San Francisco Fan Meetup and Atziri Kill Progress Update

York wrote:
*SNIP* It is a much more fun, when every item has value, not some items deemed junk.

Another great implementation would be the ear! Upon killing an enemy, an ear drops! or any other trophy with the name of the slain

Last but not least, cut throat can actually be implemented in already existing leagues. Just have an option to select a character that can be invaded and can invade! Have that character have more MF or some other buff for being the cut throat char. maybe some cosmetic effect as well.

The first point here is very important to the economy, as I'm sure GGG knows. One idea is for one out of the next pair of leagues (Likely the softcore league) to introduce degradation of armor and weapons on death, either as a supplement to or replacement for the XP penalty on death. When you die, weapons and armor lose x% of their total pool, and you can expend armourers scraps/blacksmiths whetstones to repair armor or weapons respectively. I don't believe rings/amulets/belts should really be affected by this system. This adds value to scraps and whetstones while helping to declutter inventories of these two currency items. Artisans strongboxes take the sting out of this system. Taking it one step further, items already at a %quality could have a larger repair pool, making it worthwhile to tune up your equipment whenever you find an upgrade.

As for the second point, ears or scalps would be fun and a gritty reminder that you had slain some unfortunate in the name of the blood god. I can see GGG getting creative with recipes from trading scalps with Greust, for temporary microtransactions, or something. It'll be fun.

The last point here is one I've made a few times in the forums now, though adding MF or really any buff would be kind of silly. Being Cutthroat means you kill other players, and they drop loot, their loot. That's really a better reward than simple IIR or IIQ to me. Temporary microtransactions would be great though, bloody footprints after you kill another player, for example.

Rather than writing out the whole idea again, here are the two forum posts.
Bottom of
And bottom of
*You call into the void. You hear a sound in the distance.*
reboticon wrote:
Chris, any chance you could confirm or deny that certain sacrifice pieces can only spawn above item level 60?

yo bro , can deny it for you , found my first piece in cruel.
khemintiri wrote:
reboticon wrote:
Chris, any chance you could confirm or deny that certain sacrifice pieces can only spawn above item level 60?

yo bro , can deny it for you , found my first piece in cruel.

Not what he asked. He asked about CERTAIN pieces, I'm guessing namely sacrifice at midnight. It seems to be the hardes piece to find, and doesn't seem to drop on lower levels at all.
STD ign: Helevaperkale HelevaSCION
Last edited by crevil#1618 on Mar 17, 2014, 7:33:09 AM
We're up to 37 Atziri kills in Ambush and 0 in Invasion so far! It's possible that the Ambush side of the competition (50 kills) will be complete tomorrow.

While I love the concept I must say I'm really disappointed with the RNG gating of the challenge. I have 5 sets of 3 and tons spare after going through several hundred instances and still no nightmare fragment.

This is obviously not to say that I would have killed her in the top 50 nor to take away from the achievement of those who end up being the top 50. I would however liked to have the chance to compete without being stuck behind the bad RNG wall.
In game contact @MajorAsshole

Challenge T-Shirt: 4/6 | Full Challenge Totems: 21/27
Redblade wrote:
We're up to 37 Atziri kills in Ambush and 0 in Invasion so far! It's possible that the Ambush side of the competition (50 kills) will be complete tomorrow.

While I love the concept I must say I'm really disappointed with the RNG gating of the challenge. I have 5 sets of 3 and tons spare after going through several hundred instances and still no nightmare fragment.

This is obviously not to say that I would have killed her in the top 50 nor to take away from the achievement of those who end up being the top 50. I would however liked to have the chance to compete without being stuck behind the bad RNG wall.

You know the sacrifices are tradeable, right? The group of people I play with (4 of us killed it last night) all had to buy the fragments, too.
botibomaus wrote:
Redblade wrote:
We're up to 37 Atziri kills in Ambush and 0 in Invasion so far! It's possible that the Ambush side of the competition (50 kills) will be complete tomorrow.

While I love the concept I must say I'm really disappointed with the RNG gating of the challenge. I have 5 sets of 3 and tons spare after going through several hundred instances and still no nightmare fragment.

This is obviously not to say that I would have killed her in the top 50 nor to take away from the achievement of those who end up being the top 50. I would however liked to have the chance to compete without being stuck behind the bad RNG wall.

You know the sacrifices are tradeable, right? The group of people I play with (4 of us killed it last night) all had to buy the fragments, too.

How is that any different?

If your forced to pay out a few exalts per fragment you're still stuck behind the RNG wall if you don't get any good drops to sell or currency. Personally I had 1 exalt drop in 86 levels for example, that wouldn't even cover one nightmare fragment. This argument is also very solo player unfriendly.

At the end of the day a race to kill a boss should be on equal terms and be judged by execution of the fight it self and not by how lucky you are getting past the arbitrary gating.
In game contact @MajorAsshole

Challenge T-Shirt: 4/6 | Full Challenge Totems: 21/27
Nobody wearing Tabula Rasa, for shame.

Edit: Also, looks like Beau Hindman from Massively was there.
Last edited by CycloneJack#6077 on Mar 17, 2014, 8:48:21 AM
Have read
with peripheral vision. Thought Chris announced long-term plans.
khemintiri wrote:
reboticon wrote:
Chris, any chance you could confirm or deny that certain sacrifice pieces can only spawn above item level 60?

yo bro , can deny it for you , found my first piece in cruel.

As someone else pointed out, I am mainly concerned with midnight piece. There are stories that it can only spawn in i60+ zones, but it is already extremely rare compared to the others. For me Personally it goes about 20dusk=10dawn=2or3 noon= 1 midnight. I've found all but midnight in lower than i60 zones.
Anarchy/Onslaught T shirt
Domination/Nemesis T shirt
Tempest/War Bands T shirt

We're up to 37 Atziri kills in Ambush and 0 in Invasion so far!

That's pretty telling, I think. Invasion is so brutally hard that I would wager that many aren't even going to try it. Normally I wouldn't care about the softcore/hardcore dichotomy, but my rather well-stocked friends list shows players normally dedicated to hardcore abandoning Invasion for Ambush. From what I've seen of the Atziri fight, I can't even fathom trying it in hardcore.

I'd be very interested to know how many people have attempted Atziri in Invasion so far, and i'll be very interested to see if and when anyone actually manages to complete it. Even more interested see someone do it solo.

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