Server Issues
" You obviously know nothing about consumer good will. Cashing in on D2's name for a big lump sum at launch was not worth the damage D3 did to Blizzard's name. It turned a LOT of people from "preorder all Blizz games" to "wait a month, and if user reviews are amazing, then buy it". Long term, I believe it will cost them more than they gained due to loss of future customers. That is where the fial comes in. |
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" The sales where great. The game was bad. When a game is bad it effects future sales which is fail. |
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If the lack of civil posting continues, this will be locked. And yes, that includes accusing people of being 13 years old.
Technically you have to be 16+ to legally play this game, as a sidenote. FATE: Reawakened is exactly the sort of rng-driven dungeon crawling arpg I have missed. Surprisingly prescient with its roguelite features.
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" Maybe. But Blizzard will regret the circumstance that they destroyed their good reputation. They will regret it. The day will be there, in the future, and i grant it them Neurotypicals are the worst thing this planet ever experienced.
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OP, your a f***ing idiot. Stop, trying to act like your intelligent or something... Proof read your posts before you try using big words that you don't understand... Not going to argue with you, but ffs blizzard has been an epic fail far before d3 came out. And to complain about servers upon an open beta release? Well, that's beyond me.
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" Ohh, you are the greatest, I admire you!!! Srsly, repeat your stupid "a few hundred thousand" shit more often, it doesnt become more true nevertheless.. If expense of servers would be too big, this game wouldnt even have been developed because it wouldnt pay off..and more players = more servers, easy as that. Your logic implies that you shouldnt even be clever enough to make posts here, strange...oh wait Neurotypicals are the worst thing this planet ever experienced.
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LOL, your logic makes 0 sense. DO you not understand the words open beta? It's their first week and your complaining about servers... When d3 came out you couldn't even log on for over 24 hours because the servers were packed and the problems persisted for a week after. AND THAT WAS BLIZZARD. If you don't know the devs back story why even complain. Think economically, the start of open beta serves the purpose to gauge how many people are going to play the game. Once they have that figured out the'll get however many servers they'll require to accommodate the amount of players... Why start off with 100 servers when you only need 50? I'm sure if people are interested in the game they'll understand and simply wait a few days for things to get better. Your just the lifeless loser who has nothing better to do then to bitch about a game and complain with random people on how an open beta game is having server issues. Your an idiot.
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" Yes Sir. I admire your incredible poorness and your great judgement about other ppl. This board is done, it seems, atm ppl like you occur. Good to know at least. Neurotypicals are the worst thing this planet ever experienced.
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It seems that the down syndrome in you my friend is very strong. I'm sure people read through your shit and prob didn't even bother responding since your so ignorant and stupid. Your complaints are completely invalid. Your just to closed minded to realize. Yeah back away, you know you've lost.
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" I never asked for praise, I suggest you take some time off of this forum. You're acting ignorant. No need to try and raise anger from fellow posters. You haven't earned that right. United States Army Corps of Engineers
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