some sort. And the next one was mentioning 100 to near 200 exalts.
You keep mentioning current value, but that's not what you should be looking at or even mentioning.

Is 40+- exalts something too much for one to acquire in this time-span? I don't think it is.

Uniques are:
Bor 6, aegis 8, st 20, boots 2. That is around 32-35 exalts. Make those 5-15 exalts in rares, gems. Puts up to around 50 exalts. Still nowhere near your 200 exalts, even 100.
"I accept Nujabes as my Savior."
Last edited by 1988288#4403 on Mar 24, 2014, 7:03:38 PM
1988288 wrote:

As I already said - taking current value as a basis for your argument, when the gear was purchased for prices way lower, won't stand its ground. That is called a fallacy.

I even saw a comment with your name "200 exalts in two weeks", or some sort. And the next one was mentioning 100 to near 200 exalts.
You keep mentioning current value, but that's not what you should be looking at or even mentioning.

Is 40+- exalts something too much for one to acquire in this time-span? I don't think it is.

Uniques are:
Bor 6, aegis 8, st 20, boots 2. That is around 32-35 exalts. Make those 5-15 exalts in rares, gems. Puts up to around 50 exalts. Still nowhere near your 200 exalts, even 100.

Still more then 25 that you were talking about. 50+ exalts is really pushing it that early in a ladder, especially for one single character. I don't think anyone is rocking 50+ exalts worth of gear on their character, even those that so happen to be running a 6L Voltaxic Rift probably aren't.
Last edited by allbusiness#6050 on Mar 24, 2014, 7:09:24 PM
ssnodgrass1283 wrote:
I think they should make it where you have to kill her yourself or something. Getting carried by someone who already done it is ridiculous.

That person would just zone in and cull the bosses then or something.

If i truly cared about being first Atziri kill, I'd never have streamed my practices, and I'd have been first.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."

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