Failed Creating the Direct3D device (D3D)

When I started my game after trying this fix it just showed a black window, the music and rain sounds were playing, so I'd call that a partial success. At least my eyes aren't bleeding.
there is a dxsetup.exe inside path of exile installed folder
....:\Program Files\Grinding Gear Games\Path of Exile\Redist
run dxsetup.exe
Hey i had this problem and none of the ideas in here worked for me.

But through debugging the crash in visual studio i found out that what was causing the crash for me was the GeDoSatO application.

So if you're running that take path of exile of the white list.
Stewart_GGG wrote:
It's great to hear this is working for people! If you need further help feel free to email

Doesnt seem to work for me:

I deleted that file and I'm still having the pathofexile.exe stopped working while loading the game.
It worked for me after having initially had to force reboot my computer which caused Path of Exile to not start up anymore. I think my PC just needed a restart after that failed reboot. But maybe the rest also helped.

- Game window did not show up
- Everything black when alt-tabbed to
- Music and rain playing
- Ctrl+Alt+Def, then Cancel showed "Failed Creating the Direct3D Device"

What I did:
- Deleted Production_Config.ini in "<MyDocuments>\MyGames\Path of Exile\"
- Tested, didn't work, but sound and window size were reset to default
- Executed dxsetup.exe in "<Gamefolder>\Redist\"
- Tested, didn't work
- Restarted computer because duh
- Worked

My advice to everybody is to restart the computer before seeing into fixing any issues. It sounds so basic but it is always something I forget about as I keep my rig running forever, only sending it to standby.
I know, I'm a necromancer for replying to this post, but I had the same error and this still works!
Thanks guys ^^

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