Community Contributor Callout and Atziri Competition Update

Looking good!
joe's comics are hilarious.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
fan boy love eh>
IGN getrichquicky
Joe Duncan's comics are really good.
Glad you guys are recognizing other streamers as well since they do bring attention to your game. Keep up the callouts!
Can we get a character RIP list/infographic to Aztiri in invasion and maybe what attack from which mob killed them?
Those comics are great hahaha
Perhaps once I sort out my internet issues and start streaming on a regular basis I can see my name up there :P

It's pretty likely the Invasion Atziri kills will start happening this weekend, if not from me then from another few people (Helman and Morsexier, possibly)
I like the comic but I don't see a joke. Seeding bond templar?
ign sweetumss
I will always do what I can to support this game. Unless you make it suck.

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