[1.1.0] Crit. Bow Witch (RoA + EB + MoM + Max. Evade)
" Vaal RoA, looks very promising indeed, though I haven't tested it yet. There are other very promising looking Vaal skils out there too. It is still too early for Vaal skills to be included deliberately in builds, but after a while I think they will completely change a lot of builds and how we build them. CI is solid, if you manage to bear with the grind and level up to it. Regarding Ice Shot though: I've had some noticeably bad experiences with that. The freeze only gets better as you progress, well, it doesn't actually get "better", but your ability to freeze becomes more valuable. However, the damage just doesn't seem to scale all that well. |
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Vaal Skills with their big re-use time are there just to make builds more interesting.
Unless they reduce the reuse time they won't matter much. Threadstarter I don't know if you've seen it but this is an EB/MoM crit bow ranger made by a guildmate http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/65154 You can take some ideas from there. As for your build you have gone out of your way to take some mana nodes and haven't taken the Es nodes right at the witch's start.With decent EV/ES gear you'll have more than enough mana to sustain your RoA and your single target since you're going physical also. My witch with only the ES nodes at the witches start and an 500 ES armor on has 1660. With this application here http://fogz.mine.nu:8080/poe_reserved_calc/ we see that with 20% reduced mana reserve nodes and a level 20 reduced mana gem a character will have 531 mana free.So don't go over the top with many mana nodes since you need them for bow passives and to reach at MoM.Don't forget that physical mana leech with a good bow especially can help you sustain your skills and with that mana pool you throw a mid level clarity also for some more mana regen. Try for a 100 points build.111 points is too much and your passives are too widespread so many points past level 80 will be +10 dex nodes. So these are the nodes from witch and shadow area and heading down to the bow passives/acrobatics area. From there I think you either go from the outside highway down to acro and bow crit nodes there and from there to MoM. Something like this Or you go all the way down from the Ranger/Shadow mana reserve nodes into the Ranger Area and take all the phys/crit nodes there.Something like this. I can't really think of something else right now. To crit or not to crit ?
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" Gonna take a look at your suggestions tomorrow, it's 0:44H here =P Just wanted to say something about Vaal Skills: I did a fair bit of big-party play today (minimum of 4 players), and that seemed to drastically speed up the soul intake required for Vaal Skills. At lvl 35 on normal Docks, I was able to spam Vaal Cold Snap on every significant group of enemies (below five or so enemies, it isn't worth it anyway). |
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Hmmm,.. your guild mate's build seems pretty similar to our Witch MoM + Frenzy build. I noticed he did take Nullification to boost both his resistances and mana through ES. That's a great solution, which I'm definitely including. Even though he isn't using RoA, he does have me questioning Point Blank: it's two points, and while the advantage is evident, it has a very significant, very evident drawback too. Especially in teamplay when you'll most likely be second line, range is better than damage.
Overall his Ranger should do more flat bow damage (due to all the bow nodes), but our Witch build should have an edge in mana, AoE, as well as Crits. I'm also adamant in taking the Power Charge as final Bandits rewards, as they become easier to acquire/sustain, the more you have of them and the advantage will be greater. I agree with you that I might have build for some mana overkill, and have subsequently dropped Deep Thoughts and Mana Geyser. I think your 64 points build is dead on and the Acro route is the best (even if we're not taking Acro). Some minor adjustments could be made, like dropping Influence, like your guild mate did, and we'd end up with this: |
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Saved you a point in ranger area.Also you have made a mistake on the witch starting one. You took an ES delay node.Also that 8% mana is better than the 20% mana regen trust me. Overall your build looks fine but it wouldn't hurt to get some more opinions. To crit or not to crit ?
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" All true, thanks again! About trusting you on the 8% mana: I will, but that's truly my only reason for taking that 8% node, as I still can't really see the benefit myself XD I've also linked this in your guild mate's thread hoping some of the replyers there might take a look at this. That said though, I really doubt whether there is anything left to do on the passives tree, and I will probably start a character using it this weekend or so. |
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" Hi there! Just out of curiosity, why did you pick the ES CD recovery nodes in the early beginning when you are going for EB later on? I've just gotten back into the game so I don't know all the mechanics, just interested about the thought process behind it. EDIT: My bad I didn't read the entire thread. Cheers! Last edited by MakeSpace#6243 on Mar 21, 2014, 6:49:14 AM
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tbh I like this build idea .
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgMBVysHY-aBEVC71jvh4venK20ZLR9Ms1AwwfOio3_GwcUsv4auFdfXhlZj7BjDbRGWcLsnqdkTL2-do_yrDkinNOOEY0Py4cLsRwZfarTFKwrBANsaEHv1S746iGu29xEvmZrrY6XLDPIFtbEwhs6Nv-sUzepRRzMMGdX_3jB8b_I51KCffyt315UFIXYx-nb3yqk-z73m-WMV8OdUJP3VAOHboaT-yMSiu-P-un11037vevajr6cs6RUgKk0_J0rIbqq18qlubEZybDIJKjiLesBRcNVwUvPq3BWn1HRBpMLdDVuvTioppQQHl5VSUz1f Last edited by placemaker#6134 on Mar 21, 2014, 8:40:03 AM
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" It can be done, but for one BEWARE: it will be an absolute !@#$%^&* to level. Secondly, especially as you're sacrificing some Crit. nodes to reach VP, your damage is not going to be consistent. Crit. archers are not really doing any damage when they're not Critting. That usually isn't that much of a problem, but it is when you rely on your damage for survivability. With VP, Life/ES leech is istant, meaning you won't "heal" when you're not doing damage. This is where it can get tricky. If you still got a blank Witch on Standard after the 1.1.0, preferably with high ES gear still in her inventory (e.g. from an old caster setup), sure give it a shot. It worked, more or less (build was a bit different and not for RoA), for Baker, but that was prior to 1.1.0. VP has changed significantly, and like I said before, the ability to now heal from flasks is wasted on CI'ers. I personally dare not guarantee succes. If you do give it a try, I'd advice against Iron Reflexes. Yes, you can convert a lot of Evasion into Armor, but why do so? You have relatively high Dex. and low Str., no other source of armor, and potentially high raw Evasion that can just be used as,.. Evasion. Finally, don't plan your build for the full 120 points. That 120 point mark is hard to reach, and it also makes it difficult to pla your build effectively at lower levels. May I suggest something like this: Notice that I've also dropped Influence in favour of Charisma. " Yeah, I simply missclicked XD The most recent tree is the correct one. It does include pure ES Increase nodes, as they will count towards mana with EB, even double so, but the CD Recovery nodes have been dropped. |
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seems fine.. I might try your version.
but my question is .. does this build will have enough 'power' to kill . u know crits are fine but critical with low power is.. low cirtical xd also I like evasion but with acrobatics and spell dodge [ and I want CI ^^ ] |
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